Sincere Heartfelt Thanks
As I gradually recover from the heart related scenario which emerged on St. Patrick’s Day 2015…I have time to reflect on the hugely appreciated kindness which I’ve experienced since then. I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the many wonderful relations in Millstreet, Killarney, Dungarvan and beyond…to the many very genuine true Friends and Neighbours who have shown such practical assistance…to the many who have sent Mass Bouquets, Get Well Cards, Letters, Phone Calls, Texts and Emails…to the various Local Organisations…to the two marvellously gifted Surgeons in Limerick and Dublin with such healing hands and their dedicated teams…to the Priests for their prayerful assistance which in no small way led to the successful outcome relating to the significant heart procedure in Dublin … to my local GPs and to the Staffs of the School in which I had taught. A very special word of thanks to William & Ita Fitzgerald from Cullen for their splendid help during the challenging time….to Ita for so spontaneously arranging for William to drive me not only for the angiogram in Limerick but also to Dublin for the corrective procedure at a later point. As always, William was so superbly witty, humorous and so very supportive during such a new experience in my life. I am 64 since January and the words of the Beatles hit “When I’m 64” certainly took on a far more significant meaning in my life in the lines…“Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I’m 64?”… Thankfully the answers to both questions appear to be positive! The past fortnight has given me an [read more …] “Sincere Heartfelt Thanks”