Cuan Mhuire Farnanes Gardening Project
WEDNESDAY, 16th May at Cuan Mhuire, Farnanes.
We thank Marie for the notice. (S.R.)
Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
Here we share two of the many locations where Daffodil Day 2018 fundraising was taking place today – outside O’Keeffe’s Supervalu and outside Coleman’s Centra. We thank all for such generous assistance. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
[read more …] “Magnificent Support for Daffodil Day 2018 Today”
A wonderfully successful fundraising Quiz in aid of the four Students from Millstreet Community School who will be travelling to Lourdes on a volunteering mission at Easter 2018 – was held on Friday, 23rd Feb. at the Wallis Arms Hotel. Here we share images of the winning Teams and the Coordinators. Special mention was given to the very generous Sponsors including Patrick W. O’Leary of Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Pictures of those Winners with their prizes will feature later. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Lourdes MCS Quiz Winners at Wallis Arms Hotel on Friday”
A most impressive cheque for €3,400.00 was presented by Celina O’Mahony (seated 2nd from left) who was representing the superb Organisers of the exciting Fundraising Stretcher Race in May (Siobhán Tarrant and Linda O’Mahony were especially thanked for their great dedication together with other team participants). The Bingo Event on New Year’s Day held in the Bush Bar was organised by Sheila Barrett and her wonderful team. Receiving the cheque for the Friends of Millstreet Community Hospital is Noreen McSweeney. The Race resulted in a fund of €2,600.00 while the Bingo made €800.00 for the praiseworthy cause. Connie Hickey of the Bush Bar was especially thanked for his wonderfully kind support and cooperation. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Following a recent hugely successful fundraising Coffee Day at the home of Anne Marie and Jerry O’Mahony of Clara a truly magnificent cheque for an amazing €5,450.00 was presented to Ann Kelly of Irish Community Air Ambulance. The very special event in memory of Eimear O’Mahony was enormously supported by so many people whose memory of Eimear is of great significance in their lives. Here we share images of the Coffee Day, Eimear’s Garden, the Tree planted by Jerry and Derry and the official presentation of the marvellously impressive cheque. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.) We share 19 more images below:
[read more …] “Magnificent Cheque in Memory of Eimear Presented to Irish Community Air Ambulance”
The superb Gym at Millstreet Community School was recently transformed into an exquisite Fashion Pavilion where a truly magnificent fundraising Fashion Show was held before a capacity audience. Here we share Part One of a selection of images from the spectacular colourful occasion. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Magnificent Fashion Show at Millstreet Community School – Part 1”
Patricia Guerin wishes to thank most sincerely all those who helped, supported and did baking for the recent Coffee Morning in aid of Millstreet Day Care Centre and COPE Foundation, Mallow. Thanks to Millstreet GAA for the use of the Community Hall. The help and support from All was greatly appreciated. The amount contributed to date is €1,240.00. Mass has been offered for the intentions of All. We thank Patricia for this Notice. (S.R.)
We now share lots more images from the truly inspiring and uplifting fundraising event. Sincere congratulations to all participants and supporters. [read more …] “Very Successful “Cork’s Little Heroes” Cycle Event in Millstreet on Saturday Morning”
Coordinated by Dave Murphy and his dedicated Team a group of cyclists from Cork City and beyond will stop for refreshments in Millstreet on Saturday morning in the Parish Centre. The event is in aid of “Cork’s Little Heroes”. Last year the inspiring participants had their welcome break in Millstreet GAA Community Hall. (S.R.)
Sharon Hickey presenting a cheque for €700.00 to Neily O’Leary, Chairman West Cork Rural Transport on behalf of Kilcorney Community Association. The proceeds of the Johnny Cash night at Moll Carthy’s Bridge Bar. Also included Tim Leader, Danny Sheehan, Donie Howard, Pat Sheehan and Steve Ellis, Cancer Connect Coordinator.
Thanks for the great support. We thank Donie Howard for the important photograph and caption. (S.R.) [read more …] “Very Successful Johnny Cash Event Results in Wonderful Cheque Presentation for “Cancer Connect” Transport”
MCS Student Council are running a Christmas Draw in aid of Cork Simon. The school has been supporting this worthy cause for many years and last year raised over €2,500. This year we hope to replicate this success and all students are selling lines and cards, 50c a line, €20 a card. There are fabulous prizes and a selection box for every completed card sold.
The draw will take place on Dec. 19th and you could be in with a chance for yummy prizes or some exquisite pottery pieces (pictured below) created for the occasion. We thank Teachers Barry Fraser and Chris Horan for alerting us to this wonderful annual praiseworthy project. Please support generously! (S.R.)
We thank Joan McCann of Ballinhassig for the following appeal.
As a retired teacher I have been going to the Gambia (in West Africa) for the last six years on a completely voluntary basis. During this time, as a group, we have held workshops to provide further training for groups of teachers, sometimes in areas that were very remote and very far inland. Bridget’s mother Philomen is one of those teachers. She is a very fine hardworking lady, doing her best to provide for her family, not an easy feat in Africa as teachers are very badly paid. Bridget’s father is an invalid, and Bridget is the eldest of three girls. She is just eighteen years old and had recently done very well in her state exams – despite her illness. Bridget is the family’s hope of some ease from the poverty they live in, because if she is educated she will help the others.
Bridget has been suffering for quite a while from juvenile scoliosis., and in recent times because it is so severe, her breathing is becoming dangerously restricted. She is very ill and very distressed and in need of surgery urgently. Because of the relationship she has built up with us, her mother Philomen has implored us to help to save her daughter – how could we refuse?.
After months of searching we have found a surgeon in Ghana who will perform the surgery – but the cost of surgery, after care etc will cost approximately Euro 25000.00.
My friend Margaret, who lives in Dublin and who is my working colleague in the Gambia, is striving diligently in Dublin to fundraise for this cause also.
I will be holding a coffee morning on November 30th at my home on Briar Hill from 10:30 to 12:30 and 2:30 to 4:30 and a ceili in the Marian Hall on January 7th for the same cause and a concert on January 21st also in the Marian Hall, Ballinhassig.
For further information I can be contacted at 087 9685484.
And here are some more pictures from the refreshingly uplifting occasion in Carriganima. [read more …] “Cheque Presentations to Hospitals Take Place at “The Pub” in Carriganima”
The Buckley Family in memory of John organised this very special event to help the most praiseworthy work of the Mercy Hospital and also to express thanks for the greatly appreciated care which had been provided. The magnificent setting of the area in Rathcoole where the Buckley Family reside may be seen in the following pictures. [read more …] “Very Successful Coffee Fundraising Day at Rathcoole for Mercy Hospital”
Updated: some photos and videos of the event have been added below:
[read more …] “Stretcher Race Today for Linda’s Magnificent Project in Sri Lanka”
Presentation of the Carriganima 2015 Walk/Run/Jog Cheques to Millstreet and Macroom Hospitals at 9.30 tonight (17th Oct. 2015) in The Pub Carriganima. We thank Jimmy Murphy for the reminder. (S.R.)