Tag: Cloghoula N.S.
Cloghoula N.S. Clothes Collection
First Holy Communion Ceremony for Courtney & Saoirse
A very impressive First Holy Communion ceremony took place in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Ballydaly on Saturday, 27th April 2024. The two children receiving the Sacrament were Courtney Twomey and Saoirse Murphy – both pupils of Cloghoula N.S.. The Celebrant was Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P., Millstreet. Here we share a selection of images from the very special event. Tap on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.)

[read more …] “First Holy Communion Ceremony for Courtney & Saoirse”
Cloghoula N.S. Now Enrolling For Coming School Year
Cloghoula N.S. Open Day on Tuesday 30th May 2023

We share images of some recent activities in Cloghoula N.S. and congratulate their hurling/camogie team as well as wishing them well in the upcoming Duhallow Sciath na Scol Hurling/Camogie Final.
[read more …] “Cloghoula N.S. Open Day on Tuesday 30th May 2023”
Enrolling at Cloghoula N.S.
Celebrating Halloween & Shoebox Appeal at Cloghoula N.S.
We share a selection of superbly colourful images of Pupils in Cloghoula N.S. wearing wonderfully creative costumes for Halloween. And we view the inspiring generosity of their TEAM HOPE Christmas Shoebox Appeal donations. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Celebrating Halloween & Shoebox Appeal at Cloghoula N.S.”
Fruitful Nature and Exciting Sport at Cloghoula N.S.

[read more …] “Fruitful Nature and Exciting Sport at Cloghoula N.S.”
Delighted Cloghoula N.S. Pupils with their Quiz Trophies
Cloghoula N.S. First Holy Communion 2022 in Ballydaly Church
Blessed with beautiful weather five children from Cloghoula N.S. received their First Holy Communion in the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in Ballydaly on Saturday, 30th April 2022 in the presence of a large congregation, Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. and Cloghoula N.S. Principal, Mary Murphy. Here we share four of Geraldine Dennehy’s superb images recalling the wonderfully happy occasion. Tap on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.)
Cloghoula N.S. Pupils Joyfully Celebrate Christmas 2021
Wonderfully Busy Science Week 2021 at Cloghoula N.S.
An exciting week of great discoveries and scientific activities took place during the recent Science Week 2021 at Cloghoula N.S.. Here we share a selection of images showing the dedicated young “Scientists” at work on various experiments! Tap on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Wonderfully Busy Science Week 2021 at Cloghoula N.S.”
Wonderfully Creative Halloween 2021 at Cloghoula N.S.
Cloghoula N.S. Celebrates World Book Day, Engineering Week and Exploring Nature
What a wonderful amount of uplifting activities has been happening at Cloghoula N.S. on its first week back to school. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

[read more …] “Cloghoula N.S. Celebrates World Book Day, Engineering Week and Exploring Nature”
Cloghoula N.S. Now Enrolling For September 2021
Splendid First Holy Communion Ceremony for Cloghoula N.S. on Saturday

Graduation 2020 at Cloghoula N.S.
We extend our sincere congratulations to Sophia Serreli and to Patrick Gilbourne on their recent Graduation from Cloghoula N.S.. We wish them every success and happiness in their Post-Primary Education. We share the following four images of such a very important uplifting occasion. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

Now Enrolling at Cloghoula National School
Millstreet Credit Union Sponsorships
As well as their recent presentation to the Canon O’Donovan Day Care Centre, kudos must go to Millstreet Credit Union who have been sponsoring a number of local schools and organisations. These include :
Rathcoole Rovers F.C.,
Banteer Community Sportsfield,
St. Brendan’s National School Parents Association,Rathcoole,
Millstreet Athletic Club Willie Neenan Memorial 5 Mile Road Race,
Carriganima National School Sensory Garden, and
Cloghoula National School.
Cloghoula N.S. Sports & Pattern Day on Mon. 3rd June 2019
Introducing Cloghoulights Ltd.
Enrolment 2019 at Cloghoula N.S.
Cookery, Science & Art Wonderfully Explored at Cloghoula N.S.

During Science Week, an ecological expert introduced the pupils to a wide
range of wild Irish animals, including live mice and voles.

printed in time for Christmas.
[read more …] “Cookery, Science & Art Wonderfully Explored at Cloghoula N.S.”
Cloghoula N.S. Begins New School Year
Wednesday, 29th August 2018 saw the first day of the new school year for Cloghoula N.S.. Here we share three images recorded this morning. We wish the Pupils and Staff of all schools – primary and post-primary – every success and fulfilment throughout a wonderfully fruitful school year. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

Wonderfully Welcoming Open Day 2018 at Cloghoula N.S.
On Wednesday, 25th April 2018 Cloghoula N.S. held a superbly welcoming Open Day which was so enjoyed by its new Entrants (three of whom we feature here – Donnacha, Evan and Kayden). It was truly inspiring to note how the established Pupils at the school were so wonderfully caring, helpful and supportive to the new Entrants. The entire Staff created an uplifting cheerful atmosphere for the Entrants who were experiencing Primary Education for their very first time. Here we meet some of the new Entrants enthusiastically participating in the many creative activities. We share a selection of images to give an insight into the educational happening. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

[read more …] “Wonderfully Welcoming Open Day 2018 at Cloghoula N.S.”
Enrolment 2018 at Cloghoula N.S.
Cloghoula N.S. Reopens on Thursday 31st Aug. 2017
Cloghoula N.S. Awarded Important Prestigious Safety Flag

[read more …] “Cloghoula N.S. Awarded Important Prestigious Safety Flag”
Cloghoula N.S. Enrolment
First Day at Cloghoula National School 2016