Features on “Radio Treasures” Tonight Include Open Day & Charleville Recording Part Two

Preceded by  Jimmy Reidy’s Archival Show  No. 114 from Rathmore on Cork Music Station at 8pm on this Tuesday, 3rd Sept. 2024…..“Radio Treasures” (from 9.15pm to 11.30pm) features at 9.30pm we feature Part Two of our Charleville Recordings  with splendid music, chat and songs.   At 10.15pm we meet Marie Twomey and Cora O’Donnell at the recent Open Day at Cork College of FET in Main Street, Millstreet. All this and so much more on tonight’s very special Show.   Feel most welcome to contact us on 086 – 825 0074 or by emailing corkmusicstation @gmail.com .  Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Finance Minister, Jack Chambers (centre) recently visits Millstreet’s Open Day at Cork College of FET.
Cora O’Donnell during our Interview at Open Day.
John Barrett, Tullig pictured in 1984 having won the Tadhg Kennelly Trophy at Millstreet Pitch and Putt Club.
Very successful HOPE Spinathon at The Square, Millstreet on Saturday.
Autumn 2024 in Millstreet Town Park.

[read more …] “Features on “Radio Treasures” Tonight Include Open Day & Charleville Recording Part Two”

Millstreet Library – Summer Stars Draw

Millstreet Library is delighted to announce the winners of the Summer Stars 2024 draw. Congratulations to all our lucky participants. You can collect your prize at the library.

I would also like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who took part and made this year’s event a great success. Your enthusiasm and dedication made all the difference, and we are already looking forward to next summer.

Don’t forget to stop by the library to celebrate your reading achievements and collect your reading certificates.

See you soon at the library!


Eily’s Report – 10th September

Dia is Mhuire dióbh go léir a cairde and welcome to my Report.

September is moving along beautifully, giving us lots of sunshine and  some of the loveliest hours of tranquil pleasant moments if you were lucky enough to capture them. The fruits of the Earth continue to mature and ripen.  Every day there are offers of juicy plums, damsons, and wild crabs . Soft fruits which have to be nipped at the right time before they over ripen and fall of the branch.  The same goes for the hazel nuts. How we loved to climb the precarious limbs to retrieve them. When we had teeth of our own, it was no bother for us to crack the hard shells  with our teeth to get out the little treasure within. Rose hips are ablaze of colour just now as their greenish yellow fruits are fast turning to a rosy red. We have often heard of Rose Hip syrup but never made any.  There was really no need to venture into the world of such high class preserves when our world was full of blackberries and strawberries, rhubarb  and a whole range of  items  which gave us enough of jars of   jam  to see us right through the winter.

[read more …] “Eily’s Report – 10th September”