As we are a community organisation, we rely on your help to run these events. We fully appreciate all our volunteers and the more people who come on board, the less we all have to do. This year we are looking for more competition clerks to come on board – your job would be to help the judge with the smooth running of the competition. Or, you may want to stay out of the limelight – that’s OK too. You can help with venue set up and tidy up after, cleaning trophies or with our catering team. [read more …] “Millstreet Féile Cheoil 2017”
Tag: Féile Cheoil
Photos from Millstreet Féile Cheoil
There was a load of talent last Sunday at the Millstreet Féile Cheoil in the Community School, in what was a very enjoyable day. Well don to all that took part in this day of traditional music and dance. Photos thanks to Michelle, and there’s many more photos below, and more still on the Millstreet Comhaltas Branch page
More photos below [read more …] “Photos from Millstreet Féile Cheoil”