Feast of St. Brigid on Wednesday 1st Feb. 2023

Not only are we going to have the celebration of the Feast Day of St. Brigid on this Wednesday, 1st February 2023 but on Monday, 6th February we

Statue of St. Brigid in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.

shall experience the very first St. Brigid’s Bank Holiday Fr. Paddy O’Byrne in his very welcoming shop at West End, Millstreet has a wonderful selection (illustrated below) of religious items relating to St. Brigid.  On the Eve of the Feast Day, tonight, there is a very strong tradition in our area of leaving outdoors a handkerchief or a little cloth as it is believed that St. Brigid blesses the item during the night.  People then keep the cloth safely within their homes as a comforting protection of their homes throughout the year.   Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Feast of St. Brigid – Mary of the Gael – 1st February 2021

Statue of St. Brigid in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet – Monday, 1st Feb. 2021.   First day of Spring. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

[read more …] “Feast of St. Brigid – Mary of the Gael – 1st February 2021”