Hi Everyone.
Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
Hi Everyone.
Open Day!
Celebrating the Relaunch
of Chapel Hill School of Art
Chapel Hill, Macroom,
P12 E020
To celebrate the Art School re-opening for classes in September, Chapel Hill School of Art in
Macroom is hosting an fun, free Open Day August 20th from 12.30 to 4pm.
In partnership with The Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and
Media and Cork County Council with Heritage Week, Cork Craft Month and August Craft
Month, a series of Heritage based workshops and demonstrations will be showcased for
your enjoyment on the spacious grounds and buildings on Chapel Hill. Free Event…….All Welcome!
Looking for spin from Millstreet to and from Macroom weekdays for new job @ 8.30 a.m. and finished @ 5p.m. Willing to pay and fully vaccinated. Thanks.
Contact : 083 4625 616
We thank Seáno Murphy of Knocknagree (originally from High Mill Lane, Millstreet) for sharing this wonderfully historic photograph of 1956 showing the Millstreet Team playing an important Match in Macroom – a County Quarter Final. Seáno is pictured on the extreme left in the front row. Tap on the image to enlarge. (S.R.) Seáno has just kindly shared the names of all in the picture:
Back Row from left: Ted O’Connor, John O’Shea, Denis Kelleher, John O’Keeffe, Con Corcoran, Brendan Moynihan, Teddy Kelleher, John Kelleher, Cormac Dineen, Neily Dennehy, J.J. Hinchion and Jim O’Connor (Dooneen). Front Row from left: Seáno Murphy, John Corcoran, John F. Daly, Dan O’Leary, Garda Mick Byrne stationed in Knocknagree – father of the former Garda Chief Commissioner, Pat Byrne (Goalie), Joe Buckley, John “Sing” O’Sullivan, William O’Leary, Pat Joe Kelleher and Anthony Manley.
O’ Flynn Medical Ltd is a national supplier of medical equipment to hospitals and nursing homes throughout Ireland. The company promotes a continuous drive for quality and customer satisfaction.
We are currently seeking applications for the role of SERVICE ENGINEER to work primarily at our headquarters in Macroom, Co Cork.
The successful applicant must have:
[read more …] “Recruitment of Service Engineer at O’ Flynn Medical Ltd.”
We thank Pádraig O’Driscoll for sharing this image of the very successful Millstreet Team on Saturday, 15th Aug. 2020 when in the Bon Secours Cork Intermediate Football Championship they played Ballinora at Macroom Castle Grounds pitch. Tap on the picture to enlarge. (S.R.) Pádraig comments: “Hard fought win this Saturday evening v Ballinora 8 pts to 5 ….. Come on the Sráid!“
O’LEARY (née Murphy) (Macroom): On February 27, 2020, peacefully, at Four Ferns Nursing Home, Foxrock, Dublin, HANNAH, Sleaveen West and late of the Rectory and Supervalu, Macroom, beloved wife of the late Pa, loving mother of Catherine, Gerard, Anne and Pat, sister of Dan Joe Murphy, Knocknakilla, Millstreet and the late Kitty O’Neill, Teresa Murphy and Annie Kelleher. Deeply regretted by her loving family, grandchildren, daughter-in-law Eithne, son-in-law Timmy, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.
Reposing on Sunday in St. Colman’s Church, Macroom (Eircode P12VP20) from 5.30pm with prayers at 7pm Requiem Mass on Monday at 2.30pm. Funeral afterwards to St. Colman’s Cemetery, Macroom. Family flowers only. House private. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam dílis.
As there is no venue available to host the Annual Pantomime, Lee Valley Panto Group have decided to assist 4 charities this year by performing Christmas Candlelight Cabaret at Coolcower House, Macroom, on the 13th and 14th of December. The charities are as follows: Marymount Hospice, Macroom Hospital, St. Vincent De Paul, and Sullane Haven.
If you would like to get involved in any way on or off stage you are very welcome. It is hoped that there will be no more than 4 or 5 rehearsals, lots of great singing, hilarious comedy and some exciting magic. Pre-show menu will be available by contacting Coolcower House directly (026) 41695. Tickets to cabaret including Christmas drink reception €20.
GOOD NEWS FOR CHILDREN: There will be a special Sing-A-Long Christmas performance for children’s chorus on Sunday 15th from 2.30 to 4pm, with many surprises including a very welcome Christmas guest. There should be no more than three rehearsal for children and admission to this event is free of charge. This will be action packed with singing, dancing lots of fun and more. All enquiries to Ann at 087 2755080.
Lee Valley Enterprise Board Presents the World Premiere Of
‘Sir Henry’
As a follow up to last year’s hugely successful Autumn Musical, Alan Kiely and Kevin Connolly have created another fantastic Musical which has to be seen. Featuring a stellar local cast, including Seán Óg Ó Duinnín as Sir Henry, we are delighted to announce that this production will be directed by the brilliant Cathal Mac Cabe (RTE).
Based on true events, ‘Sir Henry’ tells the farcical story of the misadventures of Sir Henry Browne Hayes, the notorious Cork based play boy who sought to gain the hand of the young heiress Mary Pike as a sure cure to his financial woes by nefarious means. This man’s actions caused scandal throughout the British Empire in 1797, under the palpable tension of insurrection in Ireland and set against the backdrop of revolution in France and America. [read more …] “World Premiere Of ‘Sir Henry’”
Auditions for Grease Lightning: Due to over whelming demand for the return of Youth Theatre in Macroom, Lee Valley Enterprise Board are delighted to invite all youths over 12 years of age from the Lee Valley region to participate in our specially created song and dance production of Grease Lightning, directed by Margo Carlisle of Carlisle Stage School, Cork with musical director, Macroom’s own Ann Buckley. This will be an amazing opportunity for young people to develop their artistic skills as they enjoy vocal training, acting, choreography as well as socialise and work as a team on and off the stage. Auditions (12 years of age plus) will take place on Sunday 20th August at 5:00pm at Riverside Park Hotel. You will be required to sing any song of your own choice from a musical and may be required to read lines for character parts. Performacnes will take place on October 6th, 7th & 8th.
Auditions for ‘Sir Henry’: Auditions for the exciting new musical ‘Sir Henry’, written by Alan Kiely and Kevin Connolly & directed by Cathal MacCabe (RTE), will take place on August 27th at 5:00pm in Riverside Park Hotel Macroom. All are welcome to attend, please spread the word!! Based on true events, this show tells the farcical story of the misadventures of Sir Henry Browne Hayes, the notorious play boy who sought to gain the hand of the young heiress Mary Pike as a sure cure to his financial woes, this story caused scandal throughout the British Empire in 1797. Performance will take place on October 27th,October 28th, October 29th, November 4th & November 5th.
All queries to Ann Dunne at <email>.
Any profits the Lee Valley Enterprise Board make from these shows will go back into local projects, including the restoration of the Church of Ireland in Macroom to create a cultural & tourism amenity.
Lee Valley Enterprise Board is delighted to announce that entries are now being taken for the 2017 Flower of Macroom. As part of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, the lucky winner will have the honour of leading this year’s St Patrick’s Day Parade as Grand Marshall!
A new member of Macroom Toastmasters from Millstreet suggested we make use of the great resource that is Millstreet.ie to get the word out there on what we can offer the public. There is a widespread perception that Toastmaster’s is at best all about windbags droning on for hours, and at worst, it involves all sorts of outdated rituals. Neither are true.
Toastmasters is all about helping people to overcome their fear of public speaking, and to help people with their communication skills generally. Examples of where Macroom Toastmasters have helped out some members in the past include: