“Radio Treasures” Tonight 9.15pm to 11.30pm Features Michael Collins Homestead in West Cork

On this Tuesday – 9th July 2024 … preceded by “Jimmy Reidy & Friends” with a wonderful programme (no. 104) from the splendid Archival Series where the focus is on Bunmahon, Co. Waterford  at 8pm (the repeat of which one may hear on Sunday night at 10pm) we invite you to also tune into “Radio Treasures” this Tuesday from 9.15 to 11.30pm on Cork Music StationPlease note that our CMS Website is now back  in operation but there are also other ways to listen to CMS by using the “Radio Garden” App, by the “Tune In” App or by Alexa.    At 10.00pm we meet  Michael Fehily and Tim Foley at Kilmichael for Part Three of our West Cork Series which, this week, includes a visit to the original Home of Michael Collins.   Feel very welcome to contact the live programme by emailing corkmusicstation @gmail.com or texting 086 825 0074 – One may also WhatsApp that number.   Tap on the image below to enlarge.

Michael Fehily and Tim Foley at the Homestead of Michael Collins. Our Interview is at 10pm tonight with both Michael Fehily and Tim Foley during which Tim sings a wonderfully moving song in tribute to the great Michael Collins.

Eily’s Report – 9th July

Dia is Mhuire dióbh go léir a cairde and welcome to my Report.

The morning fog turned our day into a fairyland of mystique and wonder  until the sun came out and starting with the lowlands, the riverbanks and the marches it continued to climb until it’s veil was melted all away slowly off the high trees and hills till all is clear again.  It gives me an air of peace and calm even the sound of morning thunder of the passing traffic seems to be lowered by it, as the sun comes shining through.  Alright for me perhaps to glory in it but it can’t be easy for those who have to tolerate the limited view as they make their way to work. Still it’s worth passing comment on it, the weather be it good or bad is always interesting. But even more so this week as we approach St. Swithin’s Day July 15. It was a date that was feared in olden times when man and horse-power was the only means of saving the crops. Because if it rained on that day it would continue to rain for the next forty days.  People prayed earnestly that the curse of St. Swithin wouldn’t strike. The story goes that away back in history the said Saint asked not to be buried within the grounds of the church/Cathedral like all those who went before him. He asked to be interred outside the walls with the ordinary people but with the passage of time his followers thought that because of his great fame that he should be in with the elite, so they exhumed his remains with the intention is bringing them inside but the day and days rained and rained making it impossible for them to continue. The task was repeated again many years later but to the same effect. I got this nice story on this week’s Ireland’s own and thought some would like to know the story of St. Swithin. Not may I add that the power of modern machinery can ensure the saving of our harvests today, we still need the help of God to grow our crops just like we always have. Already the first fruits are ready to be picked. I saw a huge bowl of lush red gooseberries from one bush this week. If you don’t want the birds to steal all you currents and gooseberries, be sure and cover them well with some netting.  There is nothing as sweet as the first jar of the new seasons gooseberry jam and judging by the blossoms on the briers, this will be a bumper year for blackberries. So start gathering those jars from now.

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