“Radio Treasures” Tonight Includes Interview with Stefan

Preceded by  Jimmy Reidy’s Archival Show No. 127 relating to Cloghroe near Cork on Cork Music Station at 8pm on this Tuesday, 19th Nov.  2024…..“Radio Treasures” (from 9.15pm to 11.30pm) features at 10.00pm  a special Interview with Stefan Brennan-Healy on exciting news in his very impressive Theatrical Career.   All this and so much more on tonight’s very special Show.   Feel most welcome to contact us on 086 – 825 0074 or by emailing corkmusicstation @gmail.com .  Tap on the images above to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Justice Minister Helen McEntee has a coffee break at Colemans during her recent visit pictured here with Mary Coleman, Cllr. Michael Creed and Cllr. John Paul O’Shea.


Actor Supreme Stefan Brennan-Healy with the historical axehead found near Tubrid Holy Well.

Ryan addressing the capacity audience at last Saturday’s very successful Los Zarcos Victory Social in Killarney.

[read more …] ““Radio Treasures” Tonight Includes Interview with Stefan”

Eily’s Report – 19th November

Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a cáirde and welcome to my report.

Being prepared either in mind or body for the rapid changes in our weather isn’t easy. For the past week or so we’ve been wallowing in the mildest stretch of fine weather in a long, long time and then wham, we are told that snow is on the way. The fine snap was indeed a welcome gift from Mother Nature. It was great that we were able to go outside and enjoy the wonders of Autumn all around us.  Also it was great to see cattle out grazing on rich grassy paddocks which were dry a bare a couple of months ago and farmers having to feed them with their precious winter feed. This welcome handout will help to stretch their supplies much further.

[read more …] “Eily’s Report – 19th November”

St Vincent de Paul Annual Appeal



The annual Church door collection for St. Vincent De Paul will take place at all Masses on 7th & 8th December.  We are most grateful for your continued generosity.

The services of SVP are available to any person or family who are genuinely finding the rising cost of living difficult.

It might just be a once off bill that you need help with, a utility bill, a weekly food shop or the approach of Christmas.  Our services are completely confidential and offer a wide range of assistance and each person or family are helped in a discreet manner.

So if you need, or know of any person or family, who could do with a helping hand please do not hesitate to contact us on (087) 9597900 or email eileenos58 @gmail.com.

Everyone needs a little help and SVP are here to help.



Final Notice on Renewal of Aubane Community Alert Text Alert Service Annual Subscription due by next Friday November 22nd

Final Notice here of a Reminder from Aubane Community Alert Group that if you would like to Renew /Join up for the 2024/2025 Text Alert Service that the closing date for Applications is next Friday Nov 22nd.

Renewal Fee is €10.

As has been the Case in the past couple of years the Group won’t be calling to Homes for renewal of Membership for 2024/2025 so instead you can put the €10 fee into an Envelope with your Name and Mobile Phone Number on it and place in the Post Box next to Noreen Kelleher’s House at Aubane Cross.

Any Queries Contact
Bernard Crowley (087) 7924406, or any Member of the Aubane Community Alert Committee.

Many Thanks.

Irish Pilgrimage Trust Lourdes Easter 2025

Ally Moynihan and Evie O’Leary

Two 5th year students from Millstreet Community School will be participating
in the Irish Pilgrimage Trust young people’s pilgrimage to Lourdes during their
Easter holidays 2025. Ally Moynihan and Evie O’Leary will be acting as student
helpers and travelling to Lourdes with Group 126. Millstreet students have
been travelling with this group since 2011.
As was the case in the past, the aim is to cover accommodation and travel
costs for the two students (€750/person) with all extra funds being passed
onto Group 126. Each group is meant to raise the funds to cover the costs of
all the young people with special needs who travel with them to Lourdes.
The girls are now beginning their fundraising but the main events will be held
in the new year. A table quiz in Corkery’s Bar, Millstreet on Friday 31st January
2025 and a ‘pre-Lent’ bake sale in Millstreet Parish Centre after Masses over
the weekend of 1st and 2nd of March.
Your support for these fundraising efforts would be greatly appreciated.(We thank John Magee, Chaplain MCS for this feature.  Tap on the image to enlarge.)

Splendid Comedy by Glen Theatre Drama Group on 23rd & 24th Nov. as well as 1st & 8th Dec. 2024

Are you all looking for a laugh this winter? We certainly hope so.
The Glen Theatre Drama Group has a comedy for you beginning Saturday November 23rd and running Nov 24th, Dec 1st, and Dec 8th.
Written by Ballydesmond writer, the late Seán Buckley, ‘Roger’s Final Farewell’ follows the Johnson household with matriarch Aggie and her two daughters; Hazel and Purdly. They are mourning the recent death of household patriarch Roger. However, his drinking and gambling debts are revealed, throwing the home into disarray. A collection of strange characters in and out of the house, including a confused Irish War of Independence veteran Grandfather, with a ‘strong patriotic devotion to Ireland’, only adds to the hilarious chaos.
To book tickets, phone 029 56239.   (We thank Tadhg Curtin for this feature.)
Tap on the Poster to enlarge. (S.R.)