Heartfelt and sincere congratulations to the wonderful Dan Duggan, West End, Millstreet on his 90th Birthday on the longest day of the year – 21st June 2023. Dan has contributed so superbly to Millstreet over the past nine decades especially in his magnificent craftsmanship and creativity (pictured below) at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Happy Birthday Julia from the Herlihys and all the Staff on this very special occasion.
Enjoy your day
And here we see Julia enjoying her 106th Birthday today in Killarney. We thank Herlihy’s Centra of Mallow and Millstreet for sharing this magnificent image on their Facebook Page. Thanks also to Denis Hickey for alerting us to this outstanding feature by Herlihy’s Centra and the excellent image. Tap on the picture to enlarge. (S.R.)
JACK Hedigan recently celebrated his 100th birthday in Clonakilty and former AIB colleagues gathered in the branch in Clonakilty to mark this great milestone event. A native of Churchtown in North Cork, Jack began his banking career with the Munster & Leinster Bank (AIB Bank) in Millstreet in May 1939, where he remained for nine years. He moved in 1948 to the Munster & Leinster head office in South Mall, Cork, before returning to branch banking in 1949 when he worked for short periods in … [read the full article on the Southern Star]
On Saturday evening, 3rd November 2018 in the presence of her three brothers and sister, her six children, her seventeen grandchildren and her twelve great-grandchildren as well as her many relations and friends – the wonderful Lally Healy of Pound Hill, Millstreet celebrated her 90th Birthday in the beautiful setting of the Wallis Arms Hotel. The most enjoyable occasion was video recorded by Lally’s brother, Brendan (Murphy). Great credit is due to the dedicated organisers of the very special event. They arranged a supremely impressive setting with a special booklet, historic family photographs, excellent musical entertainment provided by John White and Michael Murphy and deciding on a delicious meal menu. One of the many highlights of the occasion was the recitation of a brilliant poem about Lally’s inspirational life by Marie Healy. Marie had composed this truly great poem. When Lally was asked what was her secret living into her 90s she replied: “Hard work and keep your mind busy”. And one of Lally’s favourite past times is knitting which she approaches with uplifting creativity and generously gifts many completed items to CUMH. Sincere congratulations to 90 years young Lally as she begins her very active life into her 90s. Here we share some twenty images from the magnificent event. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
In our current Millstreet Pictorial News we share scenes regarding the important visit of Millstreet Fire Brigade for fire drill at Presentation N.S. (on Wednesday, 17th Oct.); Halloween is celebrated at “Cinnamon”; we hear about a splendid fundraising Fashion Show in Rathmore; we view further images of the wonderful colours of Autumn; we continue our pictures on the hugely successful Toy Show on Sunday (14th Oct.) in Dromtariffe where we picture Noel Dempsey from Cork with his amazing display of famous buildings made entirely of matchsticks while we also view a most impressive model of the GPO and we witness a truly magnificent international 50th Birthday event at Millstreet G.A.A. Community Hall on Sunday…Special thanks to Thomas Duggan for the loan of tables for the superbly colourful event coordinated by Ini and Friends. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Millstreet Active Retired at the Parish Centre celebrated esteemed Member, Joan Wall on her wonderful 90th Birthday following their Annual Mass on 17th Sept. 2018. Lots more images to follow. Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)
Tessie Kelleher, Cullen, celebrated her hundred years young birthday last night at the Sandpit House Pub Dromtariffe at the Irish Trad Night with her family and friends where she comes without fail too once a month! Although Tessie’s birthday isn’t until this coming Friday, she will be waiting for the cheque from the president of Ireland! She still ran rings around us all and enjoyed the music, dancing, cake, finger food and laughter in her honour! There is another party planned for Saturday in Cullen for family, Have an amazing time Tess! Your an inspiration to us All!! – article thanks to Tom
This Sunday July 1st Millstreet Vintage Club are organising a Run for the Ford Escorts 50th Birthday over some Circuit of Ireland Rally Stages Celebrating the First ever Rally Win for The Ford Escort on the 1968 Circuit of Ireland Rally, open to all makes of Classic and Vintage Cars,great Route laid on,Sign on at the Wallis Arms Hotel from 10am and leaving Millstreet Town at 12 Noon. Contact Donie Lucey on 086 8545873 for more details.
At a recent superb celebration at the Wallis Arms Hotel, Millstreet – Family and Friends joined Elizabeth Murphy (centre) of Drishane Road, Millstreet for her special Birthday event. We extend our heartfelt sincere good wishes to Elizabeth. Click on the splendid photo – kindly supplied by the Family – to enlarge. (S.R.)
We were delighted to record three wonderful Birthday Celebrations at Millstreet Day Care Centre today. Coordinator Mary Feeley introduced us to Julia Murphy who is celebrating her 104th Birthday and who sang for us all a beautiful rendition of “My Donegal Shore” without even having to use glasses when referring to the words of the song! Joining Julia was Kathleen Moynihan and Peg Tarrant. A very Happy Birthday to all three splendid ladies. Adding to the occasion there was a superb musical presentation by pupils from Presentation N.S., Millstreet. A cheque of €500.00 was also presented to the Centre by the Pupils and Teacher Nora Murphy as the result of a recent Bake Cake Sale at the School. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Birthday Celebrations at Millstreet Day Care Centre on Wednesday”
We were privileged to be present on Sat. 7th April 2018 for the superbly organized Surprise Birthday Party at the Wallis Arms Hotel, Millstreet of Leo Murphy of Boherbue and formerly of Pound Hill, Millstreet. Leo was accompanied by his wife, Eileen and was joined by his sister Mary (who presented one of her exquisite paintings to Leo), brothers Brendan and Christopher. Leo’s sister, Lal, had another family celebratory occasion on the very same evening. Leo’s children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren created a wonderful atmosphere and were present when Leo blew out the candles of his 80th Birthday Cake. Musician Joe Guerin added greatly to the occasion when the dance floor was constantly full with talented dancers. We also get to meet the youngest child present at the Birthday Party. Photographer Noreen Fitzgerald captured some splendid family groups before the meal. Here we share some 9 images which we recorded at the most enjoyable occasion. Click on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Leo Murphy’s Wonderful Surprise 80th Birthday Party on Saturday”
80 Years Young !! Thade Lane celebrated his 80th birthday with his wife Mary, his children, grandchildren, friends & neighbours in The Castle Hotel, Macroom on Saturday night – photo Geraldine Dennehy
We thank Mary Feeley for this superb picture recording the recent 90th Birthday Celebration at Millstreet Day Care Centre of Lattie Murphy, Claramore, Millstreet. We extend sincere congratulations to Lattie. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
How you can help Millstreet Day-Care Centre.
If yourself or members of your family are spring cleaning please remember our Thrift Shop. We accept bric-a-brac, children’s clothes, buggies, toys, and curtains etc., any clothes that are in good condition. All proceeds from the shop go towards the Day-Care Centre.
We also accept clothes not fit for resale e.g. old curtains and blankets, quilt covers, towels etc. We sell them for recycling to the National Council for the Blind. Not alone does this create an income for the Council for the Blind but we put the money we get from them into our Social Fund – which helps pay for tutors and volunteers (music, exercise classes, red cross etc).
Old clothes can be handed into the Thrift Shop or the Millstreet Day Care Centre.
Any donations or unwanted china especially (cups and saucers) would be greatly appreciated.
We try to provide as much entertainment as possible during the day – birthday parties, sing-along, exercises, games etc., but funding is always a problem.
Thank you all for your continuing support and please encourage your neighbours or friends to come and join us.
We thank Mary Feeley for this superb insight into support for the Centre. We now share a selection of images recorded at the recent reopening of Millstreet Day Care Centre following most impressive renovations.
We extend sincere Birthday Greetings to Martin Goggin who celebrated his 60th Birthday on 17th July 2017. We thank Miriam O’Sullivan for the selection of images who states “I am sharing a few photographs from his party with his friends at the COPE Foundation in Mallow. The last photograph shows Martin cutting his birthday cake assisted by his housemother Cathleen O’Brien. We his family and his many friends wish him a very happy birthday on this important milestone.” Click on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.)
Nora Tarrant celebrating her wonderful 90th Birthday with the superb Staff of Millstreet Day Care Centre on Wednesday 7th June 2017. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)Nora being congratulated on her 90th Birthday by 103 years young Julia Murphy. Truly marvellous “Tír na nÓg” inspirational ladies!Sheila Murphy pictured with Nora Tarrant. Sheila and her splendid Staff provide the most delicious meals for the many residents and visitors as well as providing a “Meals on Wheels” very valuable service.Sheila Fitzgerald who coordinated the excellent musical entertainment for the Birthday Celebrations pictured with Mary Feeley who is synonymous with the magnificent Millstreet Day Care Centre and its most impressive development over the past two decades.
There was great gathering of the O’Keefe clan in Dublin on Friday 6th January 2017 to celebrate Jerry’s 90th birthday. Jerry grew up in Mill View – son of the late Hannah and Autie O’Keffe and brother to Johnny (Main Street), the late Autie (Drishane Road) and the late Eileen. All his nieces and nephews were there to celebrate such a great achievement. – with thanks to Rita who sent us the photo.
We extend sincere congratulations to Mrs. O’Keeffe formerly of Clara Road, Millstreet and who now resides at Teach Altra, Newmarket – on the wonderful celebration of her 100th Birthday on this Christmas Day. We thank her Grandson – Jeremiah Keating – for alerting us to this joyful and truly historic occasion.. (S.R.) [read more …] “A 100th Birthday on Christmas Day 2016”
Cullen Community Centre 45 Drive celebrate the 97th birthday of a dear and wonderful friend Paddy Mahony. And doesn’t he look so very well! A very Happy Birthday, Paddy. We thank William Fitzgerald for the truly uplifting photograph of the special occasion. (S.R.)
Peter Lane (3rd from left) and “Crystal Swing” (below) – both images accessed from an earlier time – will be attending Seán Murphy’s Special Birthday at The Pub in Carriganima on this Saturday night – 7th May 2016. We all wish Seán a very Happy Birthday. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Wishing you the happiest of days on this milestone birthday! Looking forward to celebrating with you. Happy Birthday Ann. Love always from your family and Buster ️xx. (Ann is pictured above in the middle)
The Lighthouse is helping to celebrate the charity Christian Aid’s 70th Birthday this week. The world renowned charity has been working to assist the poor and the needy globally for the past 70 years. Poverty continues to blight the world’s poorest nations alongside other major issues such as human trafficking, suppression of women’s rights and major diseases such as Malaria and HIV. Christian Aid continues to work hard to bring to an end to poverty with the support of Church groups across Ireland.
Lighthouse spokesperson for the event, Suzie Gallagher, explained that on Saturday 16th May The Lighthouse will hold a cake sale at Coleman’s Centra Millstreet. “We intend to sell 70 individual cakes with a personal message of thanks to celebrate and support the continued work of Christian Aid. Each cake sold will have [read more …] “Christian Aid’s 70th Birthday, Cake Sale”
We thank Photographer supreme, Geraldine Dennehy for these superb images of the grand celebration of Michael Dineen of Pound Hill (Hegarty Street), Millstreet on his 90th Birthday which took place on Sunday, 8th February 2015 in the Wallis Arms Hotel with his wife Margaret, his children, grandchildren, sister, brother, neighbours and close friends. And not only that but Micheal & Margaret had celebrated their 56th Wedding Anniversary on January 29th. 2015! We extend our heartfelt congratulations to both Margaret and Michael on such marvellous occasions and we are delighted to share such joy worldwide thanks to Geraldine’s magnificent pictures – Seán Radley on behalf of the Millstreet Website Team. Click on the images to enlarge.
Assisted by Mary Feeley it was 100 years young Julia Murphy who officially opened the magnificent new “Clara Garden” at Millstreet Day Care Centre on Clara Road on Wednesday, 30th April 2014. It was a truly superb day at the Centre where lots of great celebrations took place to pay special tribute to Julia on such an historic Birthday. Here we share the first selection of pictures from the most memorable occasion. Those who helped to establish such an excellent new facility deserve great credit. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
A surprise birthday cake delivered by John Paul of c103 during the live recording this morning on c103 with Patricia Messenger to mark the 18th Birthday of Joanne O’Riordan and the 81st Birthday of Eily Buckley. Present for the interview were Anne and Steven O’Riordan, Joanne, Eily and Jerry O’Sullivan. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Both Joanne and Eily’s birthdays occurred on 24th April 2014. Here we share some further images from this morning’s special interview which has also been recorded by LTV2 Millstreet. We also got to meet John Cahill who coordinates sound on c103 and other members of Staff who accorded such a warm welcome. A very Happy Birthday to [read more …] “Joanne & Eily Celebrate Their Birthdays at c103 in Mallow Today”
Presentation of awards to dedicated DJs of Cork Music Station at The Pub in Carriganima on the celebration of the second birthday of CMS. Two more talented DJs are missing from this particular picture but also received their awards from the chief Coordinator of CMS, William Fitzgerald. Here we share the first selection of images from the very happy and enjoyable occasion. Click on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.)
A wonderful surprise awaited Noreen Dennehy (seated in red dress) at the home of Pat and John Randles in Minor Row just before Christmas when a group of great Friends and Relatives organised a special 60th Birthday Surprise for Noreen. She was truly surprised but was so very pleased. Noreen has given so much time, dedication and effort especially to Millstreet Tidy Towns Association. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)Noreen has created one of the most attractive Christmas Light features at her home in Drishane Road over the years that it has now become such a delightful part of the Millstreet Christmas Scene greatly admired by many from far and near.
To celebrate David Tarrant’s 70th Birthday Family and Friends assembled at “The Bridge Bar”, Millstreet on Saturday night, 14th September 2013. It was a truly wonderful party with lots of great music, dancing, conversation and marvellous cheer. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)Three generations of the Tarrant Family at the wonderful gathering – from left: David, Nicholas and Ryan.