Social Dance Classes starting in Aubane Community Centre on tomorrow Thursday October 5th

There are Social Dance Classes starting in Aubane Community Centre from tomorrow Thursday October 5th  7pm to 9pm, Cost is €7.

For more details contact Dan on 087 9891771

Church Local Television Reception Now Restored

We thank Parish Secretary, Sharon Lane for letting us know that the important Church Local Television Reception is now restored following the recent loss of signal for about a fortnight.   While most people now receive transmission of Millstreet Church Services by means of the internet online livestreaming system available on phone, laptop, iPad and computer – quite a number of people lucky enough to be able to receive the Local Television signal prefer to view Church Services by this method which was initially set up by the Presentation Sisters and through the expertise of Johnny Hickey and his dedicated Team.  When first established it was quite rare for a Church to have access to not only an audio reception but also television transmission which was capable of being received not only within the town of Millstreet but also quite a distance into the town’s hinterland.   Long may both transmissions (Local Television and Online Streaming) continue to provide such a hugely appreciated all-important service for everyone.  (S.R.)

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. celebrating Saturday Vigil Mass at St. Patrick’s Church on 27th Feb. 2021 – during the then current COVID-19 Lockdown era.   It was then that transmission of Church Services were especially important.  Note the long aerial at the rear of the Church for the broadcast of the Church’s Local Television Service.