We thank Samantha Kay Sobotker Meyer for this wonderful selection of images which she recently photographed on an IRD Duhallow-led walk up Clara Mountain on Wednesday evening, 6th September 2023, with Alannah. The pictures of the sunset were recorded at Clara Mountain’s summit. (S.R.)
Tag: Clara Mountain
Evening Reflections of Clara’s Cross Kindly Shared
Millstreet Landscape
We thank Benas Pikcilingis for submitting a spectacular video of the landscape and scenery around Clara Mountain and Millstreet area. A true reminder of how fortunate we are to live in such a spectacular and scenic area.
Hello Reeks 😍from Clara
A New Seat at the Cross on Clara Mountain!
We thank Michelle O’Keeffe of Dooneen for sharing this wonderful image of the New Seat which some kind person has placed at the Cross on Clara Mountain for the comfort of energetic climbers. Tap on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)
Still Social Distancing in Ballydaly
“Radio Treasures” Tonight Features Corncrake & Sponsored Programmes Memories on Cork Music Station
An Invitation to tune into our weekly “Radio Treasures” on Cork Music Station at 9.30 until 11pm this Tuesday (9th June 2020). Happy Listening! (S.R.)
- Music and Songs aplenty including “Ireland in My Dreams”….And the sound of the Corncrake recorded on Tory Island.
- Call outs to our Loyal Listeners worldwide.
- Our 10pm Feature takes us back to 1Radio Memories of Sponsored Programmes . Our 1960s edited recordings are from Millstreet Museum Audio Recordings.
- Time to smile!
- Time to reflect – Wise Quotes.
- Remembering our Faithful Departed.
- Carriganima Book just published…We share how Irish words are so much part of our English language in this area.
- Musings and Chatting about the attached images relating to the many images pictured here. Tap on the pictures to enlarge.
Clara from the Sky
With thanks to Brian who sent us this photograph of the sun setting over Clara on Wednesday evening. [read more …] “Clara from the Sky”
Getting Out and About
Elizabeth sent us a little positivity this week with this view of Millstreet from Clara Mountain as many locals got out and enjoyed beautiful fresh air. A great way to lift the spirits in these days of social isolation which we are all asked to adhere to. It helps no end that the weather seems to have turned and though cool, little rain is forecast for the next week.
As well as the most popular up and down Clara, here in Millstreet we also have the Clara Loop, Mushera, Comeenatrush, The Duhallow Way (east to west), the Ireland Way (north to south), for the more adventurous, but lots of other areas to walk where it is gentle and safe, like the Town Park, Drishane Road, the Boeing, Tubrid, Donoure, St. John’s Well.
IRD DUHALLOW also have details on a number of walkways in our area: [read more …] “Getting Out and About”
Clara at Sunset
Mass on Clara Mountain in May 2000 & Plaque Unveiling
Millstreet Museum Society and Millstreet Website Team very much appreciate the wonderfully uplifting generous response to our recent Church Gate Collection in Millstreet. The €2, 275.98 + €50.00 will greatly permit us maintain the two important local resources….meeting the costs (re the website) of web server and domain name….and (re Museum) the costs of insurance, heating, lighting and ongoing development. Special thanks to Millstreet Community Council and Millstreet Local Lottery for splendid support. And to those who contributed from abroad and who have direct Millstreet links – grateful thanks to All. One may assist anytime throughout the year by using our dedicated Bank Account the number of which is: IBAN – IE22 BOFI 9058 0334 0531 43 & BIC – BOFIIE2D.
And so to our most recent delving into our Visual Archive of Millstreet Museum. The date is 21st May 2000 when hundreds of people climbed (or were transported on the back of Tony Healy’s Tractor!) Clara Mountain marking the 50th Anniversary of the placement of the original Cross on Clara Mountain in 1950. Mass was concelebrated in the presence of Millstreet Pipe Band and a wide cross section of people from near and far. It was Tadhg O’Driscoll who unveiled the official stone plaque. Here we share some 24 images from the truly historic occasion. Click on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Mass on Clara Mountain in May 2000 & Plaque Unveiling”
Three Superb Mountain Race Events on Sat. 9th Feb. 2019
Irish Mountain Runners Association Millstreet was the true focal point for numerous energetic Athletes from 6:00 am until Sat. Night when no less that three highly regarded Mountain Races took place. The first group of Athletes were transported to Kealkil in West Cork where at 8am they began their journey to Millstreet. Gavin Byrne of Dublin was the first to reach the finishing flag just before 3pm. A second group were transported to Ballyvourney from where they set off for Millstreet. Official tracking was provided where one could follow on a special phone app at what stage the various participants were. And at 1pm a group of almost one hundred climbed Clara Mountain. Here we share some 24 images from what was a wonderfully sporting occasion in Millstreet. Splendid refreshments were provided in Millstreet GAA Community Hall. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
[read more …] “Three Superb Mountain Race Events on Sat. 9th Feb. 2019”
Rediscover the Joy of the Train
Iarnród Éireann‘s recent marketing campaign is about rediscovering the joy of the train … but one of our eagle-eyed readers sent us in a message about the poster saying: “If you look out the window you will see Clara Mountain“. What do you think?
Clara Mountain Run
Correction: The poster below should read “Saturday 9th February”, and not “Sunday 9th February” [read more …] “Clara Mountain Run”
A Good Walk: Claragh Mountain
The walk up Clara is featured in The Times newspaper today. It’s a nice article and describes visiting the Cilín, the route up, the views from the top, and the burial of the priest on top. But what about the photo in the article, because that’s not Clara!
Autumn Days in Millstreet 2018
We share four images of Autumn scenes recorded yesterday and today in Millstreet. Later we shall include further colourful images of this year’s harvest season. Click on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.)
Clara Loop Walk with IRD Duhallow
Tomorrow Wednesday evening August 1st, Duhallow IRD are hosting a walk around the Clara Loop, the first of five walks around Duhallow in August. Refreshments will be held at the end of the walk, which takes about two and a half hours to complete. Details in the poster below:
Clara Loop – Cork Walking Week
Today: Clara Mountain Run, and Techworks Festival
After all the excitement in Millstreet yesterday, today we welcome the Annual Clara Mountain Run which kicks off at the earlier time of 1:30pm from the West End (not to be confused with yesterday’s Ultra Marathon), and also the Techworks Dance Music Festival in the Green Glens where a sold out crowd of over 4,000 revellers will take in some of the best DJ’s from around Europe.
[read more …] “Today: Clara Mountain Run, and Techworks Festival”
Magnificent Clara Mountain in the Snow
Pictures by Michelle O’Keeffe
Almost a White Christmas
After a mild and damp Christmas Day, the rain got heavier on St. Stephen’s Morning, only to turn to snow in the afternoon, missing out on a white Christmas by just a day. John was up on Clara this afternoon, and took these photos:
Autumn Showers from Clara
Following the storms (Ophelia & Brian) we have had two weeks of nice autumn weather, interrupted this weekend as the wind has turned and is now coming from the north … so it has gotten cold, bringing with dark clouds, heavy showers, but still lovely sunshine. This beautiful photo which was taken yesterday about 12pm catches this, as the showers roll in into Millstreet, throwing up another rainbow over Tubrid – photo: Instagram/Simon Duggan
Weekend photos of Millstreet
Thanks to Josef for sending us these nice scenery photos of Millstreet. With the weekend showers and sun, saw rainbows lots of rainbows. The photos were taken from the Boeing Bridge, the Clara Loop, and more
Help needed to get to the top of Clara
Good morning, I’m just contacting you on the off chance that you might be able to help. Is it possible to get to the top of Clara mountain without walking? My mum is from Millstreet and we are bringing her home to celebrate her 80th birthday. Whilst we ourselves are planning on doing the climb, unfortunately sprightly for her years, mum will not be able to do the climb herself. I she would dearly love to touch the cross again, as will we. Is there anyway you can think of that we can get her up there? Many thanks.
Admin: I’m not sure who would be able to do this. At the Mass on top of Clara in 2000, a double wheeled tractor ferried people to the top in a modified transport box. Maybe there’s another way. The lady is back in Millstreet from the 5th to the 11th of August, and would be extremely grateful if someone could help her.
If you can help, please contact Claire at: <email> , leave a message below, or contact the site admins.
Clara The Old Hill
Clara the old hill that ever looks down
On Duhallow and Sliabh Luachra and Millstreet Town
Inspired long deceased writers over decades of time
To idolize it in their stories and rhyme
Long before the first people to Hibernia came
Clara the old hill was without a name
Bracken and heather on it’s face did grow
Just like the Clara today that we know
In the prime of Summer in sunny July
When larks over Clara do sing in the sky
People climb the old hill whortleberries to eat
The tiny blue berries to the taste buds a treat
[read more …] “Clara The Old Hill”
Magnificent Cheque in Memory of Eimear Presented to Irish Community Air Ambulance
Following a recent hugely successful fundraising Coffee Day at the home of Anne Marie and Jerry O’Mahony of Clara a truly magnificent cheque for an amazing €5,450.00 was presented to Ann Kelly of Irish Community Air Ambulance. The very special event in memory of Eimear O’Mahony was enormously supported by so many people whose memory of Eimear is of great significance in their lives. Here we share images of the Coffee Day, Eimear’s Garden, the Tree planted by Jerry and Derry and the official presentation of the marvellously impressive cheque. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.) We share 19 more images below:
[read more …] “Magnificent Cheque in Memory of Eimear Presented to Irish Community Air Ambulance”
Bluebell Wood
Noel C. Climbs Clara Mountain on Sunday
Noel C. Duggan sits on top of Oscar on top of Clara in 1993 … a version of the one that appeared on National Geographic at the time [amaz]