Tonight (14th June 2022) on “Radio Treasures” will be transmitted from 9.10 to 11.10pm preceded by “Jimmy Reidy & Friends” at 8pm. We shall, of course, feature lots of cheerful songs and some splendid music. And we shall share lots of interesting musings. We shall remember some wonderful people who went to their Eternal Reward in recent times. And we shall chat about the featured images below sourced from the Pictorial Archives of Millstreet Museum. Tap on the images to enlarge. If you wish to make contact with our Tuesday Radio Show please message us on the Seán Radley Facebook page, email us on millstreetmuseum, text or WhatsApp us on 086 825 0074. Special features in tonight’s programme include:
- At 9.45pm we remember the late Seán Donnellan whose perfect soothing voice was heard on radio for decades bringing joy and comfort to so many.
- At 10pm we listen to some of the superb traditional music recently recorded at Feis Laitiarain in Cullen. Happy listening! (S.R.)
Next week we shall be featuring a special Interview recently recorded with our Friends at Millstreet Polytunnel in Main Street.
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