2011 Census – Population Details

Population figures published in the last few days by the Central Statistics Office show that in the census of 2011, Millstreet Town had a population of 1,574 people, while 6,384 lived in the area around the town (Millstreet Rural Area).

The number of people in town is up 173 (12.3%) from 1,401 in the 2006 census. Within that there are 796 males (up 52), and 778 females (up 121). While the rural population has increased by 551 from 6384 in 2006.

The Drishane (20.4%) and Rathcoole (27.2%) areas have shown the largest growth over the five years, while there have been some loss in population in the rural areas of Skagh (-12%), Derragh (-4.5%), and Knocknagree (-4.6%).

Tables with the full figures are below: [read more …] “2011 Census – Population Details”

2007: Polish population in Millstreet

A report published in 2007 listed Millstreet as having the highest percentage of Polish nationals (14.17%)  in the community in all of Ireland. Since the recession has visited us, I know that quite a few of the Poles have returned to their homeland, but then a lot of our own younger generation have left or are going to leave for distant shores in search of work also, so it’s hard to say what the percentage is nowadays. Anyway, the short article can be read below:
[read more …] “2007: Polish population in Millstreet”