We thank Pat Breen for the following information regarding www.radiomaria.ie (S.R.)
RADIO MARIA IRELAND is an Irish-run Catholic Talk-Radio Station. Established since May 2015 with the aid of the World Family of Radio Maria – with 77 Stations Worldwide. Our modern studio is situated in Ballymount, near the Red Cow Interchange in Dublin. We have already surpassed 6,000 monthly listeners in Ireland and around the world. Our mission is to help spread the Gospel message of Joy and Hope with a mixture of Prayer, Catechesis, Uplifting music, Talks, Interviews and Testimonies – all commercial free.
We broadcast 24/7. You might particularly like to join us Monday – Friday from 9am with live Morning Prayer followed by daily 10am Holy Mass. 11am Catechesis – with Fr. Eamonn McCarthy (Cloyne Diocese) our full-time Priest Director – Angelus and Midday Prayer. Live Evening Prayer at 5pm is followed by News and the Rosary prayed from the studio at 5.30pm.
RADIO MARIA IRELAND is available to download FREE by App “RADIO MARIA IRELAND” on mobile devices, FREE streaming on www.radiomaria.ie by clicking on the “LISTEN” link or on the phone via a live radio feed by calling +353 (0) 1 437 3277 (no extra charges apply).
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