Tag: Easter Sunday Commemorations
Easter Sunday Commemoration
Gerry White’s Oration at the Easter Commemorations 2018
In the wind and rain of Easter Sunday just gone, Gerry White’s gave the speech at the Easter Commemoration at the Monument in the Square. With his permission, and the agreement of Millstreet Monument Committee, below is his speech so that those that were not there on the day can read it:
It is with great humility that I stand here before you today by this fine monument. I also stand here today as someone who is deeply conscious of the huge debt we owe those who came before us and the efforts and sacrifices they made to build the country we live in today. I also consider it a great privilege to be here and I want to thank the committee for giving me honour to address you.
This monument stands as a silent, solemn tribute to Millstreet’s patriot dead who lost their lives during Ireland’s fight for freedom. All of those men were members of Cork No. 4 Brigade of Óglaigh na Éireann, the Irish Republican Army. They were: Captain Patrick McCarthy of the 2nd Battalion and Captain Cornelius Murphy, Volunteer Michael Dineen, Volunteer Bernard Moynihan, and Volunteer Michael Twohig of the 1st Battalion. Today we remember them, their sacrifice and the loved ones they left behind. [read more …] “Gerry White’s Oration at the Easter Commemorations 2018”
Wonderfully Colourful Easter Parade 2018 in Millstreet on Sunday
Despite the very cold and wet weather conditions on Sunday, 1st April 2018 there was a superb gathering at the National Monument where Jerry Lehane who was MC Supreme at the ceremony and the dedicated Monument Committee had the flags flying, the public address ready, beautiful flowers enhancing the setting and arrangements for refreshments at the very welcoming McCarthy’s Bar under the splendid management of Joanne and Family. Here we share some 66 images from the important annual occasion where we witness Millstreet Pipe Band, the Gardaí, Con Foley raising the national flag, the visiting Trumpeter playing the Last Post tribute, Tony McCarthy placing the Wreath, Jerry Doody reading the Proclamation, Siobhán Bean Uí Éalaithe reciting a decade of the Rosary and special Guest Speaker, Gerry White delivering an excellent address. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
[read more …] “Wonderfully Colourful Easter Parade 2018 in Millstreet on Sunday”
Easter Sunday Commemoration 2018
The guest speaker is Gerry White, who is a well known military historian and an author of several books on WWI and local history, including ‘A Great Sacrifice – Cork Servicemen who died in the Great War’, and ‘The Burning of Cork’ with Brendan O’Shea, he also wrote ‘Baptised in Blood’ the Cork story of 1916. Recently Gerry contributed two articles to the Bord Gáis Energy Book of the Year relating to the full story of Ireland’s revolutionary history from 1913 to 1923 ‘Atlas of the Irish Revolution’
Easter Sunday Commemoration
1966: Millstreet Pipe Band play the 50th Anniversary of the Easter Rising
This weekend, the Millstreet Pipe Band played the Centenary Commemoration of the Easter 1916 Rising, but in Easter 1966, the Millstreet Pipe Band held pride of place at the 50th anniversary of the 1916 Rising in Tralee. There’s a video of it in the RTÉ archives.
Click here to watch the 1966 video.
In it, the band are seen marching and playing at 1:22, 2:45, and 3:14, but unfortunately there is no sound.
[read more …] “1966: Millstreet Pipe Band play the 50th Anniversary of the Easter Rising”
Magnificent Millstreet Commemoration on Easter Sunday 2016 at The Square

And now we share a further 123 pictures illustrating the enthusiastic and heartfelt atmosphere of the hugely important 1916-2016 occasion. Daughter of Siobhán and the late Conchubhar Ó hÉalaithe – Nóirín – was truly outstanding in her very moving and meaningful reading of the Proclamation. Con Foley in historic uniform raised the flag in such a professional manner. So many more wonderful participants were involved. Let’s observe: [read more …] “Magnificent Millstreet Commemoration on Easter Sunday 2016 at The Square”
All in Readiness at National Monument for Today’s Commemoration
1916 Centenary Commemoration
Millstreet Monument Committee
Comóradh 1916
The centenary commemoration of the 1916 Rising and the mobilisation of the four local companies – Keale, Millstreet, Mushera and Rathduane will take place next Sunday. The 11.30 Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet will be in memory of the local deceased Irish Volunteers who participated in Easter manoeuvres 1916. (In the event of a funeral, the funeral will take precedence) All descendants and relatives of the Volunteers of the above Companies are invited to attend.
After Mass the Millstreet Pipe Band will lead the parade of descendants, relatives and the general public from the West End to the Square. The colour party will include Órla Twomey, Hannah Meaney, Pádraig Moynihan and Donnagh Murphy. The ceremony in the Square will include:
- Raising of the National Flag by Connie Foley,
- Laying of Wreath at Monument by Tadgh Crowley,
- Cullen School Ballad Group: My Last Farewell
- Sounding of the last post,
- Recital of decade of the rosary by Josephine Murphy,
- Reading the proclamation by Nóirín Ní hEalaithe,
- Oration by Tom Meaney,
- Playing of the National Anthem by Millstreet Pipe Band
- MC Jerry Lehane will give an explanation of the two new plaques
Fáilte Roimhe Gach Éinne.
Everybody Welcome .
Gordon O’Keeffe RDF to Participate in Sunday’s Prestigious Historic Commemoration in Dublin
Gordon O’Keeffe RDF ( Reserve Defence Force ) of which he has been a member for 39 years. He is part of Company 12th Battalion attached to Sarsfield Barracks in Limerick .
He is one of only 200 RDF (Reserve Defence Force) members and 2,300 members of the PDF (Permanent Defence Force ) who will be taking part in the 1916 Easter Sunday commemoration in Dublin on Easter Sunday 2016 . They will be marching from Stephens Green via O’Connell Street to Parnell Street with ceremonies at The Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin Castle, the GPO and the Garden of Remembrance between 9.00am and 12.30 pm on Easter Sunday April 27th. Click on the picture to enlarge. (S.R.)
Another Millstreet native JD Corcoran also took part in the parades in Dublin at Kilmainham Gaol, as a member of the Prison Services. ( here )
Easter Parade 2015 in Millstreet
Easter Commemoration 2014 at The Square, Millstreet

Blessed with ideal weather conditions the Organisers are to congratulated on coordinating such a very successful annual commemoration. Special thanks to the Murphy Family (pictured above) who have recently taken over management of McCarthy’s Bar at The Square, for inviting us to partake of some very welcome refreshments. The remaining 35 images we [read more …] “Easter Commemoration 2014 at The Square, Millstreet”
Easter Commemoration 2013 in Millstreet Today

Millstreet’s Easter Commemoration Ceremony 2012

Following 11.30 a.m. Mass at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet the annual Easter Commemoration ceremony took place at the Square where the Last Post was played, the Tricolour raised, a wreath laid at the Monument which was especially looking at its very best with four magnificent floral arrangements, the Proclamation read, a decade of the Rosary recited, a splendid oration delivered and the National Anthem played by Millstreet Pipe Band. Here we [read more …] “Millstreet’s Easter Commemoration Ceremony 2012”
Easter Commemoration at the Square on Easter Sunday