Lattie Murphy, Clarabeg & Cullen – Acknowledgement & First Anniversary


Lattie Murphy (née Walsh)

Claragbeg, Millstreet, Co. Cork / Cullen, Co. Cork

Date of Death 10 – 11 – 2021

On this the First Anniversary of Lattie’s death.

We the family wish to thank all those who sympathised with us, our extended family, our neighbours and friends. All those who attended the Removal, Mass and Burial,those who travelled distances, and those who tuned in to the Mass on line. 

We thank those who sent Mass and Sympathy cards,  letters and Floral tributes. Those who left messages of Sympathy on RIP.

We thank Fr. John Fitzgerald P.P. for celebrating her funeral Mass a celebration of her life. Thanks to all who participated, and did readings,  music, and singing 

We thank the parish Sacristan Julie Brady and parish secretary Sharon Lane for all their help. 

We thank all those helped us care for Lattie at home.  Dr Norton,  Millstreet Medical Centre. Public  Health Nurses, and all her Carers.

Thanks to Davy Tarrant undertakers and Cora O’Riordan for their professionalism, help and kindness at this trying time.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this Acknowledgement as a token  of our appreciation. 

The Holy Sacrifice of Mass has been offered  for  your intentions.

May Lattie Rest in Peace.

Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on Friday 11 – 11- 2022 at 7.30pm  in St. Patrick’s Church,  Millstreet. 

Johnny Hickey-Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

        Johnny Hickey-Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

                                                                                Cullen, Mallow, Co. Cork

                                                                   First Anniversary on 4th October 2022

On this the first anniversary of Johnny’s passing, we his family wish to acknowledge and thank most sincerely all those who helped and supported us during this difficult time.  

We would like to thank those who cared for Johnny both at home and while in Mallow General Hospital.  We would like to thank Joan O’Donoghue who cared for Johnny for many years and in particular over the last few years as his health declined.  

We would like to thank the doctors and staff at Tullig Medical Centre Millstreet, Dr. Bertie Daly Newmarket, and Reen’s Pharmacy Millstreet, for their help and support throughout Johnny’s illness.

We would like to thank those who attended his funeral and who watched it online, those who sent Mass cards, flowers, posted condolences on and who supported us in any way.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all involved in Johnny’s funeral Mass. A special thank you to Canon John Fitzgerald who celebrated Johnny’s funeral Mass, Sharon Lane for organising the prayers and Mass booklets, Joan O Donoghue for organising the church, Tarrant’s Funeral Directors for their kindness and professionalism, Pat Cronin and Sheila McSweeney for the lovely music and singing, and Cullen GAA for organising the traffic.  

We would also like to thank our relatives, neighbours, extended family, and friends for their support and help over the last year.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement of our sincere appreciation for your kindness and thoughtfulness.

The Holy Sacrifice of Mass has been offered for your intentions.   

Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you were loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.

Johnny’s Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, 16th October 2022 in Cullen Church at 9.30 a.m.  

Nellie Kelleher, Murphy’s Tce, Millstreet – Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

 Nellie Kelleher

25 Murphy’s Tce., Millstreet, Co. Cork

Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

              Died September 21st 2021

On the First Anniversary of Nellie’s death, we her daughters and family wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us on our loss. We are grateful to everyone who attended the Funeral, to those that travelled a long distance to be with us and all who sent Mass cards and who posted condolences on We offer thanks to Fr Fitzgerald and all  involved in the funeral Service. Thanks to Tarrant’s Funeral Directors for their professionalism.  A special thank you to all our relatives, friends and neighbours for their support and generosity. We thank sincerely the Carers who looked after Nellie when she was at home and the Matron and Staff of Teach Altra where she spent her final years. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions. Nellie’s Anniversary Mass will be celebrated in Millstreet Church on Saturday 24rd September 2022 at 6.15pm.

           Always Remembered, Loved, Missed.

Con O’Leary, Carriganima – Acknowledgement & First Anniversary

Con O’ Leary, Carriganima, Macroom, Co. Cork

who died on 23rd August 2021 

Acknowledgement & First Anniversary

As we lovingly remember Con on his first anniversary, his wife Peggy, son Anthony, daughter Marie, sister Sheila and extended O’Leary family would like to express their sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised with us on the sad passing of our dear father, husband, grandfather, brother and friend.  We would like to thank our kind neighbours and friends, everyone who called and everyone that dropped food to our house during the funeral.  We thank all the staff in CUH, especially all the staff in Level 5 Intensive Care Unit for the care they gave Dad in his final few weeks, Dr. Shane Hurley and all the staff at Muskerry Family Practice, Fr. Joe Rohan, Fr. Jack Fitzgerald and Fr. Francis Manning for the lovely funeral Mass and for all their help and support throughout the funeral.  We thank Jerry Doody and everyone who did readings and prayers at Dad’s funeral, to Fr. Jack Fitzgerald and Sharon Lane for all there help with the Mass leaflet and funeral Mass, to Davy Tarrant and all at Tarrant Funeral Services for all their kind help and professionalism.   Thank you to all Dad’s work colleagues in Cork County Council.

It is difficult to express our gratitude in such a brief note but to everyone who supported us at the time of Dad’s passing and for the many months after we thank you most sincerely.

Angela Ring – Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

Angela RingCullen, Kanturk and Canon O’Donovan Centre, Millstreet
Acknowledgement and First Anniversary
As we lovingly remember Angela on her first anniversary, we her family would like to express our sincere gratitude to those who supported us with our sad loss. Thank you to Angela’s wonderful friends and neighbours for their kindness down through the years. Thank you to all who attended the funeral and watched it online, to all who sent mass cards and posted condolences on We express our sincere gratitude to all involved in Angela’s funeral: Fr. John Fitzgerald for Angela’s Mass and prayers, Jerry Doody for singing, Tarrant’s Funeral Directors, Garda Kevin O’ Dwyer for his escort on Angela’s final journey and Cullen GAA for arranging a guard of honour.  A special word of thank you to: Dr. Michael Casey, Reens Pharmacy Millstreet, staff at Canon O’Donovan Centre and nurses from Millstreet Health Centre for their help and care over the last few years. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions.
Angela’s First Anniversary Mass will take place in Cullen Church on Sunday 10th July @10.15a.m.

Kathleen Crowley – Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

Kathleen Crowley, Drishanebeg, Millstreet, Co. Cork

Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

Died 10th June, 2021

As our family lovingly remembers Kathleen, on her First Anniversary, we would like to thank and acknowledge all who sympathised with us on our sad loss.

Many thanks to all who sent Mass cards, placed condolences on RIP, sent letters, flowers, phoned us and to her many friends and neighbours who lined the road to bid Kathleen a final farewell.  Sincere thanks to Canon John Fitzgerald who visited Kathleen at her home during her final days to pray with her.  These calls were of great comfort to our mother and the family.

To Canon John Fitzgerald and Fr. Teddy Linehan who celebrated Kathleen’s Funeral Mass. To Sharon Lane and Julie Brady who assisted with arrangements.  To Mary Forde and Conor Linehan for the lovely music which helped us in make it a special occasion.  To our funeral director Davy Tarrant, Cora and staff for their kindness and professionalism.  We thank Dr. Michael Casey, Mrs. Nora Casey and all the staff at Tullig Medical Centre for the wonderful medical care they gave to Kathleen.  To the public health nurse Elaine Reardon, the night care nurse Margaret Kelleher and Marymount who cared for our mother in her final days.  We sincerely thank our friends and neighbours for their support.

Please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude to all.  The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions.

Anniversary Mass for Kathleen will take place on Sunday, June 12th at 11.30am in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.