Millstreet Vintage Club on RTÉ’s “Nationwide” Tonight at 7pm

Update: if you missed it, you can see the programme on the RTE Player here

On Sat. 1st April RTÉ’s “Nationwide” Team visited Millstreet to film over 40 Ford Tractors for a Ford Centenary feature which will be broadcast tonight (Wednesday, 12th April 2017)at 7pm on RTÉ1 television. Here we view (in centre) Anne and Dan Barry with the RTÉ Team at the conclusion of filming in the exquisite setting of Drishane Estate. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Filming took place at Lackabawn, through Millstreet Town and in Drishane.

And we feature further images from the very impressive vintage scenes in Millstreet. [read more …] “Millstreet Vintage Club on RTÉ’s “Nationwide” Tonight at 7pm”

Millstreet Vintage Club’s Very Successful Chat, Coffee and Cars…& Tractor

Pictured at Café Aroma, Minor Row, Millstreet on Sunday, 5th March 2017 some of the many Enthusiastic Vintage Participants at the Chat, Coffee & Cars Event where Noreen provided lots of appreciated refreshments including delicious freshly baked scones. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

And we share further pictures from the special occasion.  Lots more images also on Facebook of Millstreet Vintage Club. [read more …] “Millstreet Vintage Club’s Very Successful Chat, Coffee and Cars…& Tractor”

Millstreet Vintage Club Most Impressive AGM Held on Tuesday

Some of the impressive attendance at the AGM of Millstreet Vintage Club held on Tuesday, 15th Nov. in the Parish Centre beside St. Patrick's Church, Millstreet. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Some of the very impressive attendance at the AGM of Millstreet Vintage Club held on Tuesday, 15th Nov. in the Parish Centre beside St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)


13millstreet-website-16th-nov-2016-1000 14millstreet-website-16th-nov-2016-1000Newly appointed PRO Bernard Crowley will be giving lots of updates on his Facebook page as well as here on our Millstreet Website.  We share one more image below.
[read more …] “Millstreet Vintage Club Most Impressive AGM Held on Tuesday”