Remembering Eileen O’Riordan’s First Anniversary

Marking the First Anniversary of Eileen O’Riordan, Dromsicane, Mass will be celebrated at 11.30am in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet on Sunday 1st Oct. 2023.   We thank Mary and Ted Collins for sharing the image of the splendid new plaque on the seat dedicated to the wonderful Eileen within the Tranquility Garden at the Boeing by the River Blackwater.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)See also the following link from August 2013 when Eileen had alerted us to a truly magnificent Canoe related adventure at the Boeing and at Keale Bridge.   A very special memory of a wonderful event.  (S.R.)  Here is the link:

Magnificent “Tranquility Garden” Developed at the Boeing by the River Blackwater

A truly magnificent “Tranquility Garden” has been very creatively developed at the Boeing by the River Blackwater in the Dooneen/Dromsicane area.   Remarkable work has been carried out over the past several weeks by four supremely dedicated Volunteers assisted by willing helpers also.   Sincere congratulations to Mary and Ted Collins, Dooneen and to Francis and Frank O’Riordan, Dromsicane on completing such an inspiring Haven of Peacea  very beautiful Tranquility Garden – in memory of the late Eileen O’Riordan with the dedicated seat and tree in view of her always welcoming family home where she shared such great happiness, generosity and kindest to one and all.  Here we share a selection of images – many of which have been very kindly shared by Mary Collins – showing its gradual development over recent weeks.  Large amount of Visitors have been calling to view the development especially during this splendid weather.  Tap on the pictures to enlarge.  (S.R.)

The original setting at the Boeing in advance of any of the recent developments.
The recent development almost completed.

Mary & Ted Collins dedicated enormous time and expertise at the highly praiseworthy Project.
Frank and Francis O’Riordan planting the very special Memory Tree in memory of Eileen. Both the O’Riordan Family and the Collins Family have worked tirelessly to bring the glorious Project to reality which will have such fruitful benefits for all now and always.

[read more …] “Magnificent “Tranquility Garden” Developed at the Boeing by the River Blackwater”

The Bóing from above

Gorgeous drone video footage of the Blackwater River at the Bóing near Millstreet, in July 2018. That July will be remembered as the year of the heat wave and drought, thus the fields aren’t as green as they might normally look, and the water level is quite low. The bridge was built in 2015 as part of the Beara Breifne Way, Ireland’s longest way-marked trail.

Hottest Day in Millstreet Since 1976!

Yes, Thursday 28th June 2018 was officially the hottest day in Ireland … including Millstreet … since 1976.  And believe it or not but today (Friday, 29th June 2018) is beginning to look like it’s going to even surpass this with in-car temperatures displaying 33 and 34 degrees centigrade!  We shall certainly be referring in the future to the Long Hot Summer of 2018!  The following sixteen images records Thursday as we experienced it in Millstreet Town, at the Boeing near the River Blackwater in Dooneen,  Millstreet Railway Station, the River Finnow at Dooneen … and ending with a glorious sunset to which we have grown accustomed during this rare summer weather.  We noted the tar melting on roads and how warm it looked along the rail tracks.  Click on the many images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Clara as viewed from the River Finnow at Dooneen on our hottest day.
The River Blackwater at the Boeing where water safety is a priority.
Temperatures in excess of 30 degrees centigrade at Main Street.
Pat and John Randles amazed at the heat of a wall in Clara Road following a day of brilliant sunshine.
An Post delivers and collects the post on our hottest day.
Even the cyclists take a break!

We’ve been truly blessed with magnificent sunsets over the past week.

[read more …] “Hottest Day in Millstreet Since 1976!”

Work Progressing on the Beara/Breifne Bridge at the Boeing

Work has been progressing this last week on the new pedestrian, cycling and wheelchair access bridge over the Blackwater at the Boeing, at the exact location where Donal O’Sullivan Beara and a thousand of his people and soldiers crossed the river Blackwater in 1603, as they fled the forces of Elizabeth 1st who had . The bridge is one of the final links to the The Beara Breifne Way which stretches from West Cork to Cavan. Thanks to Michelle, and also to Tom from TMC Photography for the photos.

2015-10-08 Ground work begins for the bridge over the Boeing 11 2015-10-08 Ground work begins for the bridge over the Boeing 01

More photos below [read more …] “Work Progressing on the Beara/Breifne Bridge at the Boeing”