BTEI Social Studies Course – November

BTEI are running a short FETAC Level 5 Social Studies course in Mallow in early November to service the increased demand for part-time education.  With a huge increase in unemployment, the need for certified up-skilling in a changing workplace is more apparent.

This introductory course offers FETAC Level 5 Social Studies one night per week (7-10pm) over 10 weeks, which aims to give participants an understanding of the core theories and methodologies of Sociology and prepare them for further study at Post Leaving Certificate Colleges in this area.  It is hoped that a second FETAC Level 5 module (Human Growth and Development) will be offered in the New year.

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Additional BTEI Programmes 2009/10

Millstreet Adult Learning Centre have announced that there are additional Back to Education Initiative (B.T.E.I.) programmes for 2009 / 2010 in the following areas:

Introduction to Childcare Studies (Mallow)

Security Training (Mallow)

Introduction to Organic Horticulture (Killavullen)

Care in the home training (Killavullen)

Introduction to Art (Killavullen)

Introduction to Social Studies (Killavullen)

ECDL IT Training (Fermoy & Mallow)

Healthy Cooking and Nutrition (Fermoy & Mallow)

Youthwork Facilitation (Fermoy & Mallow)

You can visit the Millstreet Adult Learning Centre homepage, and read details of the above courses.