“Canon” Jerry Visits Museum!

Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
The pupils from Presentation N.S., Millstreet all signed our Visitors’ Book and indicated their wish to return and to observe the various historic items in greater detail. Here we share two further images from the enjoyable occasion. [read more …] “Young Visitors to Millstreet Museum Display Such Sincere Enthusiasm”
Presenting the old Ballydaly Medal to Millstreet Museum Mary Hackett, Michael Cashman, Kathy Dennett, Mary Flaherty, Seán Radley
Programme of the Historic Occasion on Wednesday, 14th October 2015 at 7pm
Assembly at 6.45pm to the sound of Pipe Music in preparation for the official unveiling of the Andrew Carnegie Centenary Plaque which will be performed by Nora Kelleher of Minor Row whose Uncle, Joe O’Connor was one of the main coordinators responsible for the establishment of the Carnegie Hall in Millstreet in 1912.
Official Opening of Millstreet Museum by Noel Buckley in the presence of Cllr John Paul O’Shea, Mayor of Cork County and other Dignitaries. Then follows the Blessing of the Museum Centre by Canon John Ftizgerald, P.P..
The Presentation by Mary Flaherty of the Medal of Patrick Murphy, late of Ballydaly found by his Grandson, Russell Murphy, in New Zealand.
We shall have brief addresses by the Cork County Mayor, by Noel Buckley, by Nora Kelleher and by Mary Flaherty.
Fr. Paddy O’Byrne will present the Child of Mary Cloak (and Confraternity Medal) belonging to the late Dola O’Byrne.
We focus on the truly magnificent 1840 frame for the 1927 Monument Plaque which has recently been very creatively made by Dan Duggan of West End.
Jerry Lehane will present his some of his many historic items which he had very kindly made available to the Museum over many years.
On our Wall of Light of “Millstreet Through History” special reference will be made to Denis Kiely who in the 1920s was among those who saved the Carnegie Hall from being put on fire. The Wall illustrates an historic photo of Denis and his Companions following the saving of the historic building.
Then will follow a number of Museum Presentations to various people who have greatly contributed to the bringing to reality the reopening of Millstreet Museum and Tourist Information Centre.
Everyone is most welcome to this very historic evening in Millstreet.
Millstreet Museum will be officially opened following refurbishment on Wednesday, 14th October 2015 at 7.00 p.m.. The Carnegie Centenary Plaque will also be celebrated and a number of presentations will take place. An historic medal will be officially presented to the Museum and focus will be placed on the historic treasures already on display. Fuller details of the historic occasion will follow later. Everyone is very welcome to this special event at which we expect the Mayor of Cork County to be present. (S.R.)
Michael has featured in many famous films through his phenomenal knowledge of all kinds of vintage transport. Many historic items from his Museum have been used in highly regarded films. His dedication to the preservation of vintage transport especially the railway world is totally inspiring. In the 1980s he visited Millstreet when as we so clearly recall a traction engine was welcomed into Millstreet by Millstreet Pipe Band in a fundraising project for the preservation of the world of Steam. It travelled slowly from Fenit to Mallow (as far as we recall). Michael is so very helpful in sharing his vast knowledge of vintage such as the picture below where he explains that the original fireman’s hat is made of [read more …] “Eurovision 1993 Flags Presented to Millstreet Museum by Michael Kennedy”
Tony O’Connor from Tralee with Millstreet roots has kindly forwarded a €20 cheque for our fund. So the total is now €1,805.22 ... Many thanks, Tony and to All who contributed so very generously.
These important funds will help to defray costs relating to the annual insurance, heating, lighting and development of our Museum & Tourist Information Centre as well also to the maintenance of the Millstreet Website. We also very much appreciate the frequent comments of great encouragement which [read more …] “Wonderfully Generous Support for Museum & Website”
Our annual church gate collection is our principal source of income to maintain both our Museum/Tourist Information Centre at Carnegie Hall and our Millstreet.ie Website. Your support at our church gate collection in Millstreet this weekend (8th/9th August 2015) would be greatly appreciated so as to assist us to continue these community based efforts. We thank you in anticipation of such generosity. (S.R.)
Pictured on top are: Back row: Ted O’Connor (Tullig), Jackie Forde, Fr Corridan, Christy Fitzgerald. Front row: Fergus Kelleher, Matthew Bickerdyke, Eileen Creedon, Mary Cronin, Frances Maxwell.
Lots of wonderful questions were asked and very creative [read more …] “First Class from Presentation N.S. at Millstreet Museum Today”
www.corkmusicstation.com Click on this link to access “Radio Treasures” on Tues. 31st March 2015 at 10pm.
Our splendid visitors truly enjoyed their trip to Millstreet on this Saturday, 21st March 2015 before setting out for [read more …] “American Visitors at Millstreet Museum Today”
Millstreet Museum & Tourist Information Centre will open on a temporary basis to coincide with Millstreet Gathering Festival. The Centre is presently being prepared for its official opening later in the Summer but we welcome visitors to view the work-in-progress this Thursday, Friday and Saturday (4th, 5th and 6th July 2013). Opening Hours on the three days are from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.. (S.R.)