Acknowledgement & First Anniversary

Aidan Mc Caul
Minor Row, Millstreet, Co. Cork
originally of Corrinshigo, Co. Cavan
who passed away on March 17th 2024.
On the occasion of Aidan’s First Anniversary, we his family, would like to express our gratitude to everyone for their support and kindness on the passing of our dear father, grandfather, father in-law, uncle, granduncle, neighbour and friend. We wish to thank all those who offered messages of condolences, sent Mass cards, perpetual enrolments, floral tributes, messages, online tributes and donations to the Irish Kidney Association.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who cared for Aidan, including the late Dr. Pat Casey and his wife Nora, their son Dr. Michael, Dr. Mark Henderson, and all the team at Tullig Medical Centre. Our thanks also go to the staff at Mallow General Hospital and Mater Private, Cork. A special thanks to Frank, Mairéad, and all the staff at Reen’s Pharmacy in Millstreet for their constant support. We also appreciate the care provided by the staff at Home Instead and Araglen House during his brief stay with them. Finally, our sincere thanks to the exceptional doctors, nurses, and staff at the Bons Secours Hospital in Cork for their unwavering care and kindness to Aidan over the years.
We would like to thank Canon John Fitzgerald for celebrating Aidan’s funeral Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, to Sharon Lane and Julie Brady for their assistance. To Siobhán Forde for the lovely music. Sincere thanks to Davy, Declan & Cora, and all at Tarrant’s Undertakers for their kindness and professionalism.
To Aidan’s kind neighbours and friends, everyone who called to the funeral home, attended Mass, stood outside the church, along the street and in St. Mary’s cemetery to bid Aidan a final farewell.
To the staff of the Wallis Arms Hotel, thank you.
To everyone who travelled to share in the celebration of Aidan’s life, in particular his beloved Mc Caul relations, his nieces and nephews and their families who travelled from all parts of the country.
Aidan deeply appreciated the support of his loyal customers and suppliers. He truly enjoyed his lifelong work in the hardware business and valued the connections he made with everyone who visited the shop.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere thanks and gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered up for your intentions.
Aidan’s First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet on St. Patrick’s Day, Monday 17th March, 2025, at 11.30am.
This Mass will be livestreamed on