Concert Hall at Millstreet Community School Ready!

Everyone has heard of the Green Glens Arena but now we also have the Millstreet Community School Arena (!!) where the wonderful Gym at the School has been magically transformed into such a magnificent Concert Hall for tonight’s greatly anticipated “Party with Marty” (1st Dec. 2023) with doors opening at 7pm and the Show beginning at 7.30pm.    What a truly special night is envisaged.  Tap on the images (which Pól kindly provided) to enlarge.  (S.R.)



Discounted Tickets Online for “Party with Marty” Until Tomorrow (Sunday)

Discounted tickets online until tomorrow (Sunday)

When they’re gone, they’re gone!

Tap on the Poster to enlarge. (S.R.)

One Week To Go To “Party With Marty!”

One Week To Go To Party With Marty!
Millstreet Community School Celebration, Friday, December 1st.
Get in the mood for a night of memories with these videos of people and events over the years.  (We thank Chris Horan for this excellent update.)

Video 4-Reeling in the Years- Part 2!

Video 5- Some random snaps from MCS- 2014 to 2020

Video 6- 2010 to 2014 in MCS- snapshots!

Don’t forget, send any photos to 50 and we’ll share them!

Tap on the Poster to enlarge. (S.R.)

Preparing for MCS 50th Anniversary “Party with Marty”

To enhance the build-up to the very special Concert on Friday, 1st Dec. 2023 at Millstreet Community School we thank Chris Horan for sharing the first three “Reeling Back the Years” videos with a further five videos to be shared here before 1st December.  There’s a photo also…. and people can send in names as well as stories or photos to 50 and we shall add them to our collection.   Here are the links to the three very interesting videos relating to the past 50 years of Millstreet Community SchoolVideo 1      Video 2     Video 3

Tap on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)