Classes in Millstreet FET January 2025

Marie Twomey can be contacted on 086 7707301 or email marie.twomey for registration and queries. The tutors will help the learners with the FETCH numbers (Course numbers) that are on the poster also. Tap on the Poster to enlarge. (S.R.)

Loyal Supporters Witness a Wonderful UL Win

We thank Mag O’Connor for very kindly sharing a superb selection of images from the successful conclusion of the Sigerson Cup match at UL at which Darragh Cashman was the wonderfully dedicated UL Captain.   Tap on the pictures to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Success for Darragh’s UL Team.
Two Sporting Heroes – Darragh and Tommy !

Happy success for father and son !

John, Darragh, Mag and Tommy celebrate wonderfully successful outcome.

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