Tag: Family Fever
“Family Fever” at the Glen Theatre
Banteer Drama Group “Family Fever” by Sam Cree continues at the Glen Theatre this Sun 12th April at 8:30pm and this hilarious comedy is a follow up to last year’s “Wedding Fever”. As the Galbraith family prepare for Christmas and New Year, Alec Galbraith hopes for a peaceful Christmas. However, Myra, his eldest daughter, is heavily pregnant and is ready to give birth at any moment, while daughter Linda is cooing in a lovesick fashion over the latest object of her affections, the kilted Scotsman Archie McNulty. Stir in a pair of staidly disapproving in-laws, nosy neighbours Willie and Emily Beatty disturbing the peace, some slinky ladies underwear, an amorous Aunt Maud, a nappy-changing scene where flour is used instead of talc to salve the baby’s bottom, and a generous amount of seasonal tippling, and you get the picture!
Everyone is welcome. There is also a show on Sunday 19th April at 8:30pm.
Further details on the Glen Theatre Facebook Page