Bumbleance and Jack on “Radio Treasures” Tonight

Preceded by Jimmy Reidy’s Archival Show No. 105 with the focus on Rathmore featuring among many others the voices of Michael Linehan of Scartaglin and that of the late Jackie “The Farmer” O’Sullivan of Ballagh near Killarney on Cork Music Station at 8pm on this Tuesday, 16th July 2024…..“Radio Treasures” (from 9.15pm to 11.30pm) features a truly special Interview at 10pm with the wonderful parents of Jack Duggan, Tralee for whom the excellent Bumbleance Service has meant so much in providing such superb child-friendly transport for inspiring Jack as he travels on a frequent basis from Tralee to Dublin and back for his specialised medical treatment.   We also get to chat at 9.30pm with the splendidly talented Singer Effie Neill from Ardgroom with Danny Tobin joining in on our Interview.   All this and so much more on tonight’s very special Show.   Feel most welcome to contact us on 086 – 825 0074 or by emailing corkmusicstation @gmail.com .  Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Residents at Millstreet Community Hospital preparing to truly support Cork Hurlers in this weekend’s All-Ireland Final. We thank Maureen Murphy, Clinical Nurse Manager 2 for the splendid photo.
Pictured at Ó Riada’s in Ballymacgelligott, Co. Kerry….from left: Luke Hurley, Joe & Michelle Duggan with Jack from Tralee, William Fitzgerald and Bernard Crowley.
Interviewing Joe and Michelle….At 10pm tonight the very special conversation will be broadcast.

William Fitzgerald, Danny Tobin and Richie Walsh truly supporting the recent Bumbleance Run.
We chat with Effie Neill (in centre) at 9.30pm tonight.

[read more …] “Bumbleance and Jack on “Radio Treasures” Tonight”

Eily’s Report – 16th July

Dia is Mhuire dióbh go léir a cairde and welcome to my Report.

I’m writing this on July 15th  St. Swithins Day and it’s raining. What did I tell you last week as if you didn’t know already that if it rains on the fifteenth of July, it will rain for the next 40 days. I’ve seen it happen many times over the years but have no memory of ever being washed away because of it. We don’t all agree about the weather. I needn’t tell you we’d all love to get up every morning to brilliant sunshine and carefree warm days but alas without the precious rain we can have nothing. Even as recent as  last week a farmer told me that they were feeding this year’s silage to the cattle because the pastures were picked clean, for want of rain and what a blessing not having to water the flowers every day. So be grateful.

[read more …] “Eily’s Report – 16th July”