Dromtariffe Cemeteries Committee’s Preservation and Conservation Project

Charlie Drake shares the following:    Dromtariffe Cemeteries Committee are very pleased to announce the commencement of the preservation and conservation of the old Dromtariffe Church in Dromtariffe Cemetery.  This Church was burned down on the 27th of July 1651 on the day after the battle of Knockbrack by one of Cromwellian Lord Broghill’s Officers, Known as Butcher Maxwell.   Approximately 400 persons perished in the fire.                                                           Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha dílse.

Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

 The remains of the Church have deteriorated extensively over the years and more-so- over the last few years, to such an extent that part of the front wall recently collapsed and there was a danger of other parts collapsing. The Chairman of the Cemeteries group, along with other members, brought it to the attention of the relevant bodies, and for a while it looked like it would have to be demolished completely in the interest of health and safety. But due to the intervention of the Board of Works and Cork Co. Council, and in particular Billy Dennehy and Paul Curtin…. Funding has been secured and the Church will be saved, along with all the history attached to it. The work will be ongoing for the next few years, and will be subject to funds being made available, so fingers crossed, but at least it won’t be demolished. There may be a bit of inconvenience to people visiting the Cemetery to pay respect to their loved ones.    But please bear with us. It will be worth it in the end.        The very painstaking work is carried out by Sheehan’s Stone Works – Restoration & Conservation. Historical Buildings.     [read more …] “Dromtariffe Cemeteries Committee’s Preservation and Conservation Project”