Tractor Run for Air Ambulance Service in Ballinagree Today Sunday April 24th

Ballinagree Vintage Club are Organising a Tractor Run for the Aer Ambulance Service on Today Sunday April 24th,Registration at The Laine Bar from 12.30pm with Take Off at 1.30pm,All very Welcome.

Hugely Successful Fundraising Car Wash in aid of Ukraine

Sincere congratulations to the members  of Millstreet Fire Brigade Service for organising a hugely successful fundraising Car Wash this Saturday, 23rd April 2022 in the Grounds of Millstreet Fire Station in Station Road.  Working tirelessly with only a few short breaks the members began at noon and were meant to have finished by 3pm but such was the demand that they were still there in wonderfully cheerful spirits at 4.30pm!  Our cars never got such superb attention as you will witness in our selection of some 24 images below.   It was, of course, in aid of our Friends in Ukraine and the generosity shown by the many motorists who joined the long queue was truly heartwarming.   Great also to note former members returning to further assist on this most impressive and inspiring example of very real true community spirit.  And a special thanks to the three young Volunteers whose help was greatly appreciated.   Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Hugely Successful Fundraising Car Wash in aid of Ukraine”