Town Park Children’s Playground Not to Reopen to Public as Yet

We thank Denis Hickey (representing Millstreet Town Park Committee) for the following statement:

“Millstreet Town Park Committee notes the announcement that as part of Phase Two of the Government Covid-19 roadmap, supervised playgrounds will be allowed to re-open from Monday 8th June.
Millstreet Town Park Committee does not operate a supervised playground.  Pending further clarification Millstreet playground will not be re-opening from Monday 8th June 2020.”

Millstreet Town Park Children’s Playground Summer 2020. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

Playground Donation Thank You

Millstreet Town Park Committee wish to thank  Catherine Pomeroy of Pomeroy Auctioneers for her very generous  donation to the Playground Project.   We are hugely appreciative to Catherine and for every financial contribution that we have received to date.  Millstreet, you have really got behind the Town Park on this project, thank you.  The Playground is open daily and despite the poor weather the place is packed!   Please continue to support our local entities  as they are they heart of our great little town.   We are still accepting donations to make us debt free  and we would be delighted to receive any and all  amounts.    [read more …] “Playground Donation Thank You”

Thanks from Millstreet Town Park

Millstreet Town Park Committee wishes to thank  Jerry Collins of Collins Tyre Centre & Filling Station  for his  very generous  donation to the Playground Project.   The Playground is now open during daylight hours and is a hive of activity with the fun levels through  the roof!  We send a huge thank you to Jerry and all our local businesses, clubs, schools, Creches and individual Sráiders who have contributed in anyway to date.    Please continue to support our local entities  as they have helped  to make this dream Playground become a reality. We are still accepting donations to make us debt free  and we would be delighted to receive any and all  amounts.  

TO DONATE:     You may

(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account: BIC-BOFIIE2D; IBAN-IE61BOFI90580332105069

(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account

(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet

If you wish to confirm your donation we would be delighted to hear from you at  millstreettownpark

Millstreet’s Very Own “Disneyland” Children’s Playground Totally Delights All

Wednesday, 12th Feb. 2020 at Millstreet Town Park on an initial visit to Millstreet New Children’s Playground delighted children from Junior Infants, Presentation N.S., Millstreet and the children from “Curious Minds” Creche gave their 100% approval to what could easily be described as our very own “Disneyland”.   While all the amazing units impressed it was the High Web Net which attracted the most attention!   And we encourage you to experience the state-of-the-art very safe bouncy floor. We met with many members of the Coordinating Committee on the bright morning and we received a wonderful guided tour from Geraldine (née O’Leary) O’Sullivan of all the magical area of this truly magnificent facility which is going to be such a superb benefit for present and future generations of young children here in Millstreet and beyond.    The very generous support received has made this possible.    While the official opening is still in the future the Playground is presently open daily during daylight hours.   Contractors Browne Brothers of Carrigadrohid must take a huge bow on completing such a fascinating facility to the very highest standards.   Here we share 22 images from our visit to this magical location on Wednesday morning.   Tap on the pictures to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Dedicated Committee Member Geraldine explains:  

“The Contractors have finished the playground, our insurance is arranged and I’m delighted to share with you that we passed and are in receipt of our safety certificate 2 weeks ahead of time. In fact the completed project is some 2 months ahead of the original finish date.  It’s great that on this Wednesday morning we are open .  So very exciting for the children. We have a few remaining thank you notes to issue.  The IRD Duhallow representative visited us on Friday and advised that they had been closely following the Playground Project on He commented on the fantastic community forum that you and your team host and support for the people of Millstreet.
He also commented on the widespread backing from the overall community was really uplifting – from the volunteers running fundraising, the variety and number of events taking place , the involvement of children, clubs, businesses and the communication updates via our community website to the public was a perfect example of the community working together for the rural development that IRD stands and strives for. He also commented that this was some of the fastest fundraising efforts for a community of our size and with the €120,000 spend we now really have a top class playground.”  Below we share 13 more images. [read more …] “Millstreet’s Very Own “Disneyland” Children’s Playground Totally Delights All”

Millstreet Pictorial Updates – Sat. 8th Feb. 2020

Here we share images of recent happenings in the Millstreet area in our regular Pictorial Updates.   Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Children’s Playground Development Project well advanced.
Millstreet Polling Station for General Election 2020 at Killarney Road on this Saturday 8th Feb..

Issue No. 11 of the very popular fortnightly Free Magazine “Discover Duhallow” is now available in local shops and outlets. Lots of photos again in this issue relating to Millstreet, Ballydaly and Newmarket…and beyond.  The magazine may also be viewed online.

[read more …] “Millstreet Pictorial Updates – Sat. 8th Feb. 2020”

Playground Donation Thank You

Millstreet Town Park Committee wish to thank  Aidan and Tony McCaul  of McCauls of Millstreet  for their very generous  donation to the Playground Project.  Great to have two generations of this long serving local business contribute to the upcoming generation of Sráiders.   If you are in business locally and wish to help get the Playground over the line  for your  future little shoppers  we would be delighted to receive any amount. 

TO DONATE: you may
(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account: BIC-BOFIIE2D; IBAN-IE61BOFI90580332105069
(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account
(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet
If you wish to confirm your donation we would be delighted to hear from you at  <>

Toddler Tractor Unit with playhouse,slide and sensory boards to feature in new Playground in Town Park


Playground Donation Thank You

Millstreet Town Park Committee wish to thank Grace O’Shea of Grace’s Hair & Beauty for her very generous donation to the Playground Project. Just like the Town Park our Millstreet businesses have so much to offer us. Please continue to support our local businesses that support the community where we live, work and play. If you are in business locally and wish to pledge a contribution to the Playground Project we would be delighted to receive any amount.

TO DONATE: you may
(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account: BIC-BOFIIE2D; IBAN-IE61BOFI90580332105069
(2) lodge cash or cheque in person at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account
(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym, Millstreet
If you wish to confirm your donation we would be delighted to hear from you at <>

“Mummy & Me ®” (or Daddy & Me) Swing on right to feature in new Playground in Town Park


Playground Donation Thank You

Millstreet Town Park Committee wish to thank  Catherine Tarrant of Tarrant Accountancy & Taxation  Services, Coole, Millstreet for her very generous  donation to the Playground Project.  The growing support from the cross section  of our local businesses is fantastic and much appreciated. If you want to join your local colleagues supporting the Town Park  we would be delighted to receive your contribution … the momentum is strong let’s keep it going Millstreet!

TO DONATE: you may
(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account: BIC-BOFIIE2D; IBAN-IE61BOFI90580332105069
(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account
(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet
If you wish to confirm your donation we would be delighted to hear from you at  <email>

Spacenet climber to feature in new Playground in Town Park

[read more …] “Playground Donation Thank You”

Playground Donation Thank You

Millstreet Town Park Committee wish to thank Niamh Twomey & her Team at Wordsworth for the very generous donation to the Playground Project. Millstreet businesses are just like our Town Park….there is something for every Sráider right on our doorstep. Please continue to support our local businesses as they rally behind the Playground Project.
If you are in business locally and have the capacity please consider making a contribution today.
TO DONATE: you may
(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account: BIC-BOFIIE2D; IBAN-IE61BOFI90580332105069
(2) lodge cash or cheque in person at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account
(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym, Millstreet

If you wish to confirm your donation we would be delighted to hear from you at <email>  [read more …] “Playground Donation Thank You”

Playground Donation Thank You

Millstreet Town Park Committee wish to thank Shane Tarrant of Shane Tarrant Building & Carpentry for his very generous donation to the Playground Project. Please continue to support our local businesses to allow them give back to Sráid an Mhuilinn. We are getting closer with groundworks already underway this week. If you want to help us with the ever decreasing balance required to complete the Playground Project please consider making a contribution today.

TO DONATE: you may
(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2
(2) lodge cash or cheque in person at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account
(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym, Millstreet

If you wish to confirm your donation we would be delighted to hear from you at <>

[read more …] “Playground Donation Thank You”

Work to Begin on New Children’s Playground Tuesday 21st Jan. 2020

Work will begin on the New Children’s Playground on Tuesday, 21st Jan. 2020. Consequently the Playground will be CLOSED for the next few weeks during construction. Local support for this all-important project has been truly encouraging and uplifting. Tap on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)

Playground Donation Thank You

Millstreet Town Park Committee wish to thank all  the Coleman Family of Colemans Millstreet Kia & New Holland and  Colemans Centra 

for their very generous  donation to the Playground Project.    If you are in business locally and want to help deliver the new Playground in time for Summer 2020 we would be delighted to receive any financial contribution. Come on Sráiders let’s  make this happen and enhance  our fantastic amenity – our Town Park – even further!

TO DONATE: you may

(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2

(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account

(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet

If you wish to confirm your donation we would be delighted to hear from you at  <email>


Playground Donation Thank You 

Millstreet Town Park Committee wish to thank Kevin Hickey of  Kevin Hickey Auto Repairs  for his very generous donation to the Playground Project.  Great to have another local business continue to support our Town Park into the New Year.  If you are in business locally and want to help us reach our goal of launching the brand new Playground in time for Summer 2020 we would be delighted to receive any financial contribution.. every little helps.

TO DONATE: you may

(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2
(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account
(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet

If you wish to confirm your donation we would be delighted to hear from you at  <>

[read more …] “Playground Donation Thank You “

Playground Donation Thank You

Millstreet Town Park Committee wish to thank William & Claire O’Leary of  Munster Fire & Safety  for their very generous donation to the Playground Project.  Great to have another local business show their support for our Town Park. Come on all Sráiders in business in town we would welcome all your support!  It’s not too late to make a Christmas contribution.  🎅

TO DONATE: you may
(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2,
(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account, or
(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet.

If you wish to confirm your donation we would be delighted to hear from you at <>

Playground Funding: IRD LEADER Success 

Millstreet Town Park Committee are delighted to share the publication below by IRD Duhallow officially announcing the signing  of contracts for EU Leader funding of  €55,455.41 towards the Playground Project.

Our shortfall is ever reducing and we have now crossed the €100,000 mark of the €120,000 required.  Please continue to support the ongoing fundraising happening locally so that we can ensure the new Playground is in place for Summer 2020

TO DONATE:   If you wish to make a personal or business donation you may

(1) lodge Online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2

(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account

(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet

If you wish to confirm your donation we would be delighted to hear from you at []

Little Luke O’ Sullivan to the forefront of the Millstreet Group, with Geraldine O’Leary, Noel Collins, Jerry Lehane and Denis Hickey, Councillor Bernard Moynihan, Councillor Gerard Murphy, Mary Hayes, Cork County Council, and Conor Judge, Maura Walsh and Anne Maria Bourke of IRD Duhallow.

[read more …] “Playground Funding: IRD LEADER Success “

Playground Donation Thank You

Millstreet Town Park Committee wish to express their sincere gratitude and thank Jerry Casey  of  Casey  Construction  for a significant donation to the Playground Project.  Come on Millstreet entrepreneurs and show your local business spirit like Casey Construction!  TO DONATE:   If you are in business locally or just like swings and slides and wish to make a donation you may

(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2

(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account

(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet

If you wish to confirm your donation we would be delighted to hear from you at  (

[read more …] “Playground Donation Thank You”

Playground Funding: Thank you 

Millstreet Town Park Committee wish to express their sincere gratitude and thank Kevin & Ronan Lucey of Lucey Motors Charleville for their substantial  donation towards the new Playground. It’s great to see Millstreet businesses now supporting the Playground Project for all our little Sráiders.

Come on Millstreet let’s get behind this and make a brand new Playground happen for Summer  2020.

TO DONATE:   If you are in business locally and wish to make a financial contribution to the Playground Project, you may:  [read more …] “Playground Funding: Thank you “

Playground Funding: Please Donate, Upcoming Events & Thank You

At their most recent  meeting Millstreet Town Park Committee formally resolved to express their sincere gratitude and thank the following for their donations towards the proposed new Playground:

  • Millstreet Athletic Club  for a contribution of €500  in addition to their annual club subscription.
  • Cinnamon Café  for the fantastic coffee morning which raised a whopping  €1,740.  All cake and coffee costs were met by Cinnamon and on their day off too! Thank you Anna, Daria and Ella.
  • Aghinagh Macra an Feirme for a contribution of €50
  • Airtricity for a grant of €1,500
  • Cork County Council for a grant of €1,000 for new Playground  seating made fully from recycled materials.

Upcoming Events

  • Health & Wellbeing Day in the GAA Hall on Saturday 30 November from 11am to 2pm.  Some of the confirmed exhibitors on the day are Mindfulness with Aedamur Kelly, Nutrition with Aidan O Sullivan, Aromatherapy with MariCarmen, Kathleen McAuliffe Healing, Irina Infinite Arts, Capabu, The Sibly Foods.  Keep an eye out for further details and please support.
  • Millstreet  Community Council to donate  all profits from upcoming  Millstreet 2020 Calendar to the Playground Project.  A great gift for Sráiders  at home and overseas! Available in local outlets soon.
  • Presentation Convent Girls and Scoil Mhuire Boys National Schools to hold their own fundraisers.  Great to see the children getting involved in fundraising for their new Playground. Thank you to principals Joan O’Mahony and Frank O’Connor and Parents Association representative Claire Twomey for this initiative.
  • Millstreet Coursing Club to hold a quiz night with half of the proceeds to be donated to the Playground Project – details to follow.

We have almost reached the half way point with the fundraising and grants secured to date. Let’s keep it going Millstreet and make our Playground Project come alive  in 2020.

TO DONATE:   If you wish to make a financial contribution to the Playground Project.

(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2

(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account

(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FÁS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet.

If you wish to confirm your contribution  or hold your own fundraiser we would be delighted to hear from you at  <>  [read more …] “Playground Funding: Please Donate, Upcoming Events & Thank You”

Most Impressive Fundraising Cheque Presented at “Cinnamon”

A hugely impressive cheque of €1,740.00 – the result of last Sunday Morning’s Fundraising Coffee Event at “Cinnamon” in West End, Millstreet was presented by the Staff to Officers of Millstreet Town Park Committee in aid of the Upcoming Development of the Children’s Playground in the Town Park. From left: Geraldine O’Sullivan (née O’Leary), Daria Baksalary, Elzbieta Szafran, Anna O’Shea and Denis Hickey. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

[read more …] “Most Impressive Fundraising Cheque Presented at “Cinnamon””

Playground Funding: Cinnamon Coffee Morning on Sunday

Millstreet Town Park Committee  would like to thank Anna, Daria and Ela of Cinnamon Cafe  for kindly giving up their time (and on their day off!) next Sunday 27 October to host a coffee morning in support  of the Town Park Playground project.  Fantastic community spirit  ladies – thank you.  Please see full notice below

If coffee,cake and chats are not your thing remember TO DONATE you may

(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2
(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account
(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet.

If you wish to confirm your contribution  or hold your own fundraiser we would be delighted to hear from you at <>

[read more …] “Playground Funding: Cinnamon Coffee Morning on Sunday”

Playground Funding: Please Donate & Thank You

At a recent meeting Millstreet Town Park Committee formally resolved to express their sincere gratitude and thank the following for their donations towards the proposed new Playground

  • Mr Patrick W O’Leary of Louisville, Kentucky, USA for  a personal donation of €500. Patrick’s great grandfather hailed from Millstreet. Patrick is very proud of his Irish heritage and is a huge supporter of all things Millstreet since he first visited our Town in 2013 and returning 5 times, most recently in September. Patrick has kindly opted to have his donation published in the hope that it will encourage other “Sráiders” at home and abroad to make a donation to the Playground project.
  • Millstreet Pitch n Putt Club  for a contribution of €500  in addition to their annual club subscription.
  • Irina Popova and Justyna Marynowska of Infinite Arts Centre  who have already raised €240 from their Saturday morning  Yoga workshops.  The final fundraising workshop takes place  Saturday 19th October 9-11am in the Parish Centre.   Places are still available so don’t be shy to be a Yogi!
  • Millstreet Community Council, Millstreet GAA Club, Millstreet Juvenile GAA Club and Millstreet Camogie Club who have rallied together and kindly forfeited the most recent instalment due from the Local Lotto  sales in support of the Playground Project resulting in an additional €12,000 being donated.

We are still a long way short from the money needed so we are again calling on all Sráiders to dig deep and make whatever contribution you can … every little helps.

We will continue to keep you posted on upcoming fundraising initiatives and progress on grant applications.

TO DONATE:   If you wish to make a financial contribution towards the funding for a new playground for our Town Park you may

(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2

(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account.

(3) send a cheque payable to “Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FÁS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet.

If you wish to confirm your contribution  or hold your own fundraiser we would be delighted to hear from you at <>

[read more …] “Playground Funding: Please Donate & Thank You”

Yoga Fundraiser New Town Park Playground

Millstreet  Town Park Committee would like to sincerely thank Irina Popova of Infinite  Arts who is generously giving her time with this initiative contributing to the funding of the proposed new  Playground – see  Irina’s post below for details.   Please support this great community spirit.

If you’re not of the Yoga persuasion and  wish to make a financial contribution for  a new playground in our Town Park you may:

  1. lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2D
  2. lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account
  3. send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FÁS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet.

If you wish to confirm your contribution  or hold your own fundraiser we would be delighted to hear from you at  <>

Plans for the new Children’s Playground:
[read more …] “Yoga Fundraiser New Town Park Playground”

Millstreet Playground Update

Millstreet Town Park Committee would like to respond to the comments, regarding the refurbishment of the playground :

Firstly, in relation to having exercise equipment close to the playground – we currently have 6 exercise machines within 30 metres of the playground. As these machines are for use for 14-year old and older, we feel that they would be used by children if they were any closer.

Regarding grants from Cork County Council, Millstreet Town Park are very grateful to Cork County Council for the current grant of €14,000, and for previous grants of €3,000 for the installation of the bollards, and €15,000 towards the fitness equipment. Please note that we are currently working with Cork County Council for a Clár grant to the value of €50,000.

Finally, regarding the request for a zip wire, this has been discussed at our meetings, and we hope to put one in place by 2021. There is a lot more we would like to do, but unfortunately, we cannot afford it at the moment.

Finally, we appeal to people to please continue supporting the local lotto, as this is our main source of income, and the future of our Town Park depends on it being supported.  [read more …] “Millstreet Playground Update”

Plans for the new Childrens Playground

Millstreet  Town Park Committee are pleased to share below the proposed plans for our next project a full refurbishment of our children’s playground (last overhauled over 25 years  ago) for the benefit of our  growing population of under twelves.

We want to bring our playground in line with the rest of our fantastic amenity and make it a fun, healthy, inclusive and safe place for all our little people.  This upgrade is set to cost approximately €120,000.   On average our yearly income for the total running of the   Town Park grounds is €15,000 (Local Lotto and club subs) with annual recurring costs of a minimum of €8000, on insurance, gym equipment maintenance and machine repair alone.

We have secured a grant of €14,000 from  Cork County Council, subject to completion of  the works, and are making progress on further funding.  However, we still face a significant shortfall.  We are therefore calling on all “Sraiders”, past and present, at home and away and all users of our fantastic Town Park,  to dig deep and make whatever financial contribution you can to support this  project.


If you wish to make a contribution you may:
(i) lodge directly online to Millstreet Town Park Committee back account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2D, or
(ii) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park Committee” care of FÁS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet.

We will also shortly be appealing to the local businesses  in Millstreet for assistance with the financing of this project.  With help from right across our community we hope to get this refurbishment underway.

If you wish to confirm your contribution and  share your story of growing  up down the Lawn we would be delighted to hear from you at  <>

Finally, without  the  additional financial support from you,  the  people of Millstreet, we fear for the future viability of the playground in its current condition for the children of Millstreet – the future of our community.

Thank you
Millstreet Town Park Committee
Chairman Denis  Twomey, Secretary Denis Hickey, Treasurer Geraldine O’Leary

Primary School Sports 2019 at Millstreet Town Park on Monday

Blessed with wonderful weather in Millstreet Town Park this Monday, 17th June 2019 – the Annual School Sports were thoroughly enjoyed by the many pupils from a large number of Primary Schools.   Organised by Millstreet Athletic Club the annual event was a tremendous success.  We recorded lots of images of the athletic efforts of the energetic children and will share these later.   Here we view the School with the highest accumulative score this year – Derrinagree N.S..   We also illustrate a number of items found at the end of the event which may be claimed by phoning Maeve on 087 261 7001 . Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Derrinagree N.S. Winners

These five items found after the event.

Cork G.A.A. Mile Challenge in Town Park on Satruday at 11:00am

Kevin runs One Mile Challenge on Town Park

Champion fundraiser Kevin Donovan has taken on the huge challenge of running one mile in every GAA Club in County Cork. That is 156 fields, Kevin will run around the GAA ground at Millstreet Town Park on this Saturday (8th June 2019)  at 11am in a Millstreet GAA jersey.

We thank John Tarrant for alerting us to this important event. Click on the Poster to enlarge. (S.R.) 

The novel venture is in aid of the Cork Deaf Association and Parkinson’s Association of Ireland. Come along after the Féile Hurling game, join in and run or just cheer on Kevin.


Kevin’s Cork GAA Mile Challenge in Duhallow this Saturday entails visits to Castlemagner(9.15am), Millstreet(11am), Dromtariffe(12.30pm), Cullen(2.30pm) and Knocknagree(4pm).



Millstreet Town Park News Update April 2019

We thank Denis Hickey of Millstreet Town Park Committee for the following update.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Millstreet Town Park Committee is made up of volunteers who maintain and upkeep the facilities within the park. Over the last couple of years, we have put in a tarred walkway, water feature, outdoor fitness equipment, picnic area, etc. Our income is mainly from the weekly lotto and some grants. Please continue to support the local lotto. On average our yearly income is approximately €15,000 – with an annual outgoing of a minimum of €6,000, which goes on insurance, gym equipment maintenance, machine repair, etc. Our next planned project, which we have been working on for the last 12 months, is to upgrade the playground, which will cost approximately €120,000.
To-date we have received a grant of €14,000 towards the cost of the playground from Cork County Council, we are working with IRD Duhallow and Cork County Council(Clar) for further grants. We currently have €16,000 in our own funds and the €14,000 from Cork County Council, we still have a shortfall of €90,000. With the local elections looming, we are appealing to people to ask the candidates for their help to get grants for the playground.We are asking people for suggestions for fundraising. Any suggestions can be given to chairman Denis Twomey, secretary Denis Hickey, treasurer Geraldine O’ Leary or any other member of the Town Park Committee.   See below the construction of the Playground in 1993 (from Millstreet Museum Pictorial Archives)…… [read more …] “Millstreet Town Park News Update April 2019”