Camogie season is about to start!

*Camogie season is about to start!*
Its 1 week to the 31/03/2025 which is the last day before there is a delay in registration processing for this year’s camogie season.
We take new members all year round as long as girls have reached their 6th birthday 😊however after the 31st it takes 48hrs for your registration to be processed, just keep this in mind for training and matches as you cannot play/train until registration is processed. Bring on another great season of camogie 💪
Registration is through the below link. Please select appropriate option for your child’s age. If you already have a foireann account through previous GAA registration simply use this and add Millstreet camogie club. If you are new to foireann just follow the steps to make a new account.

Millstreet Recycling Centre Closed today Monday March 24th

Following Notice listed below is taken from the Cork County Council Facebook Page.

Please be advised that due to operational reasons Millstreet Civic Amenity Site will be closed on Monday 24th March.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Navigating Perimenopause

I’m very excited to announce that Noami and I are teaming up as ‘Womankind Wellbeing’ to put on a 4 week in-person perimenopause course. 🎉 The course will take place over 4 Wednesday evenings and will provide a safe and welcoming space for ladies to explore perimenopause together. 💗

Noami will be focusing each week on a different area of the perimenopause journey and offering nutritional, herbal and lifestyle techniques to aid a smooth transition. She will be answering questions and providing menus and factsheets to take away.

I will take you through specially designed yoga classes each week, focusing on the body systems that can support perimenopause and beyond. I will work to each individual skill level and provide a handout after each session so you can practice poses at home.

Plus there will be a women’s circle where ladies can share their stories and build relationships with tea and healthy nibbles. ☕

We’ve limited places available so please make sure to book early to secure your place.

Email 📧 yogalecheile
Contact Denise on 086 890 1234 to secure your place.