Tag: Dance
Supporting Millstreet Representatives at World Dance Championships 2019
Mushera Platform Fundraising Afternoon Tea Dance next Sunday April 28th
Mushera Platform Fundraising Afternoon Tea Dance at the Marquee in Ballinagree (at the Back of Laine Bar)
Next Sunday April 28th 2019 from 3pm to 5.30pm,Spot Prizes on Door Tickets,Proceeds to Ballinagree Playground
A Garda Dance in the Star Ballroom Millstreet in the 1960s
A recent query to our Millstreet website….Does anyone recall a Garda Dance which took place in “The Star Ballroom”, Church Street, Millstreet between 1963 and 1967? We shall communicate any response to the gentleman who enquired. Any information may be provided through commenting on our Comment facility or by emailing millstreetmuseum @eircom.net. Míle buíochas. (S.R.)