Royal Welcome at Millstreet Station for BTYSTE 2025 Students

Thankfully the improving weather permitted  an enthusiastic group of people to accord a royal welcome to the wonderfully dedicated Students from Millstreet Community School who brilliantly represented their school, their families and their communities at this week’s highly prestigious BTYSTE 2025 in Dublin’s RDS.   Here we share a selection of some eighteen images from the uplifting occasion as the Students arrived on the 19.48 train from Dublin on Sat. 11th Jan. 2025.   A special radio feature will be broadcast on our weekly “Radio Treasures” programme on on this coming Tuesday, 14th Jan. at 9.30pm including recordings with the Students both in Dublin (by teacher Eileen Lyons) and also at Millstreet Railway Station.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Royal Welcome at Millstreet Station for BTYSTE 2025 Students”

Millstreet’s Superbly Uplifting Success at BTYSTE 2025

While it’s a great privilege to be chosen to compete in BTYSTE 2025 it is truly a further bonus to be chosen among the winners.  We thank Pól Ó Síodhcháin for sharing the following statement and images relating to the wonderful success for Millstreet Community School this Friday evening (10th Jan. 2025) at the RDS.  Pól states:  “We are immensely proud of Saoirse, Anna & Méabh! What a fantastic achievement when you think of 2,000 entries of which just over 500 reach the RDS, to be coming back to Millstreet with 3rd Place is just brilliant. It is a tremendous end to what was a difficult week for many people locally and we are thrilled to have pnce again represented our area so well! I want to thank Millstreet Community Council for their generous support of our participation in BTYSTE over many years. To our three teachers who made the trip to Dublin with the students, Ms Lyons, Ms O’Looney & Mr Guerin, we say a huge míle buíochas. Our teachers in MCS are so committed to our students, it is a privilege to be a part of that. Thanks also to Daniel’s father for travelling to Dublin! They joined the train in Banteer on Wednesday morning. Marion Buckley, one of our wonderful Clerical Officers, ensured that Ms Lyons would make the train on Wednesday morning by giving her a bed on Tuesday night. That sums up MCS…the Irish word ‘Meitheal’ is such a perfect description of what we have in the school between all Staff, Students and Parents/Guardians. We will celebrate this in the school on Monday and I can’t wait to do so! Well done to Daniel, Kate and Evelyn on their excellent work and presentations in the RDS too. We have such a proud tradition in this competition over very many years, it was wonderful to have three projects make it through to Dublin this year. Comhghairdeachas leo go léir!

Anna, Méabh and Saoirse got 3rd place in the intermediate category award for biological & ecological sciences 🎉🥳

[read more …] “Millstreet’s Superbly Uplifting Success at BTYSTE 2025”

Wonderful Millstreet Representation at BTYSTE 2025

We thank Millstreet Community School Science Teacher, Eileen Lyons for very kindly reporting from this year’s prestigious BTYSTE in Dublin’s RDS and for sharing a superb selection of images from the highly regarded annual event.   Normally, I have attended over past years on the Thursday of the Exhibition recording a radio feature but of course have been prevented from doing so this year still being snowbound!  Here we share Eileen’s splendid Report and image selection which also includes a picture of Photographer supreme, Mark Condren, three time Photo Journalist of the Year.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Eileen says:   “We travelled by train yesterday (7th Jan. 2025) from Millstreet on the 8. 15am service to Heuston. We’ve three groups at this year’s BT Young Scientist competition which is the 61th BT young scientist competition and the 25th year BT are sponsors. The groups are as follows:   Kate Lynch and Evelyn Smyth can be seen at stand 1508 with their project “A statistical analysis of how frequent ligament injuries have become in recent years in males v females”;   Anna Buckley, Meabh Casey and Saoirse Kiely can be found at stand number 5518 with their project “An assessment of the reliability of weather proverbs in a time of climate change” and Daniel Bourke at stand 2114 with his project on “Putting the buzz into Millstreet: building on local initiatives to raise awareness of pollinator conservation in my town”.

Every success to the wonderfully dedicated Students from MCS. [read more …] “Wonderful Millstreet Representation at BTYSTE 2025”

Annual Lourdes Helpers Table Quiz on 31st Jan. 2025

The Table Quiz will take place on Friday 31st January 2025 at 8pm in Corkery’s Bar.  This quiz has become an annual fundraiser to help 5th Year Students from Millstreet Community School who are going on pilgrimage to Lourdes with the Irish Pilgrimage Trust, to pay for their travel and accommodation (€750/person). Ally Moynihan and Evie O’Leary are the 5th years going this year and they will be ‘student helpers’ with  Group 126 from Cork.
The pilgrimage takes place for a week during the Easter holidays. Ally and Evie will be joining thousands of people from Ireland and the UK in what is sure to be a special week, not just for the helpers but also for the young people with special needs who they will be travelling with.
Tables for the quiz are €40/team of four.  There will be a raffle.  Everyone is welcome to take part in what has become a great community event in support of the students. (Please note that Corkery’s does not have a card machine & is cash only)

Irish Pilgrimage Trust Lourdes Easter 2025

Ally Moynihan and Evie O’Leary

Two 5th year students from Millstreet Community School will be participating
in the Irish Pilgrimage Trust young people’s pilgrimage to Lourdes during their
Easter holidays 2025. Ally Moynihan and Evie O’Leary will be acting as student
helpers and travelling to Lourdes with Group 126. Millstreet students have
been travelling with this group since 2011.
As was the case in the past, the aim is to cover accommodation and travel
costs for the two students (€750/person) with all extra funds being passed
onto Group 126. Each group is meant to raise the funds to cover the costs of
all the young people with special needs who travel with them to Lourdes.
The girls are now beginning their fundraising but the main events will be held
in the new year. A table quiz in Corkery’s Bar, Millstreet on Friday 31st January
2025 and a ‘pre-Lent’ bake sale in Millstreet Parish Centre after Masses over
the weekend of 1st and 2nd of March.
Your support for these fundraising efforts would be greatly appreciated.(We thank John Magee, Chaplain MCS for this feature.  Tap on the image to enlarge.)

World Sporting Champions Celebrated at Millstreet Community School

Millstreet Pitch & Putt Club congratulates its  members Evelyn, Luke, Cian, Danny and Oran on winning silver medals in the recent World Schools Golf Championships in Scotland.   Here we see those talented Students together with World Powerlifting Champion, Patrick Daly (seated centre) at a very special welcome in Millstreet Community School on Friday morning (20th Sept. 2024) celebrating such magnificent successes.  Tap on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)

New Tractor at Millstreet Community School

This magnificent new Tractor from Colemans at Millstreet Community School with Tony Dineen at the wheel and also including Patrick Buicke will be shared between the School, Millstreet Town Park and Millstreet GAA.  It replaces the Ford 3000, retired after 50 years work!! (S.R.)

We thank Chris Horan for the splendid image and for letting us know of this new vehicle at MCS. Tap on the photo to enlarge.

Millstreet Community School – “A Celebration of Culture and Inclusion”

The Celebration of Culture and Inclusion is a chance to recognise and celebrate the different countries and cultures that are represented in our school and community.  The evening will feature song, dance, music, poetry and the chance to sample food from many different countries, including Ireland. We will be welcoming a special guest for the event, Dr Manizha Khan.  Dr Khan and her family are originally from Afghanistan.  She is a dentist by profession.  In fact, she was the dean of a dental school in the city of Herat in Afghanistan but she and her family fled to Ireland because their lives were under threat from the regime in the country. Apart from being a dentist in Cork she is also a School of Sanctuary Ambassador and we are delighted she will be able to join us.
Admission is free.  Please feel free to join us for what is sure to be a memorable night.

Celebrating Munster Schools’ Senior Football Champions at MCS

We thank Pól Ó Síodhcháin, Principal MCS for sharing the following selection of wonderful photos firstly recording the victory of the superb Millstreet Community School Team at the Munster Schools’ Senior Football Final in Rathkeale, Co. Limerick on Monday, 4th March 2024 and secondly permitting us to view the splendid celebration at MCS on Wednesday morning, 6th March when the victorious Team were applauded by All and treated to a special celebratory breakfast to which further Guests were also invited.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Sincere congratulations to the victorious Millstreet Community School Team – Munster Senior Football Champions 2024.

[read more …] “Celebrating Munster Schools’ Senior Football Champions at MCS”

Dedicated Rehearsals for “Say Cheese” at Millstreet Community School

Such is the wonderful dedication of the Students and Teachers involved in the upcoming “Say Cheese” Drama Performance this week that they attended Rehearsals at the School on both Saturday and Sunday in preparation for the much anticipated production on this Tuesday, Wednesday and ThursdayEvery success to All.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
[read more …] “Dedicated Rehearsals for “Say Cheese” at Millstreet Community School”

Concert Hall at Millstreet Community School Ready!

Everyone has heard of the Green Glens Arena but now we also have the Millstreet Community School Arena (!!) where the wonderful Gym at the School has been magically transformed into such a magnificent Concert Hall for tonight’s greatly anticipated “Party with Marty” (1st Dec. 2023) with doors opening at 7pm and the Show beginning at 7.30pm.    What a truly special night is envisaged.  Tap on the images (which Pól kindly provided) to enlarge.  (S.R.)



All Welcome to Attend Special 50th Anniversary Flag-Raising Event at MCS on Friday at 10:45am

We would like to invite anyone who wishes to attend our special 50th anniversary Flag-Raising event on Friday morning at 10:45am in Millstreet Community School.
We’ll have music, special cake and tea/coffee for our visitors.  An exhibition of old photos will be in the school for everyone to see and they can visit our top-class facilities also.  Past pupils may be interested in seeing how the school looks now!

One Week To Go To “Party With Marty!”

One Week To Go To Party With Marty!
Millstreet Community School Celebration, Friday, December 1st.
Get in the mood for a night of memories with these videos of people and events over the years.  (We thank Chris Horan for this excellent update.)

Video 4-Reeling in the Years- Part 2!

Video 5- Some random snaps from MCS- 2014 to 2020

Video 6- 2010 to 2014 in MCS- snapshots!

Don’t forget, send any photos to 50 and we’ll share them!

Tap on the Poster to enlarge. (S.R.)

Superb Line-up for the Upcoming “Party with Marty”

The Party with Marty is taking place on Friday, December 1st 2023 and is  a celebration of 50 years of Millstreet Community School.  Marty Morrissey hosts an evening of conversation, music and song.  Not your ordinary school show!

Full line-up (subject to change):

·       MCS Past, Present & Future: Principal, Mr. Pól Ó Síodhcháin, Deputy Principal, Mrs. Frances Moynihan are joined by Past-Principal, Mr. Pat Piggott and Past-Deputy Principal, Mr. Colman Culhane to chat with Marty about the past, present and future of the school.

·       Linda Desmond, elite boxer & Past Pupil.  Linda won the elite light welterweight championship in Dublin last week.

·       Traditional Music from The Linehan Family Musicians

·       Stories from 1973: Members of the very first Class of 1973: Pádraig O’Driscoll, Frank Kirk, Mary Randles, Sandra Dineen & Christy Dennehy

·       Music from Annmarie O’Riordan (past pupil)

·       Living Scenes: Eily Buckley, Eleanor O’Riordan (past pupil) & Seán Radley

·       Millstreet Comhaltas: Trad session, Ballads & Set-Dancing (Current & Past Pupils and others)


·       Moments with Marty: Current First Year Students Ask the Questions!

·       Marty in conversation with Jennifer Kelly and Sarah-Louise Bourke (Past Pupils)

·       Music from Oleksii Shemshur, Concert Pianist from Ukraine & Current Student. 

·       MCS, Community & Business: Derry Sheehan (Millstreet Tidy Towns & Current Parent), Donagh O’Sullivan (formerly of Galliard Homes, London & Past Pupil) & Elizabeth O’Sullivan ( Past Parent)

·       Dance from AJTF Dance Troupe

·       Sport & Scholars: Shane Hickey (U20 All-Ireland Football Winner), Maeve Flynn (current student & Irish Pentathlete), Ally Moynihan (current student & Champion Gymnast), Tomás Cronin, Sheelagh-Jessica Gilbourne, Amy Hickey and Alex Ducey (all Leaving Cert Class of 2023 and current UCC Quercus Scholars).

·       Niamh Kavanagh, Eurovision winner for Ireland in Millstreet, 1993 (Noel C. Duggan hopes to join us to have a chat with Marty & Niamh about Eurovision 1993) Niamh performs a Eurovision-themed set with plenty to get the crowd going!  And yes, she will sing ‘In Your Eyes’ in Millstreet again!  Niamh will be joined for half of her set by a choir of 50 current students and staff.

This is not a fundraiser!  Ticket price covers stage hire and production costs only (even at that, we will not break even!).  This is a night for the community to enjoy. 

Spot prizes, generously donated by local businesses, will be given out by Marty on the night.

Complimentary tea/coffee will be served.  There will be a tuck shop with water, minerals etc.

Parking is in the Bus Park at the back of the school or in Green Glens Arena (thanks to Thomas Duggan for use of this).  Please note that the car park at the front of the school is reserved for staff and invited guests only.

Tickets are available in Cronin’s Centra, Coleman’s Centra, O’Keeffe’s Supervalu, Reen’s Pharmacy, Millstreet Post Office, O’Leary’s Butchers or from the School Office (029) 70087 or online at Eventbrite (€5 off full price online sales until Sunday!): 

Come along and enjoy an alternative once-off night out!  Why wouldn’t you!  This is not to be missed!

For providing us with such a wonderfully comprehensive preview of the upcoming truly historic occasion we thank Chris Horan
PR & Website Coordinator
Millstreet Community School
Pobalscoil Sráid a’Mhuilinn

First Day at MCS in the 1970s.

[read more …] “Superb Line-up for the Upcoming “Party with Marty””

“Reeling Back the Years” at Millstreet Community School

We thank Chris Horan for sharing this excellent “Reeling Back the Years” video in preparation for the very special 50th Anniversary Concert at Millstreet Community School on Friday, 1st Dec. 2023 for which tickets are now on sale.   To view this superb video click HERE.  (S.R.)

Fashion Show 2023 at Millstreet Community School Tonight

We thank Pól Ó Síodhcháin for the following update regarding tonight’s Fashion Show at Millstreet Community School:
A limited number of tickets, priced at €10 each, are available to purchase in shops in Millstreet as well as directly from the school. Tickets are available online at Eventbrite via this link: 
We would like to thank the huge number of local businesses that have sponsored the show and/or donated spot prizes for the raffle.

It promises to be a great night out, showcasing fashion from several shops and designers.

Tap on the Poster to enlarge. (S.R.)
Doors open at 7.30pm on the night for an 8.00pm start.  A tuck shop selling a selection of sweets, crisps, minerals, water, and tea/coffee will be in operation on the night. 
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to MCS for our first community event since before the pandemic!

“Walk for Water” by Millstreet Community School This Friday Afternoon

Millstreet Community School are holding a Water Action Day on Friday 3rd March as part of their Green Schools Programme. MCS students will take part in a “Walk for Water” through the grounds of Drishane and back to the school on Friday afternoon to highlight the importance of Water – a resource which we all too often take for granted.

Table Quiz on 27th January in The Wallis Arms Hotel

After a gap of three years, we are delighted to be able to hold the table quiz on 27th January 2023 in The Wallis Arms€40/table of four.  
Rachel Dineen and Holly Dunne are 5th year students at Millstreet Community School. They will be travelling to Lourdes with the Irish Pilgrimage Trust for a week during their Easter holidays to act as helpers with Group 126 . 
Group 126, like every other ‘group’ that takes part in this pilgrimage raises money to pay for all the young people with special needs who travel with them to Lourdes. Once Rachel and Holly’s travel/accommodation costs have been covered, all other money raised will be put towards Group 126’s fundraising efforts.

Thank you for your support.

We thank John Magee for this important feature. Tap on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)

Guests on MCS November Video “A Time to Remember”

Rabbi Zalman Lent (Dublin Hebrew Congregation)
Shaykh Dr Umar Al-Qadri (Founder and Chairperson of Irish Musim Peace and Integration Council)
Reverend Alison Gallagher (Methodist Minister for Killarney, Kenmare and Millstreet)
Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P., Millstreet
Four of the Special Guests who appear on the excellent “A Time to Remember” November Video which has been produced by Millstreet Community School.  We thank Chaplain John Magee for sharing this feature. (S.R.)

Celebrating Halloween 2021 at Millstreet Community School

On Friday, 22nd Oct. 2021 Students and Teachers at Millstreet Community School truly celebrated Halloween 2021 in a wonderfully creative manner.  Here we share some twenty images from the Annual Event.   Tap on the photos to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Celebrating Halloween 2021 at Millstreet Community School”

Outstanding Leaving Cert Results at Millstreet Community School

Sincere congratulations to the Leaving Cert Class of 2021 on achieving such outstanding results. Pictured here are four Students who received the maximum 625 points. Included also are some of the Teaching Staff. Front from left Darragh Kelleher, Diarmuid Cronin, Daniel and James Buckley. Back row, from left: Frances Moynihan (Deputy Principal), Eileen Lyons, Claire English, Janice Norton, Chris Horan, Kevin O’Neill and Pól Ó Síodhcháin, Principal. Tap on the images to enlarge. At 9.50pm on Tues. 7th Sept. on “Radio Treasures”on we hear a brief Interview with Pól.  (S.R.)
Darragh Kelleher, Diarmuid Cronin, Daniel and James Buckley….achieved the maximum 625 points.

“I’m Still Standing” Presented by TY Students & Niamh Kavanagh

We thank Pól Ó Síodhcháin and Millstreet Community School for sharing this truly magnificent video which is now live on YouTube and has been viewed over 350 times in first few hours!! (S.R.)  To view please tap on this link:

“I’m Still Standing”, presented by TY Students & Niamh Kavanagh…Video LaunchSince March 2020, our community in Millstreet and beyond has endured much suffering & hardship. This is our thank you to everyone who has supported us…We’re Still Standing!

Niamh Kavanagh delights All at Millstreet Community School on Friday, 21st may 2021 when with the Students this magnificent YouTube video was recorded and has gone LIVE on 3rd June 2021.

School Band providing magnificent backing for Niamh and Students.
Presentation to Niamh from Principal Pól.

‘Our School, One World – Culture and Diversity in Millstreet Community School’

‘Our School, One World – Culture and Diversity in Millstreet Community School’

We thank MCS Teachers John Magee and Chris Horan for the following feature. (S.R.)

This presentation was launched on 22nd April 2021. It features contributions from past pupils, current students and teachers from Millstreet Community School, members of the local community, and others with a more national profile. The purpose of the event was to celebrate the different nationalities represented in the school, highlight the value of cultural diversity, what can be done to encourage it and how we as individuals and as a society can challenge racism.   One may view the Video here:

Running order of video with timings

  • Introduction – Mr P Ó Síodhcháin (Principal) and Esfir (TY student and MC for this event)

Country presentations (1)

2.50 Ireland

5.04 Italy

7.54 Lithuania

9.27 Poland

11.04 Romania

13.13 Sarah Louise Bourke, Nora O’Sullivan and Eibhlis Kelleher (past pupils of MCS)

15.45 Katie singing Tandragee [read more …] “‘Our School, One World – Culture and Diversity in Millstreet Community School’”

Alps Electric – Official Opening 1988

Footage of the official opening of Alps Electric, at Millstreet Community School in 1988. Speakers are Albert Reynolds (Minister for Industry and Commerce), Craig Shaffey (Alps), Sakumo Kamikoto (Alps), Frank Crowley (Chairman Cork County Council), Ken Brennan (Millstreet Community Council), presentations by Noel C Duggan, Tom Meaney, and Noel Buckley, and lots of familiar faces. Filmed by LTV Carriganima.