Millstreet Pitch & Putt Club

Competitions for beginners, juveniles and adults on next Monday night, 22nd July 2024 at 7 pm
Only fully paid up members will be eligible to play.
Can the holders of perpetual trophies return them please.

2024 Membership

Family €25
Adult €20
Juvenile (under 18) €15
Senior Citizen €15
Please pay subscriptions to the Club AIB Bank Account 
IBAN: IE77 AIBK 9361 5421 723266

After paying please TEXT  086 8790777 with your NAME and amount of SUBSCRIPTION paid. Otherwise Club will have no record of your membership.

Fundraising Table Quiz

Our names are Úna Buckley and Rafaela Tavares and we are flying to South Africa to volunteer in conjunction with a local charity called United Through Sport. During our time there we will be teaching English and a variety of sports to students in disadvantaged areas of Port Elizabeth.
Our aim while we are there is to make a difference to the lives of the students we get the priceless to work with. As well as giving them out time we also want to bring a variety of items with us such as pencils, chalk, copies, sports equipment, art supplies and board board games.
To help us achieve this we are hosting a fundraising table quiz in Corkery’s Bar on the 27th of July at 7:30pm. There will be spot prizes and lots of fun had on the night so we would love your support.