Third Sunday in Advent
11th December 2022
Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.
Telephone Nos.: Landline: 029 70043 & Mobile: 087 775 2948
Email: millstreet
All Masses are livestreamed on
Parish Opening Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
9.00am to 1.00pm & 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Your prayers are requested for the repose of the Souls of the following:
RECENT DEATHS: Sheila Forde-Brennan, Cullen & Birmingham
Mass Intentions this Weekend:
Saturday 10th December:
Millstreet 6.15p.m. Eileen Healy, Claraghatlea (recently deceased); Tom Cronin, Coolinarne; Nora O’Keeffe, Ducon Road.
Sunday 11th December:
Cullen 9.30a.m. Jerry O’Leary, Mologhroe; Noel Lehane, Two Gneeves; Deceased members of the O’Connell Family, Lissaniska; The deceased members of the Cremin Family, Coalpits; William & Mary Casey, Glounthanemore & their sons Michael, Denis & Tade.
Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Tom Barrett, Killowen (1st Anniversary).
ANNIVERSARIES: Con, Hannah & John Buckley, Church Street & Mushera; Daniel O’Connell, West End; Nora Murphy, Killarney Road; Margaret & Denis Kelleher, Claraghatlea; Maurice Fitzgerald, Cloghoula; Tim Keane, Coolikerane; Ned, Catherine, Kitty & Sr. Joseph Cremin, Coalpits; William Buckley, Lislehane; Timothy, Mary & the deceased members of the Lynch Family, Lislehane; Angela & John Cronin, Willowbrook; Brian O’Dea, Carrigaline & London; Mary O’Riordan, Donoughmore & Banteer.
Mass Intentions for NEXT WEEKEND:
Saturday 17th December:
Millstreet 6.15p.m. Denis & Mary O’Connor, Dromsicane; John Kelleher, Station Road & his father John; Julia Murphy, Gortavehy.
Sunday 18th December:
Ballydaly 9.30a.m. Eddie Murphy, Ballydaly; Frank Brosnan, Rathduane, his sister Julia Mary O’Sullivan & the deceased members of the Brosnan Family.
Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Donie Casey, Cloghoula; Con O’Sullivan, Claramore; John B “Shamrock” Murphy, West End & the deceased members of the Murphy & Burke families.
MILLSTREET ALTAR SOCIETY for 18th & 25th December: Group F
Rotas for Next Weekend 17th/18th December |
Millstreet |
6.15 p.m. |
Liam Flynn |
M. Dennehy; M. Coleman; M. O’Keeffe; A. O’Sullivan. |
11.30 a.m. |
Jerry Doody |
M. McSweeney; R. Murphy; J. Buckley; J. Doody. |
Ballydaly |
9.30 a.m. |
Josephine Murphy |
Marcella Moynihan |
Millstreet Church: Mass times this week, unless there is a funeral.
Mass on Monday (12th) for Con & Hannah Buckley, Mushera & Church Street & their son John at 10.00a.m.
Mass on Tuesday (13th) for People of the Parish at 10.00a.m.
Mass on Wednesday (14th) for Cáit, Maura, Sheila & Noreen Sheehan at 10.00a.m.
Thursday 15th: Carol Service presented by the Boys’ National School, Millstreet at 10.00a.m. All welcome. (Please note there will be no Mass on Thursday)
Mass on Friday (16th) for Eileen, Jason & John Heelan, Cullen; Connie & Noel Hartnett, Millstreet at 7.30p.m.
Mass on Saturday (17th) for Celia Dineen, Mill Road (recently deceased) at 10.30a.m. [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 11th December 2022”