Wonderfully Impressive Bumbleance Cheque 2024 Presentation

Following the recent very successful annual Bumbleance Vintage Run from Cullen to Ballymacelligott on Sat. 22nd June 2024 organised by Cork Music Station in conjunction with Millstreet Vintage Club a most impressive cheque was recently presented illustrated below.   The great value of this highly praiseworthy fundraising event is superbly demonstrated by a special Radio Interview with Michelle and Joe Duggan of Tralee, parents of Jack who has availed on many occasions of the magnificent Bumbleance service.   We thank Bernard Crowley for making this podcast of that Interview available on the following link...Just click on the link to listen to the twenty minute Interview:  Michelle and Joe in conversation with Seán .   Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Pictured at Ó Riada’s in Ballymacgelligott, Co. Kerry….from left: Luke Hurley, Joe & Michelle Duggan with Jack from Tralee, William Fitzgerald and Bernard Crowley.
Organisers of the outstanding fundraising event, William and Ita Fitzgerald present the impressive cheque to Richie Walsh, dedicated representative of Bumbleance.
Some of the many Friends and Supporters attending the presentaion of the Bumbleance cheque on Friday, 19th July 2024.

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