Day: May 11, 2022
Looking for a House to Rent
Myself and my partner are looking for a house to rent anywhere between Millstreet and Lissarda area no hap required.
Please contact 085 727 3665
Looking for a house in Milstreet, Kanturk or Macroom
Looking for a house in Milstreet, Kanturk or Macroom. I’m a single mom of two and am I’m badly in need of a house for my kids I have a hap 950 month. So please if there and thing at all I really would appreciate it. Contact 085 735 4794
Looking for a childminder
Looking for a childminder for 3 children. 1 to 2 days per week drop off to school and collect, meals etc.
Own car essential.
Non smoker only.
Contact 087 9984763
Congratulations to Colin Healy

Millstreet Pitch & Putt Club Membership 2022
Millstreet Pitch & Putt Club
2022 Membership fees unchanged
Family €20
Adult €15
Juvenile (under 18) €10
Senior Citizen €10
Please pay subscriptions to the Club AIB Bank Account
IBAN: IE77 AIBK 9361 5421 723266
After paying please TEXT 086 8790777 with your NAME and amount of SUBSCRIPTION paid. Otherwise Club will have no record of your membership.