Millstreet Vintage Club upcoming Events for your Diary over the next Couple of Months.

Millstreet Vintage Club upcoming Events for your Diary over the next Couple of Months.

Sat Evening June 22nd Summer BBQ Run leaving Millstreet at 6.45pm – Details Willie Fitzgerald on 087 2229874.

Sunday June 30th Circuit of Ireland Revisited leaving Dromtariffe Hall at 11.30am – Details Donie Lucey on 086 8545873.

Sunday July 28th Charity Truck Run for Aer Ambulance Service leaving K and L Depot at 12 Noon – Details Daniel Lucey on 086 8680807.

Royal Welcome for Air Ambulance Helicopter in Millstreet

On Sunday, 2nd June 2019 a royal welcome was accorded to the magnificent Air Ambulance Helicopter with its Pilot John Murray and Project Coordinator John Kearney at Millstreet Town Park.   The magnificent event was superbly organised by Millstreet Vintage Club who also invited many Truck Owners to park nearby – all arranged to officially launch the fundraising (for the Air Ambulance) Truck Run which takes place from the K&L Complex on Sun. 28th July 2019.   Here we share just five of many more images (to follow later) from Sunday’s most successful event.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) [f] [read more …] “Royal Welcome for Air Ambulance Helicopter in Millstreet”

Promoting Sunday’s Helicopter Landing in Town Park

We thank Donie Lucey, Chairman, Millstreet Vintage Club for alerting us to the various promotional posters in place throughout the area in advance of Sunday’s Helicopter Landing in Millstreet Town Park.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Promoting Sunday’s Helicopter Landing in Town Park”

Millstreet Vintage Club Tractor Run on next Sunday May 12th in aid of Cullen Pipe Band,

Millstreet Vintage Club Tractor Run on next Sunday May 12th,Nice Scenic Route,Sign on at Cullen GAA Grounds from 11am,Take off at 12 Noon,Run finishing in Millstreet,€20 per Tractor,Proceeds in aid of Cullen Pipe Band,
All Vintage and Modern Tractors very Welcome,
For details Contact John O’Riordan on 086 3731842 or Finbarr Hurley on 087 1134460.



Millstreet Vintage Club Charity Pub Table Quiz on next Friday March 29th

Millstreet Vintage Club Charity Pub Table Quiz Organised and Sponsored by McCarthys Bar in Millstreet on next Friday Night March 29th at 9pm,

Proceeds in aid of Local Charities,

Local Groups and Friends are asked and encouraged to field Teams for what promises to be a a Fun Night Out,Spot Prizes to be won on the Night,Table of Four €40,

For Details Contact Myra on 087 2742596

Johnny Hickey Memorial Spring Car Run on Tommorrow Sunday March 24th

Millstreet Vintage Club Johnny Hickey Memorial Spring Car Run on Tommorrow  Sunday March 24th next,Johnny was a Founding Member and former Chairman of Millstreet Vintage Club and was a highly Respected Person both in the Club and beyond so its a pleasure for Millstreet Vintage Club to be holding the Inaugural Johnny Hickey Run,The Millstreet Pipe Band will lead off the Run from the Square in Millstreet and this will be very appropriate as Johnny was a very active and Enthusiastic Member of the Pipe Band,a Nice Scenic Route has been laid on with Sign on at the Wallis Arms Hotel from 10.30 am and take off at 12 Noon,Johnny Hickey Memorial Cup up for grabs for Best Car on the day,we will be returning back to Millstreet for the conclusion of the Run with Dinner at the Wallis Arms Hotel for more details Call Bernard on 087 7924406, Willie on 087 2229874 or Denis on 087 2033350.

Millstreet Vintage Club’s Cheque Presentation to Cork Simon

Margaret O’Sullivan representing Cork Simon was greatly impressed with the truly substantial cheque which was presented by Millstreet Vintage Club on Friday night, 22nd Feb. 2019 in the Wallis Arms Hotel as a result of the excellent fundraising event of Coffee, Cars and Chat which was held at the Wallis Arms Hotel and which brought over forty vintage cars on show in The Square that Sunday.  The cheque for €1,930.70 was presented by Chairman Donie Lucey who expressed his delight at the generous amount collected for such a praiseworthy cause which was initially suggested by Club Member, Declan Ryan P.R.O. Bernard Crowley also outlined the very full programme planned for this year by Millstreet Vintage Club.  A special radio feature on tonight’s event will be broadcast on Cork Music Station on “Radio Treasures” on Tues. 12th March at 10pm.  Here we share a variety of images from tonight’s presentation.  Click on the pictures to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Margaret O’Sullivan is pictured in centre front row.
Donie Lucey presents Margaret O’Sullivan with the very impressive cheque.

[read more …] “Millstreet Vintage Club’s Cheque Presentation to Cork Simon”

Red Bull World Series Racing Car coming to Millstreet on Sunday Feb 24th

The Red Bull World Series Racing Car will be on Display in Millstreet at the Millstreet Vintage Club Cars Coffee and Chat Morning at the Wallis Arms Hotel Millstreet which will be held on Sunday Feb 24th from 11am to 3pm.

Dont miss the chance to see a most unique and iconic Racing Car in the Flesh,this is the only Model of this Car in existence in Ireland.

As always all Vintage,Classic & Retro Cars/Bikes/etc are very welcome to attend the Coffee Morning

For More Details Contact Donie Lucey on 086 8545873.

Wonderful Reaction to Vintage Interviews on “Radio Treasures”

Sincere thanks for the wonderfully positive reaction to our 10pm Interviews last night on “Radio Treasures” on Cork Music Station where the focus was on the recent fundraising event by Millstreet Vintage Club in aid of Cork Simon Community.   Here we share some seven more images from the very impressive occasion.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Dan, Pat and Declan were all interviewed on the programme.
Members of Millstreet Vintage Club pictured with Interviewees Supreme from Castlemartyr Vintage ClubJason, Eric, Martina and Pat.

[read more …] “Wonderful Reaction to Vintage Interviews on “Radio Treasures””

Millstreet Vintage Club Cars,Coffee and Chat Morning in aid of Cork Simon Community on Sunday Jan 20th

Millstreet Vintage Club are holding a Cars, Coffee, and Chat Morning in aid of the Cork Simon Community, in the Wallis Arms Hotel  Millstreet on tommorrow Sunday Jan 20th All Vintage, Classic, & Retro Cars/Bikes/etc/Members of the General Public are very welcome, so why not come along on the day if you are free and support a great Cause in Cork Simon Community. The Event kicks off at 11am. Contact Donie Lucey on 086-8545873 for more details. New Members are always Welcome to join the Club.


Millstreet Vintage Club Celebrates Christmas 2018

Assembling at Corkery’s Bar, West End, Millstreet on the evening of Saturday, 8th Dec. 2018 members of Millstreet Vintage Club enjoyed a very pleasant evening of chat and refreshments and reflecting on a most successful year during which the Club presented a number of substantial cheques to various praiseworthy causes.  In fact a further cheque is scheduled to be presented to C.A.R.T. (Carriganima Area Rural Transport) in The Pub at Carriganima on Sat. 15th Dec..  Below we share an image from the Christmas Get together.  Click on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.) 

Millstreet Vintage Club Christmas Party this Saturday Night Dec 8th,Everybody Welcome.

Millstreet Vintage Club Christmas Party is happening on this Saturday Night Dec 8th at Corkerys Bar in Millstreet, Kicks Off from 9pm. Everybody Welcome.

Millstreet Vintage Club upcoming Events

Following on from Millstreet Vintage Clubs first ever Weekend Away/Car Run to West Cork/ Bantry held over the past Weekend the Club have a number of important Events happening in December and into the New Year listed below.

Millstreet Vintage Club Christmas Party on Saturday Night Dec 8th at Corkerys Bar in Millstreet, Kicks Off from 9pm. Everybody Welcome.

Presentation of the Proceeds from the Recent Tractor Run for CART organised by Millstreet Vintage Club will be held at the Pub in Carriganima on Saturday December 15th at 9pm Refreshments will be served,Everybody Welcome.

Millstreet Vintage Club Annual AGM will take place on Thursday 10th January 2019 in the Millstreet Parish Centre at 8.00pm sharp. All Club Members please Attend and anyone out there interested in Vintage/Classic Cars/Bikes and Tractors are more than welcome to come along to the Meeting and join our Club.

Some Pictures below from a Great Weekend in West Cork and images of the upcoming Events/Meetings the Club are hosting.

CART Charity Tractor Run on Sunday Sept 16th in Carriganima

Millstreet Vintage Club Carriganima Tractor Run in aid of CART Rural Transport Service on Tommorrow Sunday September 16th. Registration at The Pub Carriganima from 10.30 am. Run starting at 12 noon sharp. Nice local scenic route. Refreshments afterwards at The Pub in Carriganima. Contact Sean on (087)2600640, or Dan on (087)2452569 for details.

Hugely Successful Autumn Car Run 2018 Blessed with Ideal Weather Conditions

Superbly coordinated by Luke Hurley and his wonderfully dedicated Team in Millstreet Vintage Club the Autumn Car Run was a magnificent success on Sunday, 9th Sept. 2018.  Visiting the Top of Coom with its exquisite scenery and royal welcome followed by a most memorable visit to Gougane Barra the event, blessed with ideal weather, ended with an excellent meal at “The Auld Triangle” Macroom.  Here we share just three of the many images we recorded  – a selection of which we shall later feature – just to whet the appetite for our full coverage of the most enjoyable event.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Preparing for the Autumn Vintage Car Run splendidly coordinated by Luke Hurley (sixth from left).
Reaching Gougane Barra we meet the youngest person to participate in the Autumn Run.
All ready to begin the Autumn Vintage Car Run 2018 – From left: Patrick W. O’Leary, Louisville, Kentucky, USA;  Ita Fitzgerald, Cullen;  Donie Lucey, Derrinagree.

[read more …] “Hugely Successful Autumn Car Run 2018 Blessed with Ideal Weather Conditions”

Millstreet Vintage Club Autumn Car Run on tommorrow Sunday Sept 9th

Millstreet Vintage Club Autumn Car Run on tomorrow Sunday Sept 9th. The Run is open to all types of Vintage and Classic Cars. Organiser Luke Hurley has a very nice Scenic Route laid on. Registration at The Wallis Arms Hotel Millstreet from 11am with take off at 12 Noon. Stop for Tea Break at the  Highest Pub in Ireland the Top of Coom Pub and a short stop in Gougane Beara with optional dinner at the finish in The Old Triangle in Macroom. For more details on the Run Contact Luke on 086 8805437.

[read more …] “Millstreet Vintage Club Autumn Car Run on tommorrow Sunday Sept 9th”

Great Turnout for Millstreet Vintage Club Circuit of Ireland Stages Revisited Run

Millstreet Vintage Club and Event Organiser Donie Lucey would like to thank everyone that took part in the Circuit of Ireland Stages Revisited Run on Sunday last,the Event was an outstanding success with 80 Cars taking part,proceedings got underway from Millstreet just after 12 Noon from where the Cars made there way through some Classic Circuit of Ireland Stages like Gortnagane,Molls Gap, Ballaghbeama and Caragh Lake which were all used on the Circuit back in 1968,the Event was a Celebration of the Ford Escorts 50th Birthday and its first International Rally win over these actual stages 50 years ago,favorable Weather conditions made for a most beautiful drive through the Scenic Cork/Kerry Countryside,before the Event began Documentation and Event Sign On was completed at the Wallis Arms Hotel in Millstreet with the Event finishing back at the Torc Hotel in Killarney by 6pm where proceedings were concluded after a well earned Meal following a busy day of driving,big thanks must go out to the Marshals/Bike Marshals and An Garda Siochana who kept the Event flowing smoothly,also thanks to all the people helping out at Event Sign On,and to the Wallis Arms Hotel and Torc Hotel for the use of there facilities,Millstreet Vintage Club hope everybody enjoyed the Run and look forward to seeing ye all again very soon.

Pictures by Matthew Twomey of M2merallyphotos and you can see more of his Photos here at 

More Pictures were taken by Ray Corkery of RNC Rally Pics and you can see his Photos at



[read more …] “Great Turnout for Millstreet Vintage Club Circuit of Ireland Stages Revisited Run”

Millstreet Vintage Club Cars Coffee Chat Morning an Outstanding Success

The Cars Coffee Chat Morning held by Millstreet Vintage Club on Sunday Morning last was an outstanding success. Close on 20 Vintage and Classic Cars converged on the Town on what was a wet morning where the Group met up at Cafe Aroma for some refreshments and a most enjoyable chat. Millstreet Vintage Club would like to thank all the Car Enthusiasts who turned up on the morning, with some travelling long distances, and also the Club would like to thank Noreen of Café Aroma for supplying a great Venue and Hospitality, and also to Sean Radley, Tom Corbett, and John Tarrant, for taking time out to take photos of the proceedings. Over half the cars on display were Ford Escorts of various ages in what was a celebration of the 50th birthday of a very famous car. Below are a couple of images from the event itself:

Superb Success of Millstreet Vintage Club’s First Event of 2018

It was indeed an honour to have been present at Millstreet Vintage Club’s first exciting event of 2018.   Sincere thanks to the very dedicated Committee and Members who extended such an uplifting welcome back to me following my absence for a number of months due to beneficial treatment for my recent illness.  Photographer supreme, Tom Corbett  recorded a wonderful selection of images as well as a Live Video of the very successful event – all these may be viewed on Tom Corbett’s Facebook Page….And also Tom’s Twitter Features.   Special thanks to Noreen for providing truly delicious refreshments at the well known Café Aroma in Minor Row, Millstreet.   Such uplifting refreshments were financed by the Club and many Members also renewed their annual €10.00 Subscription providing important funds for the vibrant Club.  My heartfelt thanks to Bernard Crowley and Donie Lucey as well as other Committee Officers who extended the very kind invitation to this first splendid event of 2018.  I now wish to share a further selection of images captured this morning and afternoon (Sun. 21st Jan. 2018) which will give an idea of the wonderful atmosphere felt by all.  Please click on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.)

And we continue to share some further images below.  Please click to enlarge pictures. [read more …] “Superb Success of Millstreet Vintage Club’s First Event of 2018”

Millstreet Vintage Club Annual AGM will take place on next Wednesday 13 December 2017

Millstreet Vintage Club Annual AGM will take place on this coming Wednesday 13 December 2017 in the Millstreet Parish Centre at 8.00pm sharp. All Club Members and anyone out there interested in Vintage/Classic Cars and Tractors are welcome to attend and join our Club.

Millstreet Vintage Club supports Carriganima’s CART

A big thanks to the Millstreet Vintage Club on presenting the €1,300.99 proceeds of their Autumn Tractor Run to the Carriganima based CART Rural Transport Service Bus. Perfect weather conditions added to the enjoyment of the day, close on 70 tractors took to the road over scenic terrain to Moll Carthys Bridge for a short halt before returning to Carriganima Pub for a Barbeque and refreshments.

Co-inciding with the formal presentation was a Coffee Evening and a heat of the Millstreet Community Council Talent Competition.

Meanwhile Millstreet Vintage Club Celebration of 100 Years of Ford in Ireland reaches a climax on this Sunday with a History of the Ford Motor Company and Ford Family Film Show in the Wallis Arms Hotel starting at 3 pm.

On the progamme are interesting guest speakers and patrons are welcome to bring along their Vintage / Classic Ford Vehicle and park their prized possessions outside the Hotel in the Town Square in Millstreet.

Truly Impressive Cheque Presented by Millstreet Vintage Club

Already previous posts on our website outline the very impressive presentation occasion which took place at Millstreet Parish Centre on Saturday night.  Here we share further images kindly recorded by William Fitzgerald.  Click on the pictures to enlarge.  (S.R.)  [read more …] “Truly Impressive Cheque Presented by Millstreet Vintage Club”

Model Toy Show in Dromtariffe Hall on Sunday October 15th

The countdown is on to the Annual Model Toy Show hosted by Millstreet Vintage Club in Dromtariffe Hall on Sunday Oct 15th. The Show is always a great day out and has something for everyone both Young and Old. Watch this space over the coming days for news on one or two Celebrities that are thinking of attending and may appear at the Show on the Day. Admission is €5 and Children are Free. For more information, contact Donie on 086- 8545873, or John on 087-9230332 for details.


Millstreet Vintage Club Vintage and Family Fun Day an Outstanding Success.

Millstreet Vintage Club and Cancer Connect would like to thank Everybody that came out to Support our Show on Sunday last. The Show which was thankfully Blessed with fine weather was an outstanding success with great support on the the day, over 150 vehicles were on display and to all the people that brought out there beautiful exhibits from both near and far. We thank each and every one of you for making the journey, to all the club members who helped out and worked very hard both on the lead up to the event and on the day itself many many thanks. To everybody that helped in anyway no matter how big or small we thank you all very much, to Millstreet GAA, the Town Park Committee, and Millstreet Soccer Club we are most grateful for the use of a top class venue and facilities, without your help and support the event would not have been the success that it was. A very big thank you to all our very generous sponsors who very kindly donated great prizes for our draw. To Sgt. Paul Lynch and his team, we thank them very much for keeping traffic flow and parking facilities running like clockwork, to the Millstreet Fire Brigade Crew for providing us with their time and for giving an insight into the skills and dedication of their challenging job, to the Broomhill Tractor Build Team for bringing their Championship Winning Tractor Build to the Show, to the Millstreet Pipe Band, and to Danny and Pat of Back on Track for providing great Music and Entertainment. To all the People who turned up with exhibits, food stalls, entertainment for the kids etc, to the media who did a great job in getting the word out there, including John Tarrant of The Corkman, C103 Mallow, Website, Corkmusicstation, Seán Radley, Willie Fitzgerald, LTV2, Eily Buckley, Andrew Pollock and Team of Irish Vintage Scene, Tom Corbett and Matthew Twomey. Also thanks to the following for there help: Jerry Lehane PC, Joan O`Mahony, Sharon Lane, Noel Buckley, Declan Casey, Dolly Ring, Mens Shed, and K+L Delivieries. We hope everyone enjoyed the Day and in due course we will be presenting a Cheque with the proceeds from the Day to a very worthy and well deserved Cause in Cancer Connect.

Bernard Crowley,
Club P.R.O.

Hugely Successful Vintage Day 2017 at Millstreet Town Park

Tremendous credit is due to Millstreet Vintage Club regarding its excellent coordination of such a very successful Vintage Day on Sunday, 27th Aug. 2017 in a wonderfully colourful Millstreet Town Park.   The range of very interesting activities was most impressive – including a marvellous demonstation by Millstreet Fire Brigade Officers giving the huge attendance a splendid insight into the rescue of a “car crash victim” – also superb displays of vintage tractors, cars, bikes and trucks – excellent live music by “Back on Track” (Danny and Pat) – Broomhill Team from Coachford building a tractor in record time…And Millstreet Pipe Band added greatly to the splendid atmosphere….. And so much more.  Here we share some of the many images we captured on the most enjoyable day blessed with ideal weather conditions.   We shall share further posts on the event later.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Hugely Successful Vintage Day 2017 at Millstreet Town Park”

Millstreet News Update Sunday 27th August 2017

Some of the wonderfully dedicated members of Millstreet Vintage Club preparing for today’s much anticipated Vintage Event in Millstreet Town Park in aid of such a praiseworthy cause. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

And in Green Glens today some excellent Showjumping events at international level.


Millstreet Vintage Club Presentation to Noel C Duggan

Millstreet Vintage Club recently made a presentation to Noel C. Duggan of an Aerial Photograph of his Shop and Yard which was taken on the Night of the Club’s BBQ Run held back in June. The presentation was made by the club to acknowledge the help that Noel C. and the Duggan Family have given in providing a Parking Facility for the Vintage Club BBQ Runs over the past 3 years and also for allowing the club the use of the Drishane grounds for the most recent BBQ Run held and for the Ford Tractor 100 Celebration Event held earlier this Year. The Aerial Photograph was taken and supplied by Munster Drone Services and you can check out there work and contact them at

Pictured Below making the presentaton is Club Secretary Dan O`Riordan, Noel C. Duggan and John P. Kelleher who organized the recent BBQ Run.

Successful Millstreet Vintage and Classic Car Club Car Run and Barbeque last Saturday Night

Millstreet Vintage and Classic Car Club held a highly successful Car Run and Barbecue last weekend, the 40km Car Run started out from Millstreet last Saturday Evening at 7.00 pm, travelled firstly down through the lovely Grounds of Drishane Castle. Then it moved on to some scenic countryside as it made its way to Knocknakilla, Saint John’s Well, the Kerryman’s Table, on to a short stop in Kilcorney, from there it headed to the Eagle’s Nest, where another brief stop was had in stunning countryside with the Run finally winding its way on to the Event finish at Moll Carthy’s Bridge Bar, where a lovely barbecue with some refreshments were enjoyed by all. The weather was perfect for what was a lovely drive and the event was well received by everyone who took part.

Event Organiser John P. Kelleher and Millstreet Classic and Vintage Car Club would like to thank the following: Noel C. Duggan Hardware for the use of their yard to park and display all the beautiful cars, the Bush Bar for the use of their premises for event sign-on and registration, O’Leary’s Butchers for the lovely barbecue which was provided, Herlihy’s Centra and O`Keeffe’s Super Valu Millstreet for supplying some refreshments, Matthew and Noreen Sheehan of Moll Carthy’s Bridge Bar for providing and managing a great Venue for the barbecue and to Tom of TMC Photography, Matthew Twomey Photography, Sean Radley,Shane O`Leary of Munster Drone Services and John Tarrant for covering the Event and taking some great Photos. Also many thanks to the hardworking marshals who helped along the route to keep the event running smoothly and safely and finally to all the people who brought out their lovely motors and took part. We say a Big Thank You to Each and Everyone of You. Without your support this Event would not have been the success that it was, and hopefully we will do it all again in the not too distant future.

Photos courtesy of Tom Corbett {TMC Photography}, and Matthew Twomey  {m2merallyphotos}.

[read more …] “Successful Millstreet Vintage and Classic Car Club Car Run and Barbeque last Saturday Night”