A Final Chance to See Hilarious Comedy at Glen Theatre This Saturday Night

There is just one last chance to see the hugely entertaining and very successful Drama Production of "Stop It Nurse!" by the wonderful Banteer Drama Group.
There is just one last chance to see the hugely entertaining and very successful Drama Production of “Stop It Nurse!” by the wonderful Banteer Drama Group.   In aid of Cystic Fibrosis it takes place at Banteer’s Glen Theatre this Saturday, 13th April 2013 at 8.30 pm.   Definitely not a performance to be missed if you still hadn’t got an opportunity to see it.   (S.R.)

Wonderfully Entertaining “Josef Locke Story” at Glen Theatre

Friday night at Banteer's Glen Theatre an enthusiastic audience were wonderfully entertained   by the superb singing, piano playing, narration and acting of "Blaze Away - The Incredible Story of Josef Locke".
Friday night at Banteer’s Glen Theatre an enthusiastic audience was wonderfully entertained by the superb singing, piano playing, narration and acting of “Blaze Away – The Incredible Story of Josef Locke”.  Above we see Michael Casey who is such a brilliant pianist.   The gifted actors/singers from left (below) are: Frank Ryan, Joe O’Gorman, Linda Kenny and Kevin Hough.   The excellent Director of the presentation is Cathal MacCabe.  We thoroughly recommend the magnificent production.   Click on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)

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Story of Josef Locke at Glen Theatre, Banteer This Friday Night – Superb

We thank Sheila Sherlock of Glen Theatre Team for this interesting and important reminder.  (S.R.)  For further information click on the following link:  This production is proving very popular with audiences.
We thank Sheila Sherlock of Glen Theatre Team for this interesting and important reminder.  The excellent performance begins at 8pm.  (S.R.)   For further information click on the following link:

[read more …] “Story of Josef Locke at Glen Theatre, Banteer This Friday Night – Superb”

Final Weekend of Excellent Drama Production at Glen Theatre

The hugely entertaining "Stop It Nurse!" by the superb Banteer Drama Group has its final performances this Friday and Saturday nights 15th and 16th March 2013 at 8.30 pm.   We very much recommend this
The hugely entertaining “Stop It Nurse!” by the superb Banteer Drama Group has its final performances this Friday and Saturday nights 15th and 16th March 2013 at 8.30 pm. We very much recommend this magnificent Production which has been playing to capacity audiences.   (S.R.)

“Stop it Nurse!” Superb Drama Production at Glen Theatre This Sunday Night

A magnificent production by Banteer Drama Group "Stop it Nurse!" is being enjoyed by capacity audiences at Banteer's Glen Theatre.   Universally praised it is wonderfully hilarious and can still be seen this Sunday night at 8.30.   We very highly recommend it and extend sincere congratulations to the splendid Cast and the very dedicated Producer and Backstage Crew.  (S.R.)
A magnificent production by Banteer Drama Group “Stop it Nurse!” is being enjoyed by capacity audiences at Banteer’s Glen Theatre. Universally praised it is wonderfully hilarious and can still be seen this Sunday night at 8.30. We very highly recommend it and extend sincere congratulations to the splendid Cast and the very dedicated Director and Backstage Crew. (S.R.)

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