Millstreet Meals on Wheels service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Magnificent “Tranquility Garden” Developed at the Boeing by the River Blackwater

A truly magnificent “Tranquility Garden” has been very creatively developed at the Boeing by the River Blackwater in the Dooneen/Dromsicane area.   Remarkable work has been carried out over the past several weeks by four supremely dedicated Volunteers assisted by willing helpers also.   Sincere congratulations to Mary and Ted Collins, Dooneen and to Francis and Frank O’Riordan, Dromsicane on completing such an inspiring Haven of Peacea  very beautiful Tranquility Garden – in memory of the late Eileen O’Riordan with the dedicated seat and tree in view of her always welcoming family home where she shared such great happiness, generosity and kindest to one and all.  Here we share a selection of images – many of which have been very kindly shared by Mary Collins – showing its gradual development over recent weeks.  Large amount of Visitors have been calling to view the development especially during this splendid weather.  Tap on the pictures to enlarge.  (S.R.)

The original setting at the Boeing in advance of any of the recent developments.
The recent development almost completed.

Mary & Ted Collins dedicated enormous time and expertise at the highly praiseworthy Project.
Frank and Francis O’Riordan planting the very special Memory Tree in memory of Eileen. Both the O’Riordan Family and the Collins Family have worked tirelessly to bring the glorious Project to reality which will have such fruitful benefits for all now and always.

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