Comedian Jon Kenny brings his hilarious show “Back for a Laugh” to the Glen Theatre, Banteer on this Saturday night (March 26). A show not to be missed, pre booking is advisable at 029-56239
Day: March 22, 2022
Eily’s Report – 22nd March
Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a chairde and welcome to my report.
They say that the most difficult thing for an artist is to know when to stop. It must be a wonderful gift to be able to get some brushes and paints and a piece of canvas and transfer what is in your mind’s eye and your brain on to it. To put on the all-over basic colour and then begin to fill in the rest, I imagine, all the time having a mental image of something beautiful and satisfying at the end. The End, yes the point where the brush is put down and that’s it. I’m reliably told by those who know that where to stop is the crunch. Just one more dab to perhaps make another tree here or there or a stone peeping up in a lake could turn the end result into something akin to a Rembrandt or an item for the bin.