Cúl Camp, Cricket Team and Jack from Boston on “Radio Treasures” Tonight

Preceded by Jimmy Reidy’s Archival Show No. 109 with the focus on Mourneabbey  on Cork Music Station at 8pm on this Tuesday, 6th August 2024…..“Radio Treasures” (from 9.15pm to 11.30pm) features a truly special Interview at 10pm with Jack Kelleher from Bostom.  We also get to chat at 9.45pm with members of a Cricket Team from South India who play in Millstreet Town Park at weekends.   At 9.30pm a special request from Kieran Walsh for his parents in Cork – Kieran was the Coach Supreme of the recent very successful Cúl Camp at Millstreet Town Park.  All this and so much more on tonight’s very special Show.   Feel most welcome to contact us on 086 – 825 0074 or by emailing corkmusicstation @gmail.com .  Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Cricket Team from South India practising at Millstreet Town Park.

Very successful Cúl Camp 2024.

Coach Supreme, Kieran Walsh from Cork with his parents, Michael & Breeda.
Brendan Murphy, Drishane Road, Millstreet with Sam Maguire Cup in 1973.
Bill Kelleher of Boston at Millstreet Museum.
Three of the Cork Stars at Cúl Camp 2024 – Tommy, Darragh and Cian.

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Eily’s Report – 6th August

Dia is Mhuire dióbh go léir a cairde and welcome to my Report.

Oh where tell me where have my golden finches gone. I never had so many little birds coming to feed on my peanut feeder but not a trace of the beautiful golden finches. I have the green ones and the blue ones and the brown ones and the yellow ones, but no trace of the affor mentioned. Their multi-coloured bodies topped off with a bright red splash on the head always stood out among the others. As I said another time I did see one in the garden but not at the feeder where I could enjoy it’s beauty.

I’m fortunate to have a very novel stand this year for feeding the birds. It’s a high rise wire stand on wheels which was rescued from the recycling unit. In perfect condition painted green, like something discarded from a shop. The various stages up along forms the perfect waiting areas for those who are awaiting their turn and while they wait not ten feet from my window it’s the perfect opportunity for me to study each one at close range. The ones that can’t cling on are kept busy picking up the bits that the others let fall. I notice that the young robins are beginning to get their red breasts. And the mothers feeding their young who are as big as themselves is comical to watch. While the poor old crows look on without a hope. But then they get the household waste.

The Green Glens was a blaze of light and colour for the three day equestrian event which started  on Friday.  Entries came from at home and abroad and numbers were high as usual. Competitions went on in various arenas ending with the Grand Final which was held in the Main Arena, late on Sunday  evening.  The venue was a picture of colour and brightly coloured plants and flowers and a monster TV screen which conveyed the details to all parts. It all came to an exciting end the Grand Final with prize money of  €30.000 which  was won by an American lady who is here learning the business as an  equestrian student with Cian O’Connor. The organisers thanked  the Duggan Family for accommodating them for this prestigious event and were full of praise for it all.

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