Memory of the late Wonderful Big Tom McBride & Rose

William & Ita Fitzgerald with Big Tom McBride following an LTV2 interview at the Hazel Tree near Mallow in Oct. 2009. We had just presented a portrait of Tubrid Holy Well to gentleman supreme Tom. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the McBride Family on the recent passing to their Eternal Reward of Tom (this week) and of his beloved wife, Rose (eleven weeks ago)…Ar dheis Dé go raibh a nanamacha dílse. Through their lifelong Friend, Michael Commins who broadcast a three-hour radio tribute programme on Wednesday on Midwest Radio – William, Ita and I got to meet and to record Tom and Rose (who were always so very welcoming and so very sincere) on a number of occasions. (S.R.)

[read more …] “Memory of the late Wonderful Big Tom McBride & Rose”

Shandrum Céilí Band’s Homecoming Night in Mallow on Fri. 14th Oct.

The Shandrum Céilí Band are having a homecoming night on Friday 14th October 2016 in the Hibernian Hotel, Mallow at 8.30pm to celebrate their victory and also the victory of anyone who won medals at Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann for CCÉ Craobh Chrónáin (Freemount). Prizewinners performing on the night include the Shandrum Céilí Band, the 15-18 Crossfields Céilí Band, Craobh Chrónáin Set Dancers and many more.   There will be a cover charge on the night.  We thank Miriam O’Sullivan for this important notice and we extend sincere congratulations to All the superbly talented musicians, singers and dancers who were so very successful in the recent national Fleadh at Ennis.  (S.R.)

Our President in Mallow

2014-11-28 President Michael D Higgins  in Mallow - photo by Jane ThomasThere was a great turnout at Mallow last Firday afternoon greeting the President for the unveiling of the statue of Thomas Davis

The picture dipicts his passion in what he believes in.

With thanks to Jane Thomas for this photo and comment above.

Also in the media:

More work needed to realise Thomas Davis’ Vision (Irish Examiner 29th Nov)

President Higgins pays tribute to writer and poet Thomas Davis (Irish Times 29th Nov) [read more …] “Our President in Mallow”

BTEI Social Studies Course – November

BTEI are running a short FETAC Level 5 Social Studies course in Mallow in early November to service the increased demand for part-time education.  With a huge increase in unemployment, the need for certified up-skilling in a changing workplace is more apparent.

This introductory course offers FETAC Level 5 Social Studies one night per week (7-10pm) over 10 weeks, which aims to give participants an understanding of the core theories and methodologies of Sociology and prepare them for further study at Post Leaving Certificate Colleges in this area.  It is hoped that a second FETAC Level 5 module (Human Growth and Development) will be offered in the New year.

[read more …] “BTEI Social Studies Course – November”