Scoil Mhuire Boy’s National School wish to give parents the opportunity to collect their child’s books from the school. Classrooms are being allocated separate days. Parents/children will not be able to enter school building. Please come to the front of the school, remain outside, and press buzzer. The teacher on duty that day will give out the child’s books either in a box or a clear plastic bag.
MONDAY 23rd – Mr. O Connor 9:20 to 3:00 pm
TUESDAY 24th – Mrs. Curtin 9:20 to 3:00 pm
WEDNESDAY 25th – Miss Buckley 9:20 to 3:00 pm
THURSDAY 26th – Miss Guerin 9:20 to 3:00 pm
We plan to start using Edmodo to distribute schoolwork from next Wednesday on. Your child will be allocated a code to access this by your class teacher. In the meantime there are many great educational websites out there, however the website scoilnet is a great place to get educational content. Our school e-mail is <> should you have any queries or difficulties. We hope you all stay safe at this time.
Frank O Connor and staff, Scoil Mhuire BNS.