Millstreet Town Park Committee are pleased to share below the proposed plans for our next project a full refurbishment of our children’s playground (last overhauled over 25 years ago) for the benefit of our growing population of under twelves.
We want to bring our playground in line with the rest of our fantastic amenity and make it a fun, healthy, inclusive and safe place for all our little people. This upgrade is set to cost approximately €120,000. On average our yearly income for the total running of the Town Park grounds is €15,000 (Local Lotto and club subs) with annual recurring costs of a minimum of €8000, on insurance, gym equipment maintenance and machine repair alone.
We have secured a grant of €14,000 from Cork County Council, subject to completion of the works, and are making progress on further funding. However, we still face a significant shortfall. We are therefore calling on all “Sraiders”, past and present, at home and away and all users of our fantastic Town Park, to dig deep and make whatever financial contribution you can to support this project.

If you wish to make a contribution you may:
(i) lodge directly online to Millstreet Town Park Committee back account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2D, or
(ii) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park Committee” care of FÁS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym, Millstreet.
We will also shortly be appealing to the local businesses in Millstreet for assistance with the financing of this project. With help from right across our community we hope to get this refurbishment underway.
If you wish to confirm your contribution and share your story of growing up down the Lawn we would be delighted to hear from you at <>
Finally, without the additional financial support from you, the people of Millstreet, we fear for the future viability of the playground in its current condition for the children of Millstreet – the future of our community.
Thank you
Millstreet Town Park Committee
Chairman Denis Twomey, Secretary Denis Hickey, Treasurer Geraldine O’Leary