This magnificent Documentary “One Night in Millstreet” also includes film footage from the 1993 Documentary “Memories of Millstreet” plus further local film clips. Happy viewing!

Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
As we approach the beginning of 2025 , on behalf of the entire Millstreet Website Team, may I express sincere thanks to all those who have remained loyal to visiting our local website on a very regular basis and who have extended much appreciated positive comments regarding its value and its interest to many, especially to the numerous Millstreet people living abroad. Because this long established local website is an entirely voluntary service, our wish for the New Year is that this spirit of spontaneous volunteering will continue and will even further develop. Every Blessing and Joy throughout a wonderfully Healthy and Bright 2025. We share a selection of images reflecting recent local events. Tap on the images to enlarge. (Seán Radley on behalf of All the Millstreet Website Team).
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