Missing! Garfield, a spoiled ginger cat. A free spirit and a roamer, possibly looking for greener pastures. Has yet to learn that the other man’s grass isn’t always greener! €10.00 reward for his safe return.
Tag: Millstreet
Christmas Carol Service in St. Patrick’s Church Millstreet on Monday at 7pm
Scoil Mhuire Boys’ National School, Millstreet
will host their annual Christmas Carol Service
in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet
on Monday 16th December at 7pm.
We look forward to seeing you all on the night.
The West End Café is Hiring
The West End Café, Millstreet
Restaurant Supervisor – (similar experience a distinct advantage)
Kitchen assistant
Service staff
A good standard of English is required
Contact Marcella 087 2027700
Update on extension to St Josephs Hospital, Millstreet
Glasses Found at Killarney Road, Millstreet
Páirc Chatháin, Liscahane
This week, Cork County Council published planning documents on its new Social Housing Development at Liscahane for 26 homes. Thect site is located to the rear of an existing residential estate (Old Coach Avenue and Old Court Drive), off the Liscahane Road.
This is to be welcomed as homes are in very short supply in Millstreet, as is the case all over the country presently.
Below is the site layout, but full documents for the development are available on the Cork County Council website HERE.
Millstreet’s Very Own Phone Shop on Main Street
We thank Safaraz Chakary for sharing a superb selection of images illustrating Millstreet’s very own Phone Centre on Main Street. Tap on the photos to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Millstreet’s Very Own Phone Shop on Main Street”
Seeking Place to Rent in Millstreet
I’m looking for a place to rent in Millstreet for myself. One bedroom flat. Reasonable price. Good personality and friendly. If anyone knows please contact me on 087 253 5722 between 2pm and 6pm. Thank you.
Job Opportunities at Presentation National School, Millstreet
Job Opportunity
Presentation National School, Millstreet
School Cleaner
12 hours per week
For further details, contact Siobhán at principal.millpns @gmail.com
Job Opportunity
Presentation National School, Millstreet
Taxi Escort for 2 pupils with Additional Needs
Morning and Afternoon, Monday to Friday.
For further details contact Siobhán at principal.millpns @gmail.com
Wonderful Range of Courses at Millstreet Centre
Jimmy Galvin – Acknowledgement & First Anniversary
Recruiting at O’Keeffe’s Supervalu Millstreet
Become part of our team. We are currently recruiting for following positions. Basic English Required:
1. Till Assistant – Evening, Mon to Friday
2. Confectionary Bakery Assistant – Full Time
3. Meat Counter Assistant – Full Time
Please call in with CV or email CV to 392-millstreet-store @supervalu.ie and specify what position and hours you are available for.
Mass Schedule For Coming Week in Millstreet
St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet
TUESDAY 27th: Funeral Mass at 11.00a.m.
WEDNESDAY 28th: MASS AT 10.00a.m. for Lena & Johnny O’Keeffe, Main Street
THURSDAY 29th: MASS AT 10.00a.m. for Patrick, Lucy & John Murphy, Mallow
Mass for Anthony Pepper Deferred Until A Later Date
Donna Cullinane McCormack shares the following message with us: “I am having the celebration of Mass for the Dad of my Friend Martina Kelleher Pepper in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet on Friday, 21st October 2022 at 7.30pm (now deferred). Anthony Pepper went to his Eternal Reward last month. R.I.P.. Everyone is very welcome to attend the special Mass in memory of Anthony.”…..Update: This Mass for Anthony has been deferred until a later date.
Noreen Downing (née O’Mahony), Killarney, Co. Kerry / Millstreet, Co. Cork
The death has occurred of Noreen Downing (née O’Mahony)
Ross Road, Killarney, Co. Kerry / Millstreet, Co. Cork
Peacefully at her home surrounded by her loving family. Beloved wife of Robert and much loved mother of Caragh, Michael and Amanda. Sadly missed and dearly loved by her family, son-in-law Ray Bradley, her grandchildren Kaela and Olivia, Ava and Alex and Lee, Jake, Ryan, Jamie and their mom Paula, Robert’s sister and brother Mary Kiely and Tim Eales, her brothers and sisters Mike, Pat, Danny, Ann, Kathleen, Martin, Mary, Veronica and Cliona, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, cousins, relatives and many friends. Predeceased by her parents Dano and Kathleen and her brother Eddie.
“May Her Gentle Soul Rest In Peace”
Reposing at O’Shea’s Funeral Home, Killarney on Wednesday evening from 4.30pm to 6.30pm followed by removal to St Mary’s Cathedral. Requiem Mass on Thursday morning at 10.30am, burial afterwards in Aghadoe Cemetery, Killarney. The Requiem Mass will be live streamed on https://www.churchservices.tv/killarneycathedral. Family flowers only by request, donations, if desired, to Palliative Care. If you wish to offer your condolences online, please click on the link HERE.
Danny Joe Murphy, Dublin & Tanyard, Millstreet
The death has occurred of Daniel Murphy, John St. South, Dublin & formerly of Tanyard, Millstreet, Co. Cork.
The death has occurred of the late, Daniel (Joseph) Murphy, peacefully, at home surrounded by his loving family, sadly missed by his beloved wife Mary, son Stanley, daughters Fiona, Vanessa, Siobhán, Aislinn, grandchildren , Mary, Danny-Joe, Úna, Oscar, Caoimhe, Ernán, sisters Margaret Kelleher (Mount Leader, Millstreet), Delia Barrett (Tullig, Millstreet), Joan Murphy (Tanyard, Millstreet) and extended family.
May He Rest In Peace
A private funeral will take place due to Government advice, on Monday in Mount Jerome Crematorium at 1:45 pm A book of condolence is open on the link HERE
Update from McCarthys Bar Millstreet
Message from Joanne in McCarthys Bar Millstreet.
Due to the upcoming Level 3 Ruling it looks like were back to closing down again,we will be Open Tomorrow Evening which will be our last Evening open for a while.
Thanks to Everyone for your Support over the last few weeks and hopefully will be back again soon.
A Welcome Back Message from McCarthys Bar Millstreet
Message from Joanne in McCarthys Bar Millstreet.
A huge welcome back to each and everyone of our customers we cannot wait to open our doors to you all on Tommorrow Monday at 3pm. We are still only learning all the rules and guidelines so please bare with us while we get used to this new way of life! Booking is advised for weekends as we can only take certain amount of numbers and we don’t want anyone disappointed.
Please wear your masks when coming in and out of the bar. Bookings can be made on 0862656267 phone or text. Can’t wait to see you all. Stay safe
Joanne and Family xx
First Anniversary Mass on Sat. 29th Feb. for Vivienne Murphy
Sr. Consilio’s Cuan Mhuire Centre in Farnanes – Church Gate Collection This Weekend
There will be a Church Gate Collection in Millstreet – 17th/18th August 2019 – in aid of Sr. Consilio’s Cuan Mhuire Centre in Farnanes. This highly regarded facility superbly treats Girls who experience addiction problems including substance and alcohol dependency. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
— see Cuan Mhuire on Facebook
World Book Day 2019 Celebrated at Library
“Millstreet Library was delighted to welcome the boys and girls from 1st Class Presentation National School to meet renowned Irish author/illustrator Derek Mulveen and enjoy a special storytime reading of his book “Oisín the Brave, Robot Island” an adventure story that takes Oisín and Órane the Dragon to three islands on a quest to find a GOLDEN KEY and save Robot Island….before time runs out.” Click on the images to enlarge.

“Pebbles for the Rebels” – Junior Entrepreneur Programme in Millstreet
Missing Cat
Special Sacred Space for Papal Visit 2018 at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet
A magnificent Sacred Space has been created at St. Patrick’s Church to especially mark the upcoming Papal Visit to Ireland by Pope Francis. Coordinated by Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. and Parish Secretary, Sharon Lane the wonderful feature is further enhanced by the work of Millstreet Men’s Shed (crafting the very beautiful tree), the photography of Fr. James McSweeney (superb image of the Cross on Clara Mountain) and the splendid art design of Declan Crowley of Milltech. The overall theme is World Meeting of Families 21 – 26 August 2018. Here we share a selection of images illustrating the Sacred Space and also showing further Papal features within the Sanctuary. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Special Sacred Space for Papal Visit 2018 at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet”
Birthday Celebrations at Millstreet Day Care Centre on Wednesday
We were delighted to record three wonderful Birthday Celebrations at Millstreet Day Care Centre today. Coordinator Mary Feeley introduced us to Julia Murphy who is celebrating her 104th Birthday and who sang for us all a beautiful rendition of “My Donegal Shore” without even having to use glasses when referring to the words of the song! Joining Julia was Kathleen Moynihan and Peg Tarrant. A very Happy Birthday to all three splendid ladies. Adding to the occasion there was a superb musical presentation by pupils from Presentation N.S., Millstreet. A cheque of €500.00 was also presented to the Centre by the Pupils and Teacher Nora Murphy as the result of a recent Bake Cake Sale at the School. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
[read more …] “Birthday Celebrations at Millstreet Day Care Centre on Wednesday”
Divine Mercy Novena 2018 in St. Patrick’s Church Millstreet
Magical Snow Event 2018 at Mount Leader, Millstreet
While many of us are still snowbound (and trying to overcome a cold) thankfully a thaw is near. Here with some 36 images we hope to share the magic of the past few days although undoubtedly days which created challenges for many. Our base is Mount Leader where the kindness of neighbours delivering provisions and delicious soup is so hugely impressive. Thankfully also electrical power has been maintained and the water supply continues to flow. While my cat liked to roll in the snow she was delighted to be indoors in the warmth of my home. And she has been great company during this amazing time. Transmission of Church TV (although somewhat affected by weather conditions) is brilliant and a great advantage to the parish. So let’s begin our “magical tour”. Click on the images to enlarge especially the later selection in “read more”. Enjoy! (S.R.)

And we continue to share 24 more images of our “magical tour”. To access these just click on “read more” and also click on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.)
[read more …] “Magical Snow Event 2018 at Mount Leader, Millstreet”
Death Notice: Catherine Carroll (née O’Sullivan), Killarney
The death has occurred of Catherine CARROLL (née O’Sullivan)
Mill Road, Killarney, Co. Kerry / Farranfore, Co. Kerry.
And formerly of Killeagh, Farranfore. Beloved wife of the late Dan and loving mother of Denis, Donal, Pat and the late Seán. Very sadly missed and dearly loved by her family, daughters-in-law Marie, Ann, Helena and Fiona, her grandchildren Avril (Vancover, Canada), Orla, Darragh, Claudia (Chicago, USA), Ciara and Daniel, her cousins, relatives, neighbours and her many friends and the staff and residents at Our Lady Of Lourdes Care Facility, Kilcummin.
May She Rest In Peace.
Reposing at O’Shea’s Funeral Home, Cathedral Place, Killarney on Sunday evening from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm. Removal at 6.00 pm on Sunday evening to St. Mary’s Cathedral. Requiem Mass on Monday morning at 10.30am, burial afterwards in Aghadoe Cemetery, Killarney.
Date Published: Friday 2nd February 2018
Date of Death: Friday 2nd February 2018
The late Mrs. Catherine Carroll was mother-in-law of Marie (née Radley) formerly of The Square, Millstreet. For many years I had the great privilege of knowing the late Mrs. Carroll, R.I.P.. Through her wonderful kindness, dedication to her Family, superb knowledge of the history of Killarney and beyond, consistent interest in all things local and great love of Radio Kerry, her inspiring example as a true Christian and her unique gift of making All feel so very welcome at all times – this real Lady has so enriched all our lives in a very special way. Ní bheidh a leithéidí arís ann. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dílis. (S.R.)
Health Promoting School Flag Awarded to Presentation N.S., Millstreet

[read more …] “Health Promoting School Flag Awarded to Presentation N.S., Millstreet”
Wonderfully Successful Quiz for Millstreet Hospital

[read more …] “Wonderfully Successful Quiz for Millstreet Hospital”