On Wednesday, 1st February 2023 – St. Brigid’s Day – Coordinator supreme, Marie Twomey & Members of Staff accorded a royal welcome to almost forty people who had participated in a variety of very interesting Courses and who were now about to be awarded their prestigious Certificates at the Millstreet Centre for Further Education & Training situated on Main Street. In fact some 51 people were eligible for the Presentation of Certificates but some were unable to be present on the day. Here we feature our first selection (of two) of images relating to the important occasion. Following the warm welcome, a number of inspiring talks, the presentation of Certificates and a group photograph – all were treated to delicious refreshments. Our second feature follows within the next few days. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Presentation of Prestigious Certificates at Millstreet Centre for Further Education & Training”