Looking for babysitter for 3-4 hours a day.
Tanyard area for 2 years old boy
Contact 089 959 4540 or 087 694 0583
Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
Looking for babysitter for 3-4 hours a day.
Tanyard area for 2 years old boy
Contact 089 959 4540 or 087 694 0583
The Carriganima St Patricks Day Parade is back after its absence since it last took place back in 2019,this year it will take place on Friday March 18th,Kick Off for the Parade is 3pm followed by Music in the Pub By the Diamond Sisters from 4pm to 6pm,as usual all Local Groups Clubs Schools etc are very Welcome to join us for a bit of Fun,for Details give Sean a Ring on 087 2600640,EverybodyWelcome.