“Radio Treasures” from 9.10 to 11.30pm on CMS Tonight

On this Tuesday – 29th Nov.. 2022 – preceded by “Jimmy Reidy & Friends” with a wonderful programme with focus on a splendid  Show featuring Friends from Cork’s Farranree at 8pm (the repeat of which one may hear after the Maureen Henry Show on Sunday night just after 10.30pm) we invite you to also tune into “Radio Treasures” this Tuesday from 9.10 to 11.30pm on Cork Music Station.    Feel very welcome to contact the live programme by emailing corkmusicstation @gmail.com or texting 086 825 0074 – One may also WhatsApp that number.   Tonight’s programme includes lots of uplifting songs, music, musings and requests….and lots of great Interviews.   We chat about the images below.   Tap on the pictures to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Stefan Healy during our Interview at the Wallis Arms Hotel on 12th Aug. 2022. The special Interview will be broadcast at 10pm on “Radio Treasures” tonight (29th Nov.)

Stefan who is attending the prestigious RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts) in London is scheduled to play the role of Duke Orsino in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” at RADA’s Jerwood Vanbrugh Theatre from 1st Dec. to 7th Dec. 2022. See the following link for details: https://www.rada.ac.uk/whats-on/twelfth-night-2022/
Official Launch of “Sliabh Luachra Journal No. 20” at Gneeveguilla on Friday night last. The excellent Journal is now available in numerous Book Shops.

Preparing Millstreet’s Christmas Lights during this week. The official turning on takes place at 6pm on this Sunday, 4th Dec. 2022.

[read more …] ““Radio Treasures” from 9.10 to 11.30pm on CMS Tonight”

Eddie Tucker – Acknowledgment and First Anniversary


Acknowledgment and First AnniversaryEddie Tucker, Whitegate & Ballydaly

Who died on December 2nd, 2021

As we fondly remember our brother Eddie on his first anniversary, we and all family members wish to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to us during our sad loss.

The many Mass Cards received and the many condolence messages on R.I.P., those who travelled long distances to attend his funeral, and those who gathered outside Millstreet Church to say goodbye.

Our sincere thank you to the following:

Dr. Derek Power (Consultant Oncologist) and his oncology team at the Mercy Hospital, Cork;  All staff at Lee Clinic where Eddie received his chemotherapy treatment;  Dr. Mulcahy (G.P.) and staff at Harbours Brink Medical Centre, Lower Aghada, Midleton;  All staff at Aghada Pharmacy;  Public Health Nurses, Dieticians, Physiotherapists, palliative care team and home helps;  Doctors and nurses at Marymount Hospice, who cared for Eddie during his final days;  Fr. Danny Murphy (Parish Priest Aghada) who visited and administered Holy Communion to Eddie in his own home;  Irish Cancer Society Volunteer Drivers who took Eddie to his chemotherapy treatments. A special mention to Pat O’Regan;  To his very special friends in Whitegate who truly cared for him during his cancer journey – Anne Sweeney, Tony Cotter, Martin Murray, Yvonne (home help) and Caroline Colbert and all his many neighbours and friends in Whitegate, Millstreet, Ballydaly and surrounding areas.

Special thanks to Canon Jack Fitzgerald for his beautiful funeral Mass and for his touching words of comfort, and to assisting Priests;  to Sharon Lane for her guidance and support, also to sacristan Julie Brady;  to Jerry Doody and organist, Edel Fraser, who together and so movingly sang and played Eddie’s chosen hymns;  to Davy Tarrant and Cora for their kindness, sensitivity and professionalism with funeral arrangements;  to the staff of Wallis Arms Hotel for serving refreshments following his funeral.

The gates of memory will never close

We miss you more than anyone knows

With tender love and deep regret

We who love you will never forget.

Anniversary Mass for Eddie will take place at

Ballydaly Church on Sunday 4th December at 9.30a.m..

Eily’s Report – 29th November

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to my weekly Report.

The month of November is on the way out and again we ask ourselves where did it go?  How did it go so fast?  If I asked Tade and Mary Lane the same question, they would say the same thing I’m sure about the sixty happy years that they’ve been married. God spared them to provide a home and bring up a wonderful family and pass on to them the wonderful cultures such as songs and lore that was handed down to themselves. Starting off by buying a humble cottage on the mountain road leading to Gneeves Bog and turning it into a birds- nest-like dwelling where they grew their food and kept hens, ducks etc. In time there was room in the acre to build a beautiful home for one of their two sons, for him and his wife to take on the same contract in life as his parents. How things have changed for the better for the people who lived in what used to be very remote areas. Where modern windfarms have brought wonderful prosperity to those who have turbines built on the boggy planes. Motor cars and other modern methods in time turned Tade and Mary’s remote beginnings into a thing of beauty and a joy for them for as long as they need. What a lesson their story would be for young people starting off today. To achieve so much from humble beginnings by adding on  according as they could afford to. They brought new life back into a little deserted place. I have always admired their progress and now it gives us all great joy to see them celebrating sixty years of a great life together. Well done Tade and Mary. We wish you many more years of wedded bliss.

[read more …] “Eily’s Report – 29th November”

IRD are collecting information for a Walking App

IRD are currently in the process of collecting information for a Walking App for the Duhallow Area that will be going live in early 2023. At the moment they are looking to gather a log of any points of interest within the area; these can be scenic viewpoints, wells, monuments, walks, standing stones etc., basically anything that may be of interest to locals and/or visitors.

If anyone has any points of interest in their area that they think should be promoted, please pop them into a word document and send it back to me by Wednesday December 14th.

When filling out the form please make sure that each point of interest has a location, and you can give as much information as you like – there is an example of the document required if you email me for it. If anyone would prefer to talk to Alannah over the phone you can call her on 029 60633.