Matthew James Healy – Acknowledgement & First Anniversary

In loving memory of Matthew James Healy, whose First Anniversary occurs on 9th of February 2025.
Deeply loved, sadly missed and always remembered by his heartbroken Dad, James, his grandfather, aunt, uncles, cousins and extended family, neighbours and friends.

As we lovingly remember Matthew at this time, we would like to sincerely thank everyone who sympathized with us, attended the funeral, sent Mass cards, posted on, our neighbours, friends and to all who travelled long distances to be with us to share in our grief. We would also like to especially mention the hundreds of condolences received from those who are unknown to us personally, both nationally and internationally; this outpouring of support was heartwarming at such a difficult time.

A heartfelt thank you to the community in Waterford who held vigils in Matthew’s name and to Faithlegg National School, where Matthew was a pupil, for their support.

We are deeply indebted to all the emergency personnel, first responders, Gardaí and staff at University Hospital Waterford who worked tirelessly to try and save Matthew’s life.

We are profoundly thankful to Davy, Declan & Cora, and all at Tarrant’s Undertakers, for their professionalism, personal touch and the support they gave us in the depths of grief.

A sincere word of thanks to Fr. Christy, who concelebrated Matthew’s funeral mass with Fr. Liam Power from Waterford, with the support from staff in Watergrasshill Parish and the choir; your support and guidance to help us through this difficult time has been very much appreciated.

A sincere thank you to the owners and staff at The Island Crematorium Ringaskiddy, who went above and beyond to make it a most special goodbye to our little man.

We would also like to thank the media, who covered Matthew’s death in a most respectful and empathetic way and for allowing us the space to grieve our little man as privately as possible.

We are deeply indebted to the community of Watergrasshill; the support shown to us during Matthew’s funeral and since, has been the greatest display of humanity from a community; it is heartwarming to witness. From everyone who helped out in the house, controlled traffic and parking, provided food, and organised elements of the funeral, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we could not have managed without you.

As we cannot thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our gratitude.  The Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Matthew’s Anniversary Mass will take place on Sunday, 9th February at 11:30 a.m. in Church of the Immaculate Conception, Watergrasshill, Eircode T56H320.

May he Rest in Peace

Tommy Tucker – Acknowledgment & First Anniversary


Acknowledgment & First Anniversary

Who died on 29th August, 2023.

As we fondly remember our bother Tommy on his first anniversary, we and all members of his family wish to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to us during our sad loss, for the many Mass Cards received and the many condolence message on R.I.P., those who travelled long distances and all who gathered outside Millstreet Church to say goodbye to their special friend.

Our sincere thank you to the following: Dr. Michael Casey, Dr. Mark Henderson and all staff at Tullig Medical Centre; all staff at Millstreet Community Hospital; all staff at St. Joseph’s Day Care Centre Rathmore, where Tommy spent many happy times, with lots of memories before he was admitted for full time care at Araglen House Nursing Home, Boherbue.  Thank you to all staff who cared for him during his final days at Araglen, the staff at Mallow Hospital, and Cork University Hospital, Reen’s Chemist, Millstreet, Ann Maire Sheehan (Mallow Hospital); Public health nurses Áine O’Riordan, Sheila Herlihy and Elaine Reardon; home-helps Mary O’Neill and Marie Murphy. To Tommy’s special friends near and far who showed their love and respect for him and their words of comfort to our family and to all our kind neighbours who supported us during Tommy’s illness and his funeral.

Sincere gratitude to all involved in Tommy’s funeral.  A special thank you to Canon John Fitzgerald P.P., who celebrated Tommy’s funeral Mass, and to the following assisting Priests: Monsignor Dan Riordan, Fr. Séamus Kennelly, Fr. Paddy O’Byrne, Fr. Seán and Deacon Thady O’Connor. To Sharon Lane for her constant support and for organising prayers; sacristan Julie Brady for her guidance and support; Jerry Doody and organist Edel Fraser; to Davy Tarrant, Cora, Declan and Martina for their sensitive advice and support; to the staff of the Wallis Arms Hotel for serving refreshments following Tommy’s funeral.

The holy sacrifice of Mass has been offered for your intentions.

Gone from us that smiling face,

the cheerful pleasant ways.

The heart that won so many friends

in bygone happy days.

Tommy’s First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated in

Ballydaly Church on Sunday 1st September at 9.30a.m.

Kathleen Healy, Tullig Cross, Millstreet – Acknowledgment and First Anniversary

Acknowledgment and First AnniversaryKathleen Healy, Tullig Cross, Millstreet

19 June 2023

As we lovingly remember Kathleen on her First Anniversary, her daughter Miriam, son Liam and extended family wish to thank our relatives, friends and neighbours who have supported us on our sad loss. We would also like to thank all those who attended the removal and funeral and those who sent Mass cards. We would like to express our gratitude to all involved in Kathleens funeral, Canon John Fitzgerald, Sharon Lane, Julie Brady and Jerry Doody.

A special word of thanks to Tarrant’s Funeral Directors for their kindness and professionalism.

A special thank you to all the doctors, nurses and staff of the Bon Secours Hospital who treated and cared for Kathleen over the years with remarkable kindness and professionalism.

To all at Tullig Medical Centre especially Nora, Dr Michael and the late Dr Pat, we wish to express our deepest gratitude to you for all you have done throughout the years caring for Kathleen with compassion and dedication.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgment as our sincere appreciation.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Kathleens First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated at Patrick’s Church, Millstreet on Saturday  17th June at 6.15pm.