Remembering Fr Cornelius Justice

2014-09-27 Wreath Laying for Fr Con Justice at Mount Mellary & Fr. Francis-800“Many sincere and heartfelt tributes were paid to Fr Cornelius Justice OCSO, late of Minor Row, Millstreet, at the Mount Melleray Past Pupils Reunion Dinner in Rochestown Park Hotel on Saturday evening last – 27th September. This was the first such event to be held since his death in December 2012. Earlier in the day at a very simple and very beautiful ceremony held at Mount Melleray Abbey, a wreath was laid on Fr Cornelius’ grave by a delegation of Past Pupils led by Michael Condon and Kevin McCarthy. At the same ceremony a wreath was also laid on the grave of Fr Francis Carton who succeeded Fr Cornelius as Dean of the College in 1969. While Fr Cornelius has gone to his Eternal Reward, there is no doubt that his influence is alive and well, and living in the hearts and memories of all past pupils who knew him at the college. Ar dheis Dé raibh a n’anam” – Gerard Hennessy

More photos below thanks to John Power: [read more …] “Remembering Fr Cornelius Justice”